Chapter 20: Let him down easy

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After about an hour of driving around with nothing but the soft sound of the radio in the car, they finally pulled in to Lisa's driveway. Lily took in a shaky breath as she saw Chris's car was already here.

"Lil you don't have to see him yet if you're not ready, I know it's been a tough day, I can just take you home?" he asked as he shot her a sympathetic look.

"No it's fine, it's just a lot to take in"

"Yeah I'm sure it is" he smiled as he went to open his door, but before he did he paused and turned back to her, "just one thing Lil, if you're gonna let him down, please let him down easy, he's being carrying this for a long time"

Lily just nodded in response as she watched Ash get out of the car. Was she going to let him down? She honestly had no idea. She took a deep breath before she got out of the car, then she opened the back door to let Wolf out.

She followed Ash inside and Wolf instantly ran further in to the house when he heard Dodger bark. When they reached the kitchen they were welcomed by Lisa and their mother, both of them giving the siblings a hug.

"Did you have a good birthday honey?" Lisa asked.

"I did when you guys turned up" she smiled brightly.

"So what did Jack get you?" Cora asked her daughter.

"Actually Jack didn't get me anything Mum" she was sick of not telling her family the whole truth just to protect him.

"Oh how come?" Cora asked as she tried not to sound surprised.

"Because he's an arsehole Mum" Lily deadpanned before she turned to head to the living room. She heard Ash chuckle behind her as he and the mother's followed her.

When she reached the living room she saw Carly, Shanna and Scott talking on the couch, her father was sat in the arm chair reading the newspaper and Chris was on the rug as he played with Wolf and Dodger.

She felt the butterflies in her stomach return as she watched him and she couldn't help the smile on her face. She loved watching him with them and him with his niece and nephews, he was the best uncle. She heard Ash clear his throat beside her and she looked up to see him smirking knowingly at her. She just rolled her eyes and elbowed him in the stomach. He grunted slightly which caused everyone to look up at them.

"Hey Bumble" Chris smiled brightly as he took in how beautiful Lily looked today, as usual.

"Hey Bear" she replied, feeling slightly shy under his stare.

"I'm glad you're all here because I've got something I need to tell you" Lily started as Cora and Lisa moved to take a seat as they listened to her, "erm this morning I made the decision to break up with Jack"

Everyone froze as they all stared up at her, Mark even dropped his newspaper to the floor in shock. They all had exactly the same reaction as Ash because this had never happened before. Chris couldn't help the small part of him that hoped that this had something to do with what he had accidentally let slip last night.

"I just wanted to apologise to you all for not listening to you and for the way I spoke to you all and the things I said. For five years it's like he's had me under this spell and I was blind to his shitty behaviour, but now I can see him for what he really is, which is an arsehole"

"Oh honey I'm so proud of you" Cora beamed as she stood to engulf Lily in a hug, "also you have nothing to apologise for baby, we know it was all him and not you.

"Thanks Mum" Lily smiled against her mother's shoulder.

"Oh kiddo I'm sorry he wasn't who you thought he was" Mark added in as he stood to hug his wife and daughter.

"Oh I am so glad we don't have to pretend to like him anymore" Scott sighed in relief as he moved over to give Lily a hug, "he really is a fucking dick"

"Scott!" Lisa scolded as she too stood to embrace Lily.

"What you think I'm wrong?" Scott arched his brow as he released Lily and turned to face his mother.

"Oh absolutely not, that boy was a fucking dick" Lisa shrugged as she hugged Lily, who was laughing at Lisa's response.

Carly and Shanna moved over to hug to Lily, both telling her how proud they were of her. Lily was thankful for them both, as much as she could never replace Daisy, Carly and Shanna were fantastic sisters.

"The kids thought he was a poo poo head" Carly laughed as she pulled away, causing Lily to giggle.

"Well they were right"

"I'm so proud of you Bumble" Chris smiled as he stood from the floor and moved to embrace Lily tightly. She inhaled his scent deeply as she kept her arms tightly around him, Chris's arms always were her safe place.

"Thank you Bear" she smiled brightly as she pulled away, she didn't miss how his eyes lingered a little too long on her lips and it caused a shiver to run down her spine.

"Like I told Ash I know it might take some time for me to get over this, as shitty as a person Jack is I do still have loving feelings for him. It's just confusing because those feelings are for a version of him that doesn't even exist. I know it'll be hard but I don't regret my decision and I know it's the best decision of my life"

Everyone continued to comfort her and give her their sympathy's but Chris just stood there staring at her with a huge smile on his face. She was single. He knew she was going to need some time but he was sure as shit not going to miss his chance this time. He knew he could make her happier than anyone else, he just needed her to give him a chance to prove that.

Everyone started to disperse after Lisa had to go back to the kitchen to check on dinner, but Lily just stood there and turned to Chris.

"Hey Bear, could I have a word?"

"Yeah of course" he nodded a he gestured for her to lead the way. She walked in front of him and led him through the house and upstairs to his childhood bedroom.

She let Chris walk in the room first before she closed the door behind her and then leant herself up against it as she watched Chris as he stood in the middle of the room.

"What's going on?" he asked.

He watched as Lily averted his gaze for a few moments before those beautiful brown eyes fell on him. He saw her chest begin to rise and fall more quickly as she took in a shaky breath before she finally spoke.

"Do you have feelings for me?"


A/N: Thank so much for all the love! I'm hoping to update as much as I can over the weekend! Please vote!!

A xx

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