Chapter 45: Statement

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As they reached Lily's room Chris stopped a few feet before and he watched the Doctor, Mark and Cora walk ahead of him and straight in to the room. He felt like he was frozen to the spot, this whole time his body was aching to get to her and now he couldn't bring himself to face her, everything Jack said racing through his mind, but was broken from his thoughts as he felt Ash's hand on his shoulder.

"You know it's not true right?" Ash asked as Chris turned to look at him, "this wasn't your fault Chris, Jack did this not you"

"But what if he was right Ash, maybe if I had been a better boyfriend she would have trusted me with..."

"Hey she didn't not tell you because she doesn't trust you" Ash cut him off, "It was because she wanted to protect you, you know Lily better than anyone Chris she thinks she has to do everything without other people's help. Listen to me, none of this is your fault Chris and Lily will not think that, now you need to get over it and get in there and be with your girl" Ash smiled as he pulled Chris in for a hug.

"You know you're really good at these motivational speeches" Chris smirked as they pulled away, Ash pushing his shoulder playfully.

Chris took a deep breath as he reached for the door handle, he took one last look at Ash who offered him a reassuring smile before he turned the handle and pushed the door open.

As soon as he saw her there lying in that bed he rushed straight to her, his hand gently coming down to caress her forehead while the other took hold of her smaller two. Lily looked up at him with glassy eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Bear?" Lily croaked out.

"It's me baby, I'm here" Chris sobbed as he rested his forehead against hers, as Lily's weak limbs came up to grip his neck tightly, holding him against her. The two sobbed together as they exchanged soft whispers of 'I love you' and 'I thought I'd lost you'.

Ash came to stand beside Chris as his parents stood on the opposite side of Lily's bed. Lily pulled away from Chris slightly as she saw Ash, a smiled spreading across her beat up face.

"You look like shit" Ash smirked as he felt the tears fall down his cheeks.

"I've been better" she laughed slightly, her face creasing in pain directly after.

"Take it easy baby" Chris frowned as his hand stroked Lily's forehead gently.

"Oh my baby" Cora sobbed from her spot beside Mark as she bent down to gently hug her daughter.

"Mum I'm fine honestly, the broken leg will heal and my bruises will fade"

"That doesn't stop me from worrying about you Lily" Cora scolded as she kissed her daughters cheek, careful to avoid any bruising.

"Sorry to interrupt"

Everyone turned at the sound of the voice coming from the door of Lily's hospital room and they saw one of the officers from earlier stood there. Lily tensed up at the sight of him and Chris instantly noticed and took her hand in his, squeezing it tightly to reassure her. Since she woke up Lily hadn't want to think about the person who had done this to her, she knew eventually she'd have to give a statement but she was hoping they'd at least wait till she was out of the hospital.

"We were wondering if it would be possible to talk with Miss Winters?" the officer asked politely as he walked further into the room.

"I don't think now is the best time do you?" Chris stated as he stood up to his full height, puffing his chest out slightly, his protective instinct kicking in.

"It would be a lot better to get Miss Winters's statement sooner rather than later"

"Chris it's fine baby, I'll talk to them, whatever they need to get the bastard that did this, but I will warn you my memory is a little hazy right now" Lily smiled slightly as she tried to move herself in to more of a sitting up position but immediately wincing at the pain.

"Bumble please take it easy" Chris spoke sternly as he helped her to move a little and placed another pillow behind her back.

"Well before she gives a statement I think there's a few things my daughter should know and they should come from us" Mark addressed the officer.

"Of course Sir" the officer nodded politely, clearly understanding what Mark meant "we'll be outside whenever you're ready"

"Dad what's going on?" Lily asked confused as the officer left the room and everyone looked to Chris signalling he should be the one to tell her.

"Baby" Chris started as he took both of Lily's hands in his and she looked up to him expectantly, "we know about how Jack has been stalking you"

Lily's face dropped at Chris's confession and she felt a truckload of emotions hit her as tears fell freely down her cheeks, "I was going to tell you I swear Chris, I just didn't want to ruin Christmas and I was scared of what you'd do to him and I didn't want you to get into any trouble, please don't hate me, please don't be mad"

"Shhhh, baby it's okay, I'm not mad at you at all and you know I could never hate you" Chris reassured her as he brought up a hand to stroke her face, he couldn't help the warm feeling in his heart when she confirmed what Ash had said, that she was only trying to protect him and she didn't keep it from him because she didn't trust him.

"Did Jess tell you?" she asked.

"Yes but only because she had to" Chris sighed as he averted Lily's eyes.

"What do you mean?" she asked confused as she looked between him and Ash and then to her parents.

"Jack showed up here, while you were in surgery" Ash frowned as he shot Lily a sympathetic look.

"What why??" Lily asked as she shook her head.

"He said he wanted to know if you were okay and then he said that this was all my fault and it should've been me and not you" Chris sighed as he briefly closed his eyes before continuing, "and that's when it clicked for Jess and she told us everything"

"What do you mean it clicked?"

"Lil, the police said the car that hit you was a black Audi"

That's when realisation dawned on Lily and the flood gates opened once again, she broke down in a mess of tears as Chris held her gently rocking her back and forth trying to soothe her.

"That bastard did this to me?" she croaked out as she tried to raise her voice, "he fucking did this to me all because I left him"

"He said he thought it was Chris and he wanted to get him out of the way" Ash spoke as Chris shot him a look saying maybe he should've left that part out.

"That fucking arsehole, where is he now? Please tell me the police have him?"

"Yes baby don't worry they took him away" Cora smiled sadly as she stroked Lily's arm.

Lily didn't say another word for a few more minutes, she just sat there calming herself down as she clung tightly to Chris as he held her. She was afraid to let him go, scared that this was all just a dream and she was still in surgery, or worse and that Jack had actually killed her. After about ten minutes of silence she felt like she was ready to talk to the officers.

"Right, tell them they can come in" she huffed as she let go of Chris, but still kept a tight grip on his hand as they separated from the hug, still needing him close.

"Are you sure Bumble, I'm sure they can come back later?"

"I'm sure" Lily said confidently, "I need to make sure Jack goes down for a long time for this"


A/N: Please vote and comment! Also if you haven't already please go and give my new Andy Barber story Forgive Me a read if it sounds like your thing, I would really appreciate it!! Love you all!

A xx

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