Chapter 41: New Year's Eve

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A few days later Chris was doing the dishes in the kitchen when he heard the sliding patio doors open in the living room. He quietly put down the dish cloth in his hand before picking up the first thing he saw that could be used as a weapon, that being a rolling pin.

He quietly tiptoed through to the living room his arm raised above his head gripping the rolling pin. He quickly rounded the corner coming face to face with the intruder, before he let out a sigh of relief.

"Fucking hell Amber what are you doing?" he exclaimed as he ran a hand down his beard, the other still holding the rolling pin as he watched Amber who was crouched down loving on Dodger and Wolf.

"What? You said I had to be sly" she shrugged as she stood up.

"Yeah sly Amber not fucking breaking and entering" he huffed as he walked back towards the kitchen, Amber following behind, "Lil's not even here I told you that, you could've just used the front door like a normal human being"

"Yeah but where's the fun in that?" she winked at him as she took a seat at the island and Chris began to make them both a coffee.

"So tonight's the big night and we need to go through the details"

"Amber you've basically helped me plan this thing down to the last tiny details, I'm pretty sure you have it engrained in your mind by now, I know you've drilled it in to me enough" Chris smirked as he raised an eyebrow at her as he waited for the coffee machine to finish.

"Oh stop whining you big baby" she frowned, "I just want this to all be perfect for Lily, she deserves it, you both do"

"I know Ambs and I really appreciate all your help I do" Chris smiled as he placed a mug in front of Amber before he leaned forward against the counter taking a sip of his own drink.

"Are you nervous?" Amber asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah I'm fucking terrified" he huffed as he shook his head, "I'm just really worried I'm rushing her Amber"

"Chris believe me you are not rushing her, I see the way she looks at you, it's blatantly obvious how much she loves you" Amber smiled as she reached across the counter giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

"Now one more quick run through and I promise I'll leave you alone"

"Okay fine" he rolled his eyes as he took a seat across from her, "we should have about half hour before Lil comes back, she's with Jess sorting decorations for tonight"

"Okay great that gives us enough time" Amber smiled as she pulled up the notes app on her phone and Chris let out a laugh as she open the detailed plan of tonight she'd put together.

"So the New Year's Eve party is a great cover to get everyone here but we need to get her out just before the party officially starts so the classical musicians I hired can set up"

"Amber don't you think that's maybe a bit too much" Chris smiled as Amber just waved him off and continued with the plan. He would have just been happy asking her in bed in the morning but Amber and Cora insisted it be a big thing, but he knew Lily was a hopeless romantic so she was going to love being proposed to in front of all of their family and friends while a string quartet softly played Taylor Swift in the background and everything he does and will ever do is for Lily.


A few hours later and guests were starting to arrive at Chris and Lily's. While Lily was at the door greeting friends and family members Chris was pacing the kitchen as he fidgeted with his sweaty hands, the nerves truly taking over him.

"Chris you really need to calm down before you sweat through that shirt and I have to get you another one" Amber scolded from where she was stood at the kitchen island.

"Seriously honey Amber's right you need to calm down, it's all going to go perfectly" Lisa smiled as she stopped Chris's pacing by cupping his cheek and wiping the sweat from his face.

"I'm really fucking nervous Ma" he sighed.

"I know baby, but listen you and Lily are soulmates and after everything you two have gone through to get to this moment, you truly deserve this happiness" she smiled as she placed a kiss to his cheek, Chris instantly feeling his nerves calm.

"Right it's time to get her out of here before the musicians get here" Amber spoke as she moved around the island, "Jess have you kept all the champagne away from her?"

"Yes I have" Jess slurred as she drunkenly nodded at Amber who instantly rolled her eyes.

"Please don't tell me you've just been drinking for two?"

Jess snorted laughing to herself as she took another sip of champagne, gripping the flute tightly as Scott tried to pry it from her hands. Just as Amber was about to snap Lily came in to the kitchen.

"What are you guys all doing in here? Everyone's arriving"

"Oh sweetie we just realised that your father left the cake I made at home and the extra champagne" Cora sighed, "and everyone's already had too much to drink"

"Oh it's okay Mum, actually I haven't had anything yet I can run to yours before everyone else gets here"

"You sure you don't mind babe? I'm already over the limit" Chris smiled as he wrapped an arm around Lily's waist.

"Of course not, although my car is blocked in, am I okay to take yours?" she asked.

"Of course" Chris replied as he placed a soft kiss to her lips.

"Oh thank you so much sweetie" Cora smiled as she moved to hug her daughter.

"No problem Mum I won't be long" she smiled as she grabbed Chris's keys from the hook by the kitchen door before placing another soft kiss on Chris's lips, "I love you"

"I love you too baby" he smiled adoringly down at her.

"Oh and can someone please calm Jess down, she's almost drank her way through everything already"

"Don't be a spoil sport Lil" Jess hiccupped as Scott still tried to wrestle the glass from her hand, for someone so drunk she sure was strong.

"Right I'll be like half an hour tops" Lily smiled as she quickly made her way to the door. She shrugged on her coat before leaving through the front door and rushing down the porch steps.

"Right let's get everything set up before she gets back, does everyone know what they're doing?" Amber asked the room and everyone nodded, "great now get moving"

"You know you're incredibly sexy when you're being bossy" Ash smirked before Amber slapped his arm and ushered him to work.

Meanwhile Lily hummed along to the radio as she pulled out of her driveway and made her way down the street towards her Mum's. She slowed down as she approached the red light, coming to a stop at the junction. She tapped her fingers along the steering wheel to the beat of the song as she waited for the light to turn green. As soon as it did she pulled into the junction, but just before she cleared it she turned her head and saw bright headlights heading straight for her. She watched as a car came barrelling in to the side of her before everything went black.


A/N: Hey guys so I'm back, I'm sorry it's been so long I've had some personal stuff going on and things have been so hectic it's been too much for me to find time to write. To be honest I wasn't sure I was even going to continue but I really wanna get this story finished, I'm sorry the chapters short but I hope you all enjoy it!

A xx

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