Chapter 26: Kiss me

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The whole drive to her house Lily didn't say a word to Chris and to say he was nervous was an understatement. As soon as she pulled her car on to the driveway she parked and then immediately got out, closing the car door behind her.

Chris sat there for a few seconds just watching her walk up the steps to her house. It was the first time he had properly taken in her appearance, her hair was pulled back in to messy ponytail and she was wearing an oversized hoodie (one he was sure had once been his) and a pair of light grey sweats. She hadn't planned on going out in public tonight, but he thought this was when she looked her most beautiful, when she wasn't even trying.

Now though he watched a scowl spread across her features as she stared at him from the top step. He quickly realised she was waiting for him so he scrambled to get out of the car, the door slamming behind him.

"Take your bloody time" she huffed as she locked the car with her key fob and turned to unlock the front door. Chris nervously stuffed his hands in his jean pockets as he followed her up the porch steps, taking them two at a time.

By the time he reached the door she had it open and was already in the entryway. She was knelt down by the doorway greeting Wolf, giving his fur a stroke and planting soft kisses on his head.

"Lock the door behind you please" she said as she stood and walked off in to the house, not even looking up at Chris.

He sighed as he shut the door behind him and twisted the lock before he felt Wolf jump up at his legs.

"Hey buddy" he cooed as he gave the pup a scratch behind his ears, "I'm in for it huh" he laughed as Wolf gave him a lick on his cheek, almost as if he was reassuring him.

Chris took a deep breath as he prepared himself for the argument that was sure to come. He knew she would be mad about him fighting Jack, even if Jack did start it. Lily had always been against violence and had to stop Chris and Ash from going after Jack several times before.

He made his way through the living room and towards where Lily had gone, Wolf trotting along happily behind him. As he reached the kitchen he leant against the doorway, watching as she moved around the kitchen. She boiled the kettle as she grabbed two mugs and everything else she needed to make them both a cup of tea.

He could tell she felt his presence, but she was clearly choosing to ignore him right now. He continued to watch as she poured the hot water in to the mugs, after she'd finished she pushed his towards him on the counter before she took her own mug and went to take a seat at the kitchen table.

Chris finally slumped in to the kitchen, making his way to the island. He picked up his mug and leant back against the marble counter top. Taking a sip of his drink as he eyed Lily curiously over the rim of the mug. He still had no idea what was going on in that pretty little head of hers.

"What did he say?" she asked as she finally looked up at him with those beautiful brown eyes that had him melting every time.

"Huh?" he asked as he furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Jack" Lily clarified, "what did he say that got you so wound up?"

Chris sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest, his head dropping as he shook it lightly, "Lil we don't need to get into that"

"Yes we do" she said sternly as she stared up at him.

"Honestly Lil it was nothing I couldn't handle"

"That's not what I asked" she pressed him for an answer.

"Fine he said that you would never love me the way I wanted you too and then he said..." he cut himself off as he started pacing the kitchen, his head in his hands.

"He said what Chris?"

"He said that if any part of you wanted me then you wouldn't have spent the last five years fucking him" he huffed out as he stopped pacing, leaning his hands against the cool marble as he dropped his chin to his chest.

Lily watched as the veins in his arms bulged as he leant against the counter, she could tell that comment really got to him, but she also couldn't help the rush of heat that went straight to her core at the sight of him.

"What did you say back to make him hit you?"

"I mostly just said he was pathetic and asked him how it felt to know that the thought of his touch repulses you now"

Lily let out a small chuckle as she played with her mug on the table, "that it does"

They were quiet for few minutes, Chris still leaning against the counter, his back to Lily. As she stared down at the table she thought back to what her mother had said earlier. Could she be right? Was Chris really the one for her? All the feelings she'd been having lately only seemed to confirm that, but she couldn't help but feel terrified at the idea, mostly at possibly losing the person that matters the most to her. But giving this a shot could be the best decision of her life and she'll never know if she doesn't try.

As her thoughts ran wild around her head, she glanced up at the cabinet across the kitchen, the one that housed the photo of them together at her graduation. Suddenly as she stared at that photo from twelve years ago, everything finally became clear to her.

"You know" she started as she stood from her chair, "the past week I've been thinking that letting Jack in to my life in the first place was the biggest mistake I'd ever made, but I was wrong"

Chris turned around quickly, shock written all across his face, but he calmed slightly as Lily stood in front of him and her hands raised up to cup his face, her thumb gently brushing over his split lip.

"I know now that the biggest mistake I've ever made is not realising what I had in front of me the whole time"

Chris's breath hitched in his throat as she moved closer to him so that she was pushed up against his chest. His hands came up to rest on her shoulders as his mind tried its best to comprehend what was happening.

"I never should've ran out on you like that" she whispered as her lips got even closer to his and he could feel her hot breath on his skin.

"Lil" he let out a shaky breath as she smiled up at him.

"Say it again" she requested, "Please I need to hear it"

Chris quickly realised what she was asking for. He moved his hands up to mirror her actions and cupped her face gently.

"I love you Lily, with every bone in my body and from the very bottom of my heart"

"Kiss me" she whispered as her breath ghosted over his lips.


A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger, it'll be getting steamy in the next chapter, I'll put a warning at the start! Please vote!!

A xx

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