Chapter 2: Confused

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Chris's hands shook slightly as he made his way through the airport towards the exit. He had just landed back in Boston after being away filming Captain America: The First Avenger. Whilst he was away Lily had come to visit him on set, like she always did when he was away filming. This time though when he had seen her he had made a decision. He had decided he was finally going to tell her how he felt about her, tell her that he is so desperately in love with her that he can't bare to be apart from her any longer.

Now though as he got closer and closer to her, he was shitting himself. He was terrified that he would lose her. That's why he had never told her how he felt. To him the pain of secretly being in love with her was worth it if he still had her in his life, even if it wasn't in the way he truly wanted. But he couldn't take it anymore he had to tell her how he felt, whatever the outcome.

As he rounded the corner he felt all of the nerves and stress leave his body as he caught site of her. She was standing amongst the crowds of people with a huge smile on her face, holding up a handmade sign that spelled out 'Bear' in bright glittery letters.

Her beautiful face lit up when those deep brown eyes landed on him. He watched as she tried to contain her excitement at seeing him so she didn't draw any attention to him being there. Despite him not being massively well known at the moment, he still had fans and Lily was learning to try and be inconspicuous, trying and mostly failing.

She couldn't contain herself anymore as she pushed through the people in front of her before quickly throwing herself in to Chris's arms, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist.

"Missed you Bear" she smiled against his neck as she nuzzled her head there. She felt Chris's deep chuckle vibrate through his chest as his arms wrapped around her.

"I missed you too Bumble" he smiled as she pulled her head away from his neck and he placed a soft kiss to her cheek, his chest filling with pride at the slight blush that crept across her cheeks.

He gently placed her back on her feet, adjusting the cap and sunglasses he was wearing to stop himself from being recognised. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder as he led her through the crowd of people staring at them.

"You sure know the meaning of discreet" he laughed as he felt her reach up and playfully hit him in the chest. "Think this is one of your best yet" he smiled as he reached for the sign in her hand. Every time he returned from filming or a press tour Lily would meet him from the airport with a handmade sign. Something she had been doing since they were in school and Chris and his family had gone on vacation for a week and Lily's family had picked them up from the airport. She knew some people would think it was childish, but it was their tradition.

"Don't take the piss" she laughed as they walked through the exit towards where her car was parked.

"I'm serious, you know I love your signs" he smiled as they reached the car and she opened the trunk to put his suitcase in. He folded the sign in half and placed it in the front pocket of his back pack to put with the others later.

Chris then bent down and lifted his luggage in to the trunk before turning to Lily.

"I actually had something I wanted to talk to you about" he smiled as they made their way to the front of the car, his hands beginning to shake again.

"Oh good, me too" she beamed as she jumped in to the driver's seat and he followed taking the seat next to her.

"Oh you go first" Chris smiled politely as she started the car.

"I met someone"

*Present Day*

Chris thought back to the day that Lily unknowingly broke his heart as he put his car in to park outside his mother's house. He remembered how he felt like he'd had all the wind knocked out of him at her words. That had been when she first met Jack. He had hoped and hoped that it would be short lived, especially after he met Jack and realised that he was a huge dick. But the end of their relationship never came and for the past five years Chris has been left confused as to why the hell Lily would wanna stay with that guy.

He smiled as he felt Dodger climb his way on to his lap gently licking his face, signalling he was ready to get out of the car.

"Okay buddy lets go" Chris chuckled as he opened his door and headed up to the porch, Dodger happily trotting along behind him. He took the steps two at a time before he reached the door and pushed it open, Dodger taking off in to the house. As he closed the door behind him he heard his Mother's voice in the kitchen as she cooed over the pup.

Moving through the house he walked through the kitchen doorway seeing his Mom bent down fussing Dodger.

"Hey ma" Chris smiled as his mother stood and quickly made her way over to him embracing him in a hug.

"Oh there's my baby" Lisa beamed as she held her eldest son tightly, "I missed you"

"I missed you too Ma"

"Chris sweetie" he turned when he heard the voice and was met with Cora holding her arms out to him.

"Hey Cora" Chris smiled as he embraced the smaller woman in his arms. Cora is Lisa's best friend and also Lily's mother.

"Oh you get more handsome every time I see you" Cora beamed as she held Chris's face in her hands.

"Now Cora, don't forget you're married" Chris smirked.

"How could I ever forget" Cora rolled her eyes.

"I am here you know" Mark huffed as he entered the kitchen from the pantry, moving to stand beside his wife.

"Oh I'm only joking honey" Cora laughed as she kissed her husband's cheek. Lily looked just like her Mother, they even had the same laugh. Chris had always imagined that if they were to have children that they'd have a daughter who looked just like Lily and had her laugh.

"Great to see you Chris" Mark smiled as he hugged the man who was once shorted than him, "how was filming?"

"It was really good thanks Mark"

"Well I can't wait to see it"

The four of them continued their conversation before Chris's sisters and their families arrived for dinner, the kids going straight to play with Dodger. A few minutes later they were joined by Scott and Lily's older brother Ash.

"Look at you big famous movie star" Ash smirked as he brought Chris in for a 'bro hug'.

"Oh shut up" Chris laughed as he playfully hit Ash on his arm. Before the conversation could continue they heard pitter patter of paws on the hardwood but these ones didn't belong to Dodger.

Chris bent down as he prepared for what he knew was coming as the grey and white Husky came bounding in to the kitchen, heading straight for Chris nearly knocking him over before attacking him with kisses.

"Hey Wolf, I missed you buddy" Chris smiled as he scratched the dog behind his ears. "Where's your Mom huh?"

"She's not as fast unfortunately" Lily smiled out of breath as she entered the kitchen. Chris couldn't help the smile that spread across his face at the sight of her, but that was short lived as she was quickly joined by him.

"Hey everybody" Jack smiled as he wrapped his arm around Lily's waist.

This was gonna be a fun dinner.

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