Chapter 18: Did you kill him?

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Lily smiled brightly when she spotted her parents among the crowd. She ran over to them and instantly threw her arms around her mother

"Oh my baby I'm so proud of you" Cora praised as she hugged her daughter tightly.

"Thanks Mum" Lily smiled as she kissed her mother's cheek and noticed she was crying, "Mum are you crying?"

"Yes and don't you dare tell me I'm being silly, I'm allowed to be emotional that my baby is all grown up" Cora sniffled as she pulled away from the hug and held Lily's face in her hands.

Ever since Daisy died Cora had been terrified of Lily growing up and having to let her little girl go. She'd already suffered the greatest loss a parent could ever go through, losing a child. So she liked to keep Lily as close as she could, but now she had graduated high school and she was going off to college and she'd be out in the world alone.

"It's gonna be okay Mum, I'll be home so much you'll get sick of me" Lily laughed as she placed another kiss on her mother's cheek.


"Well done kiddo" Mark beamed as he wrapped Lily tightly in his arms and she nuzzled her head in her father's chest.

"Thanks Dad" Lily smiled as she looked up to her father who had let a tear slip down his cheek.

"Oh no not you as well" Lily chuckled as she pulled away.

"Oh piss off" Mark huffed as Ash, Scott and Lisa joined the group. Cora and Mark moving to congratulate Scott who was also graduating.

"Congratulations honey" Lisa smiled sweetly as she embraced Lily, "I'm sorry Chris couldn't make it"

"It's okay" Lily smiled sadly as they pulled away, "I know he's busy in New York I get it, I'll see him soon"

"Maybe sooner than you think" Ash smiled knowingly as he nodded in the direction behind Lily.

Lily turned quickly and amongst the crowd of people she spotted him. Chris was weaving in and out of the mass of bodies, making his way towards them. Lily smiled brightly as she watched him, he was carrying a huge bouquet of wild flowers, mostly Daisies. Lily quickly took off running towards him and jumped straight in to his arms. Chris somehow managed to catch her and not drop the flowers he was holding.

"You came" she smiled as she nuzzled her head in to the crook of his neck.

"Always" He squeezed her tight as he took in her scent, lavender and honey. God he had missed her so much, four months was far too long to go without seeing her.

"These are for you" Chris smiled as he reluctantly set her back on her feet and handed her the flowers.

"My favourite" Lily beamed as she stood on her tip toes to plant a kiss on his cheek; somehow he'd gotten even taller in the last few months since she'd seen him.

"Congratulations Bumble, I'm so proud of you" Chris smiled as he pulled Lily in for another hug, "Daisy would have been so proud of you too" he whispered in her ear before he pulled away.

Lily swallowed the lump in her throat trying to stop the tears from falling. She and Daisy had spoken many times about what their last day of school would be like; she never imagined she'd have to go through it without her. All day she had been carrying the weight of Daisy's absence around with her, but as soon as she saw Chris's toothy grin she felt instantly lighter.

"Say cheese" Lisa smiled as the two turned to see her standing there with a camera. Chris wrapped an arm around Lily's shoulder and hers went around his waist and they smiled for the picture and Lily couldn't be happier to have him there.

*Present Day*

Lily smiled as she looked down at the picture of her and Chris in her hands. She really hadn't expected him to come that day, she knew he was busy, but like always he didn't let her down. Ever since they met Chris had always shown up for her, always been there when she needed and clearly she was too stupid to realise how lucky she was to have him.

She'd been thinking all morning about whether what Jack said was true, could Chris really be in love with her? And why does that thought cause butterflies to erupt in her stomach?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Ash's car horn coming from outside. Lily put the photo back where it belonged and grabbed her purse and jacket before heading for the door.

It had been a few hours since she kicked Jack out and she was starting to feel better by the minute. She was so proud of herself for finally standing up to him, she'd never done that before and never had she been the one to end things before, it felt good. She was yet to tell any of her friends and family though, as she wanted to do it face to face.

As she made her way down the porch steps after locking the door she pulled her jacket on. When she made it to Ash's car she opened up the back seat so Wolf could jump in and then she jumped in the passenger seat beside her brother, a huge smile on her face.

"What's gotten you so happy?" Ash asked as she buckled her seat belt.

"Nothing" Lily smiled coyly.

"I don't buy it" Ash said as he narrowed his eyes at her, "oh god you didn't just have sex did you?" He asked as he made a disgusted face.

"Oh shut up, no I didn't Jack isn't even here" she laughed as she playfully punched his arm, "actually you don't have to worry about Jack anymore"

"What do you mean? Did you kill him?" Ash asked, "Because I would one hundred percent help you hide the body, you know that right?"

"Weirdly, I do know that" Lily smirked, "but no I didn't kill him"

"Oh, shame" Ash said incredibly seriously.

"I did break up with him though" Lily smiled as she watched her brother's mouth hang open.

"You what?" he asked completely shocked by what he just heard. Never in the five years they had been on and off had it ever been Lily who called it off, so to say Ash was surprised was an understatement.

"I broke up with Jack" she smiled as Ash still looked at her in disbelief, "you guys were right all along Ash, it just took me a little longer to notice, I'm sorry for the way I acted"

"Lil you have absolutely nothing to apologise for, I'm so proud of you lil sis" Ash beamed as he leant over to hug his sister, "are you okay? I know this must be a lot for you after so many years"

"I'm not gonna lie and say I'm not sad about it because I am, I spent five years with this image of Jack and it hurts that he wasn't who I thought he was, but I know I've made the right decision and I know it may take some time but I'll be okay"

"That's very mature of you Lil" Ash winked as he started the car, "also I fucking hated that guy"

Lily burst out laughing as Ash started to pull the car out of the driveway. She knew seeing her brother would cheer her up and it also solidified for her that she had absolutely made the right decision.


A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading! Please vote and comment!!

A xx

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