Chapter 6: Backup plan

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"So is Lily coming tonight?" Scott asked his brother as he unpacked the beer in to the fridge.

"She said so last time we spoke" Chris replied coldly as he arranged a few bottles of liquor on the kitchen island.

It had been two days since Lily had stood Chris up and he hadn't heard from her since. Which was usual when her and Jack made up, he'd be all about her for a few days and no one would hear from her. Then he'd fuck her about again and Chris would find her on his doorstep crying.

He knew he should really be pissed off with her for that and he was but every time she showed up with tears streaming down her cheeks he couldn't find it in his heart to turn her away. He didn't blame Lily, it was Jack that was responsible for all this, he had Lily caught in his twisted web and Chris just wished he had a way to free her.

Now it was Friday night and Chris and Scott were preparing for a little party Chris was throwing tonight for all his buddys now that he was back home. Lily had said she would be there but whether she would actually show or not was the question.

"Have you spoken to her since she argued with Jack?" Scott asked as Chris just shook his head in response. "The usual then"

Chris just huffed as he rested his hands on the counter, his head hanging low. "I honestly just don't know what she sees in that guy Scott"

"Yeah you're not the only one" Scott rolled his eyes as he took a seat across from Chris. "You're really set on not telling her?"

"You know I can't Scott" Chris sighed as he shook his head.

"Then you need to try to move on Chris, because this moping around is not healthy, why don't you ask someone out, a date can't hurt right?"

"I don't know Scott" Chris shook his head as he moved to the fridge, taking out a beer and twisting the top off.

"Come on, just give it a go! How about the receptionist at Lily's place, Amy is it?"

"Amber" Chris corrected.

"Yeah Amber, she has a huge crush on you"

"How does everyone know that?" Chris huffed out a laugh.

"It's not like she's discreet" Scott laughed as he stood and moved his brother to the side, reaching in to the fridge to grab his own beer. "Why don't you call her invite her to the party?"

"You really think I should?" Chris asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"Yes I do. If you're not gonna tell Lily how you feel then you need to try and let her go and move on, think about yourself for once Chris."

Chris leaned his head back against the fridge as he stared at the ceiling. Maybe Scott was right and he should try to get Lily out of his system.

"I'll be back" Chris spoke as he left the room and went to the living room, pulling out his phone. The clinic was still open for another hour so he knew Amber would still be in. He dialled the number and waited for someone to answer.

"Good afternoon, Winters and Sloan Veterinary clinic, Amber speaking" Amber's voice rang through the speaker.

"Hey Amber its Chris, Chris Evans"

"Oh Chris Hi, how are you?" Amber replied, clearly shocked he was calling the clinic and not just ringing Lily's phone.

"I'm good thank you, yourself?"

"I'm okay thank you, want me to put you through to Lily?" She asked politely.

"Actually" Chris started as he took a deep breath; it had been a while since he asked a girl out, "I was calling to speak to you"

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