Chapter 29: Girlfriend

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Lily could feel her cheeks burning from the permanent smile that had been spread across her face since the night before. All the way around the grocery store she couldn't get her mind off Chris and how happy he made her and how she just couldn't wait to be back in his arms. She didn't think it was possible to miss someone so much when you'd only seen them an hour ago.

Her smile remained the entire drive home and it widened when she saw that her driveway gates were already opened. As she pulled in she could feel the butterflies swarm in her stomach, but as she finally examined the car parked in her drive way her stomach sank and that feeling was instantly replaced with nausea and dread. That isn't Chris's car.

That's Jack's car.

She could feel the anger start to boil up inside her as she parked her car and glanced out the window to see him sitting on her porch steps. The corner of her mouth rose slightly in to a smile as she got a glance at the damage to his face. Ash had been right, Jack was a lot worse off.

The door slammed shut behind her as she climbed out of the car and angrily made her way to the porch steps. Jack stood in anticipation as he watched her approach him.

"You've got some fucking nerve" she spat as she came to a stop at the bottom of the steps, keeping a few feet distance between them.

He took a step forward as she took one back and Lily took this time to fully examine his face. He had two black eyes as well as a black and blue jaw and stiches in his right eyebrow, his nose also appeared to broken by the look of the bandages, she could also see deep cuts on his knuckles as his hand came up to rub the back of his neck.

"Lil please I just want to apologise" he said as he tried to get closer to her again, but Lily just kept moving away.

"How the fuck did you even get in here?" Lily asked as she felt her cheeks heating up in anger.

"Come on Lil you changed the code to the same as your phone passcode, you can't tell me you really wanted to keep me out" Jack spoke smugly.

"How the hell do you know my phone passcode?" Lily asked even more furious than she already was.

"Oh come on Lil don't make a big deal out of this, it's not like I ever found anything bad on it, you've always been such a good girl"

Lily instantly cringed at the name, when Chris called her that it she found it endearing and sexy, but coming from Jack it just made her want to throw up all over her porch steps.

"Jack I need you to leave right now" she fumed as her hands clenched tightly in to fists.

"Lil please just hear me out, it's been almost a week I can't take this anymore, look everything's gonna be okay alright, let's just carry on and forget this ever happened, get back to normal okay?"

Lily just stared back at him in disbelief, she had no idea how the hell he could ever believe he still had a chance with her. Like all the shitty toxic things he'd done just didn't matter at all.

"God are you fucking delusional?" She raised her voice as she started pacing, rubbing her hands down her face, "how could you think I would ever want you near me ever again, god the thought of you fucking repulses me Jack and after the shit you pulled last night..."

"So that's it is it, you've been talking to Chris, clearly he twisted what happened and he's brainwashed you against me again" Jack interrupted her with a huff.

"Wow you really are fucking insane" Lily laughed dryly, "the only one who has ever brainwashed me Jack was you"

"Lily you know that's not true" he sighed as he yet again tried to step closer, this time he reached out for her and as she pulled her arm away the sound of another engine could be heard pulling on to the large driveway.

Lily sighed in relief as she looked at the gates to see Chris's car pulling in and parking next to hers. She then looked back to Jack who now looked to be seething as he stared daggers in Chris's direction. Chris quickly jumped from the car, making sure to close the door behind him to prevent Dodger from getting out while Jack was here.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing here" Chris growled as he stormed to the steps, finger pointed accusatorially at Jack. He stopped when he reached Lily, wrapping his arms around her small frame and bringing his hands up to cup her face.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he looked her over.

"I'm a lot better now" she whispered as she clung to his biceps, instantly feeling safe in his presence.

"You've got a fucking nerve" Chris seethed as he turned to face Jack, an arm still securely wrapped around Lily's waist keeping her close, "why the fuck are you on my girlfriends porch?"

Lily's eyes widened at Chris's choice of words, although they hadn't had a chance to discuss what they were yet, she couldn't deny the feeling in her stomach. Her lips curled up into a smile as she watched Jack's expression. His whole face had turned red and his fists were clenched tightly by his side as he stared at Chris like he wanted to kill him.

"Excuse me?" Jack seethed through gritted teeth.

"You heard me" Chris fumed as he puffed his chest out slightly, gently pushing Lily to stand behind him, "you need to fucking leave now before I break more than just your nose"

"Is what he said true?" Jack asked as he stared at Lily.

"Yes it is" Lily smiled as she took a step forward standing against Chris, one hand on his bicep and the other gripping his tightly.

"You know Lily you're gonna regret this and you'll come running straight back to me, you'll see" Jack tried to sound smug but it was clear to see he was shaken up.

"I wouldn't count on it" Lily smirked.

"Now fuck off Jack and if you come back here again I'll call the police" Chris added as he pushed Lily further behind him when Jack made his way down the steps and back to his car.

Chris turned to hold Lily tight against his chest as they both watched Jack start to pull out of the driveway. Lily leant up to place a gentle kiss on his lips, part of her knowing Jack would still be watching. When they pulled away his car was gone and Chris instructed her to head inside while he got Dodger and made sure the gate was locked.

When Chris joined her in the kitchen she had two mugs placed on the island, tea for her and coffee for him. He joined her at the island, standing beside her and wrapping a reassuring arm around her as he sipped his coffee.

"I'll get on the phone to the security company that did everything at my place, they're great they'll make sure he can never get in here again" Chris spoke softly as he placed a gentle kiss against her head.

"I really don't think he'll be back after that" Lily sighed.

"Still, it would make me feel a lot better about you being here when I'm not"

Lily nodded as she leant up to kiss him softly before she pulled away leaning her forehead against his, "although I'm glad you showed up when you did, I was so close to punching him myself"

Chris let out a loud chuckle as he held her face in his hands and kissed her again. Lily melted in to the kiss as she clung to him and she felt all of the stress leave her body as she felt safe and calm and most importantly she felt at home.


A/N: I'm sorry my posting isn't very frequent this week, I've honestly been so so busy! Please vote!! Also thank you so much for 10k reads on I know you were made for me it means so much!! Also i have still not recovered from the sexiest man alive photo shoot🥵

A xx

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