Chapter 33: Too Soon

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Jess couldn't help the smile that spread across her face as she watched Lily dance around her office to Last Christmas while hanging decorations. When she'd come in this morning she wasn't the least bit shocked to see that Lily had come in early to decorate the office for the holiday season. In fact she was shocked it had taken her this long, usually she's itching to put them up the moment Halloween is over.

This year though she knew Lily had a lot on her mind, but clearly she had been bitten by the Christmas bug now. As much as she enjoyed teasing Chris and Lily, Jess was over the moon for the both of them. It had been years of having to bite her tongue, when she knew how perfect they were for each other and now it had finally happened.

"Well looks like someone's in the Christmas spirit" Jess smirked as she leant against the doorway of Lily's office.

Lily spun around quickly from her position by the window where she was placing small reindeer ornaments, "Jess don't sneak up on me like that" she stressed as she covered her chest with her hands.

"Sorry" Jess giggled as she entered the room and took a seat at Lily's desk, placing down two takeout coffee cups and pushing one towards her friend, "got you a caramel hot chocolate"

"Oh you're the best" Lily smiled as she quickly grabbed the cup and took a sip, smiling to herself as she felt the warm liquid heat up her entire body.

"So how was your weekend? You seem to be in a good mood"

"It was really lovely, Chris and I decorated both houses and then spent the weekend cuddled up watching Christmas films" Lily smiled to herself as she thought back to the weekend she'd spent with Chris, she honestly had no idea she could ever be this happy.

"So that means you had lots of dirty sex then yeah?" Jess smirked from behind her coffee cup as Lily choked on her drink before spitting it everywhere.

"Jessica!" She scolded as she reached for a tissue from her desk.

"Seriously though Lil all jokes aside, I am incredibly happy for you, I love seeing you like this" Jess smiled as she reached across the desk to squeeze Lily's hand.

"Thanks Jess, I never even thought it was possible to be this happy" Lily blushed slightly as she looked down at the ground shyly.

Just then she heard her phone vibrate from the desk, she quickly grabbed it and unlocked it, seeing she had a new message from Chris. She smiled widely as she looked at the picture he'd sent her of him Wolf and Dodger all cuddled up on her sofa with the caption 'we miss you'.

"Oh god that's him isn't it" Jess rolled her eyes as she snatched the phone from Lily's hands despite her protests, "oh how sweet" she spoke sarcastically before making a gagging sound.

"Oh fuck off" Lily snapped back playfully as she grabbed her phone back, quickly firing off a reply telling Chris she missed them all too.

"So he's been at your house all weekend?"

"Yeah, when I had to come back to work today he just decided to stay there, no point in moving Dodger back and forth"

"Why don't you guys just move in together?" Jess asked like it was the most obvious solution.

"No Jess that is way too soon, we've not even been together a month" Lily exclaimed as she slumped in to her chair, "I was with Jack for years and we never moved in together"

"Yeah because Jack was an asshole" Jess rolled her eyes, "and Chris is not Jack, believe me when I say there is nothing he would want more than to have you living with him"

"You really think so?" Lily smiled sheepishly as she bit her lip.

"Yes babe definitely" Jess smiled reassuringly before looking down at her watch, "well my first appointment will be here any minute so I bet get set up"

Lily nodded as she stood from her desk, "oh by the way I don't have any appointments in after lunch so do you mind if I slip out early, I only have Chris left to buy for Christmas and I really wanna get him something special."

"Jesus Lil you're nearly done shopping already? I don't plan on even starting for another two weeks"

"Oh Jess don't say that, the OCD in me is screaming" lily sighed as she buried her face in her hands.

"What it's true? Anyway yeah that's fine no problem, I'll call you if we have any emergencies"

"Great thank you!"

Jess turned to leave before she stopped in the doorway and turned her head back to face Lily, "I do really think you should give the whole living together thing some thought Lil, I'm telling you Chris would say yes in an instant"

Lily just smiled back at her friend as she exited her office before she leaned back in her chair. Was Jess right? Was she just being silly? Did time really matter when it came to what she and Chris have? Lily was certain of the fact that he was her soulmate and she wanted to spend her life with him, so why should she wait around just because they hadn't been officially together that long? She'd known him since she was fifteen years old, he knew her better than anyone else in the entire world and there was absolutely no chance she would ever let him go, so why did time matter?


Chris turned from his spot where he was washing the dishes when he heard the front door open and close and both dogs took off running towards it barking loudly. When he heard the barking stop he assumed Lily must be home early.

"Lil is that you?" he asked as he walked through the living room to the front entryway where he saw his mother and Cora crouched down petting both dogs.

"Oh hey guys, what are you doing here?" he asked as both mothers stood from the floor.

"What we can't just stop by and see you?" Lisa quipped as she stepped forward to embrace her son, Chris returning the hug and placing a kiss on her cheek.

"I didn't say that Ma" he rolled his eyes playfully as he turned to greet Cora the same way, "just didn't expect you guys that's all"

"Well I made Lil's favourite pasta dish for lunch so thought I'd bring leftovers and your mother made brownies" Cora smiled as she handed him two dishes covered with foil.

"That's great thanks Cora, she'll love that" he smiled as he took the dishes from her and the two women followed him through to the kitchen. Chris headed straight to the fridge and placed both dishes inside before he turned to see the mothers stood by the kitchen island, both with knowing looks on their faces.

"Alright well clearly you two didn't just come here to bring leftovers, so go on out with it" he sighed as he crossed both arms across his chest.

"Well we want to know when you're going to use it son" Lisa asked.

"Lisa" Cora scolded from beside her, "we had a whole speech rehearsed"

"Oh come on Cora he knew something was up" Lisa sighed as she leant against the counter and both of them turned to stare at a very confused Chris.

"Well?" Lisa asked as if she was being incredibly obvious.

"Ma I have no idea what you're asking me" he stated as he moved his hands about to stress his point, "when am I gonna use what?"

"My grandmother's ring" Cora spoke up as she stared at the man that had been like a son to her since he was a teenager, a hopeful glint in her eyes as she saw realisation set in on Chris's face.


A/N: So I'm gonna apologise for being inactive again! I really am sorry but I've been super busy, I have got a few days off work though so really hoping to catch up on some writing for this story! Please vote and comment! Thank you so much for reading!

A xx.

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