Chapter 15: Mine

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About an hour later Carly had left and taken the kids home along with Mark, Cora and Lisa. Everyone else had gotten out the drinking games. Chris and Scott were currently loosing miserably to Lily and Amber in a game of beer pong.

Ever since the present exchange Jack had gone back to basically ignoring Lily, just fucking around with his friends and not even giving her a second thought. It didn't stop him sending dirty looks Chris's way any chance he got though.

When Chris had suggested a game of beer pong, they set it up in the corner of the living room away from all of the strangers in Lily's house. Despite them trying to keep to themselves and celebrate Lily's birthday with the people she loved, Chris was getting a lot of unwanted attention. Girls had been flocking to him, trying to get their chance to talk to Captain America, that's why they now had a growing audience for their game of beer pong.

It was a close game, each team had one cup left and it was Lily's turn to throw. She was trying her best not to let the flock of women around the table distract her, although it was getting hard as they all kept getting closer to the table just to get to Chris. She didn't know why but her body was on fire with the jealously coursing through her. Sure she'd been annoyed before when she didn't get as much of Chris's time, but this? This was definitely new.

"Come on Lil you got this" Amber reassured from beside her.

Lily quickly shook her head, clearing her mind of these new feelings and focusing on the game. She took a deep breath before she took her shot, the ball going straight in to the cup. She immediately began cheering as her and Amber wrapped their arms around each other and began jumping in a circle.

"Fuck!!" Scott huffed in annoyance as he hung his head in his hands.

Chris sulked also as he leant his hands on the table in front of him, although he couldn't help the warm feeling he got from seeing Lily so happy. He wished she could be like this all the time, if only Jack weren't in the picture.

He froze slightly as he felt someone trail their finger up his arm. He turned to his right to see a blonde woman staring right at him.

"You played a good game cap" she winked as she continued running her finger up his arm. He attempted to shrug her off but she didn't seem to get the hint.

Lily pulled away from Amber smiling widely as she looked across the opposite side of the room to the entrance to the kitchen. She froze as she saw a girl leaning against the doorway while Jack was staring down at her with his arm resting above her head. The sight instantly caused her smile to fall and she felt a pang in her chest. She averted her gaze quickly before the tears could come, but it didn't help because her eyes only fell upon yet enough sight that made her wanna throw up all the alcohol she had consumed that evening.

She looked across the table to see a blonde caressing Chris's biceps. Instantly the jealously took over her body again and mixed with the hurt and rage she was already feeling, she started to feel like she couldn't breathe. The room felt like it was closing in on her and she needed to get out, now.

"I need some air" she muttered to Amber as she pushed through the crowd to the sliding doors that led to the garden.

Amber stared after her worried before she caught sight of Jack and the girl he was talking to, realising what Lily must have seen. She quickly looked over to Chris who was trying to get away from the blonde who was still insisting on touching him.

He looked up to see Amber staring at him worried, she nodded her head towards the kitchen and then in the direction of where Lily had just left. When he looked over at Jack he instantly understood what Amber was telling him. Quickly he moved away from the blonde and the other women trying to get his attention and he made his way to the sliding doors making his way outside and pushing them closed behind him.

"Lil?" he called out as he walked down the steps of the wrap around porch and into the dark back yard. She didn't answer but he heard her quiet sniffles coming from the direction of the swing she had tucked away behind a large tree that sat in her yard. As he walked around the tree he saw her sat there swinging gently back and forth, her hand coming up to wipe away a tear. She looked up at him with sad eyes once she noticed his presence.

"You can say I told you so now" she sniffled as she wiped underneath her eyes, trying and failing to stop her tears from ruining her make up.

"I would never" he gave her a sympathetic smile as he sat beside her, wrapping his large arm around her smaller frame and pulling her in to his side. Lily gently rested her head against his shoulder, instantly she felt calmer just from being in his arms.

"I'm sorry Lil" he whispered as he pressed a light kiss to her head.

Lily was quiet, lost in her own thoughts. She was sad, angry, jealous, betrayed, but mostly she was confused. Seeing Jack with that girl had hurt, but when she turned and saw that blonde all over Chris she became consumed with jealously and now she was extremely confused why that had hurt her more than seeing her own boyfriend flirt with another woman.

"I'm the one that should be sorry" she finally spoke, "I should have never said all of those things to you at Halloween Bear, I didn't mean them"

"I know" he couldn't help the smile that spread across his features at hearing her nickname for him, "it's okay Bumble, you don't have to apologise"

"Yes I do Chris" she sighed as she moved away from him so she could see him, "this is all my fault, I've messed everything up" she began to cry again as she averted her gaze to the floor.

"Lily Winters now you listen to me" Chris spoke confidently as he reached out to cup Lily's face in his hands so she was forced to look at him, "this is not your fault, you have not messed anything up, I am still here and I always will be, you will never loose me Lily, ever. Do you understand me?"

Lily sniffled slightly as she nodded. Chris wiped away her tears with his thumbs as he stared at the broken woman in front of him. He just wanted to hold her and keep her safe and never let a lowlife like Jack hurt her ever again.

"I hate that he's done this to you. Lily you are so much better than him you are worth so much more, please believe when I say there is someone out there that will love you the way you deserve okay, god if you were mine I..." he stopped himself quickly as soon as he realised what he had said.


"What?" Lily asked wide eyed as she stared up at her best friend. As she fully took in his words, she noticed the flutter of butterflies in her stomach, that was new too.

"Erm nothing, I..." Chris choked out as he released his hold on her face and stood up quickly, "I should erm" he still couldn't form a coherent sentence as he pointed back towards the house. He took one more look at Lily before he turned and rushed back towards the house. Leaving Lily sat alone and wide eyed. She wasn't sure what she was more confused about, what Chris just said or didn't say or the way it made her feel?

What the fuck?


A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, been so so busy! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if you did please vote and comment! Thank you for all the support!

A xx

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