Chapter 36: Fucking psycho

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Lily's eyes immediately shut at the sound of his voice as she had to desperately fight the urge to throw up in her mouth. She had really hoped she would never have to look at Jack's face again but unfortunately the universe seemed to fucking hate her.

"You look really good Lil"

She rolled her eyes at his comment before she turned on her heel to face him. Looking at him now she honestly couldn't believe what she ever saw in him and why the hell she let this human scum walk all over her for as long as she did.

"Jack I thought I told you the last time I saw you to leave me the fuck alone" she spat before she turned back around and continued walking in the direction of the store she wanted but to her dismay Jack didn't get the hint.

"Come on Lil, five years together and you can't even spare me a few minutes"

Lily glanced over to see a sickingly sweet smile plastered across his face, clearly this was his idea of grovelling.

"I have fuck all to say to you Jack" Lily continued walking, her steps getting faster by the second, but Jack stayed hot on her tail.

"Lily stop being so rude and just fucking listen to me"

There was the Jack she knew, the one that demanded and never took no for an answer and she would always just go along with it to make him happy, even if it made her uncomfortable. But not this time, she refused to ever compromise how she felt for him ever again. She'd spent a few weeks with Chris and already he'd shown her what she was truly worth and how she deserved to be treated and he was fixing every part of her that Jack broke and there was no way she would ever jeopardise that.

But it looked like Jack wasn't giving up without a fight.

"Lily you will fucking listen to me" she heard him growl as she felt large hands wrap around her upper arms as he forced her to face him.

"Get your fucking hands off me" Lily spat as she shoved Jack hard in the chest causing him to stumble backwards and him too loose his grip on her.

"I just needed to talk to you alone Lily" Jack tried to reason with her, his hands held up in a defence position, "fucking Chris is always with you"

"Wait what?" Lily asked shocked as it began to make sense in her head, what Jack had said when he first approached her.

'Well I was hoping I'd run into you'

"Have you been fucking following me?" Lily raised her voice and she could feel them attracting attention from around them but right now she didn't care, she was absolutely furious.

"It was the only way I could get you alone Lily" Jack lowered his voice as he looked around them, noticing how people's attention was falling on them.

"You're a fucking psycho Jack, stay away from me, if I see you again I'm calling the police" Lily fumed as she quickly turned the way she came and hastily made her way to the exit.

Keeping her head down and her feet moving as fast as they could she ignored Jack's voice shouting for her to stop. She couldn't stop or slow down knowing he could catch her up if she did. She quickly moved throughout the crowds before she made it to the door she'd come in through. When she made it across the parking lot and to her car she jumped in and immediately locked the doors. She didn't stop to find out if Jack had followed her out, she quickly put the car in drive and made her way out the parking lot.

As she sped down the street she could feel her heart beating a mile a minute and her breathing was incredibly shaky. Her hands were clutching the steering wheel so tight her knuckles turned white. She tried her best to try to regulate her breathing and calm herself down but she knew she wouldn't feel comfortable again until she made it back to Chris.

The drive seemed to go by in a blur and before she knew it she was putting in the gate code and pulling on to her driveway. She didn't even bother to properly park her car just desperate to be in Chris's arms. She took off up the porch steps and pushed the front door open before running through the entryway.

"Chris? Are you home?" she shouted as she moved through the living room.

"In the kitchen baby" she sighed in relief at the sound of Chris's voice.

When she reached the kitchen she saw him standing by the kitchen counter feeding both the dogs a treat. She finally felt her breathing begin to calm when she saw him and her hands immediately stopped shaking. She walked straight up to him throwing her arms around his torso and pressing herself up against him.

"Woah hey baby, what's going on" he replied slightly taken back as he wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"I..." Lily started as she stared up at Chris's wide blue eyes, that toothy grin plastered on his face. She thought about what just happened and how she knew it would affect Chris. She knew if she told him what had happened he'd be fucking furious and he'd go straight after Jack and she wouldn't be able to stop him. She didn't want Chris to get in to any trouble because of this, she refused to let Jack win and she wasn't going to let it get to her. Besides she's sure that Jack would leave her alone after her outburst. She didn't need to worry Chris with something that nothing was going to come of.

"I just had a bad day and I missed you" she smiled softly as she nuzzled her head in to his chest.

"Oh baby what happened?" Chris asked as he softly stroked her hair to soothe her before placing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

"Just some tough appointments today Bear"

"Oh baby I'm sorry, I know how hard it is for you, I know how much you love all of those animals" Chris replied as he held her tighter, "but just think about all of the animals you get to help and their owners, you're so incredible baby"

Lily's heart grew three sizes at his words, she loved how understanding Chris was when she was in a mood. Jack always criticised her for feeling that way, just said that it was life and she should get on with it, but Chris wasn't like that. He understood just how she felt and he let her talk about it and have a chance to vent.

As he held her close and continued to reassure her it just solidified the decision she'd made earlier. She didn't care about how long they'd been together, she wanted her life with Chris to properly start. She wanted them to live together and even though she planned to wait till Christmas she couldn't stop the next words that came out of her mouth.

"Bear I really want us to live together"


A/N: Please vote and comment!

A xx

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