Chapter 30: More champagne

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The last week had been the best of Chris's life, he couldn't remember a moment that he had ever been this happy before. For years he had imagined what it would be like to finally be able to call Lily his and now that it was happening he was still finding it hard to believe.

Every morning he woke up expecting her to be gone, that this whole thing had either been a dream or she had realised she was way too good for him and had taken off. But every morning he was immediately proved wrong when he'd feel her pressed up against him.

Since last Friday night they'd spent all of their time wrapped up in each other. They still hadn't told anyone about them but they knew people were starting to get suspicious, especially Jess and Amber. While Lily had been at work she hadn't been able to contain her happiness which led to Jess constantly asking questions. And Amber hadn't seen Chris in a week because he seemed to always be busy when she suggested hanging out.

Now the pair were sat in Chris's car as he pulled on to Cora and Mark's driveway. It was Mark's birthday and everyone had been invited to celebrate at their house. Chris and Lily had decided it would be the perfect opportunity to tell their families all together and then there could be no arguments over who got to know first.

"You ready?" Chris asked from the driver's seat as he squeezed Lily's hand in his.

"I think so" Lily breathed out as she stared up at the house, "I don't know if I can be bothered with all the questions"

"I know me either, but don't worry you've got back up" he smiled softly and sent her a reassuring wink that made Lily weak in the knees.

"I swear to god if one of our mothers brings up grandchildren..." she huffed as Chris burst out laughing.

"Come on Bumble you can do it" he smiled as he placed a kiss on her cheek before he quickly jumped out of the car and ran around to Lily's side to open her door before she had a chance, internally making Lily swoon.

She jumped out of the car taking the gift bag with her dad's present inside with her as Chris opened the back to let Dodger and Wolf out. The two then walked hand in hand to the front door, Chris holding that open for her as well.

Lily stopped in the entryway as she heard voices coming from the kitchen down the hall, the nerves fully overtaking her. Chris came up beside her squeezing her hand gently as he turned her to face him. She smiled brightly up at him, immediately feeling calm in his presence.

"Let's get this over with" he smiled as he leaned down to capture her lips in a gentle kiss.

"So this is where you two have been"

They both quickly pulled apart from each other as they heard Jess laughing. Lily turned to see her stood there staring at them, a glass of champagne in her hand. Chris wrapped an arm around Lily's waist as she shrunk in to his side and hid her face in his chest.

"Scott owes me twenty bucks" Jess threw her head back in laughter and before either Chris or Lily had a chance to ask for an explanation Jess turned to head back down the hallway shouting as she went, "SCOTT YOU OWE ME TWENTY BUCKS"

Lily huffed as she pulled away from Chris and followed her friend down the hallway, Chris right behind her. They caught up to Jess just after she reached the kitchen and when they entered they saw a frustrated Scott stood by the island with his hand in his wallet and Jess with a huge smug smile on her face.

"So it's true? She beat me" Scott huffed when he saw Lily and Chris enter the room.

"I have no idea what you're talking about?" Lily asked frustrated and confused as she flung her arms about. Chris came up behind her as he chuckled lowly, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her temple softly.

"Well I bet Scott twenty bucks that you two had finally gotten together and that was why you'd been hiding away this last week" Jess smirked as she finished her drink and picked up the bottle to pour herself another.

"Yeah and I thought that it hadn't happened yet and it would be another few weeks of you both living in your own misery, but by the looks of it I was wrong" he smiled slightly as he gestured to the couple.

"Yeah you were" Chris smiled as he lifted his hand to tilt Lily's chin back and place a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Aww" Scott cooed with his hand placed over his heart at the same time Jess let out a "gross" and scrunched her face up at the two as she almost chugged her champagne.

Just as Lily pulled away and Chris nuzzled his face in to her neck, they were joined in the room by Cora who immediately gasped at the sight of the two wrapped up in each other's arms. She stood there frozen for a moment as realisation set in that the two had finally put everyone out of their misery.

"Oh my god" she shrieked as she stared at them with her hands over her mouth, "Is this really happening?"

"Yes Mum it is and..."

"LISA" Cora cut her daughter off as she turned to face the direction she came and screamed for her best friend to join them, "LISA, MARK COME QUICK"

"What is it? What's wrong?" Mark asked panicked as he ran in to the room carrying what looked to be a lamp from the living room and Lisa came in behind him.

"IT HAPPENED IT FINALLY HAPPENED LOOK" Cora continued to scream as she pointed to Lily and Chris who were still holding on to each other.

"OH MY GOSH" Lisa squealed as she jumped slightly in the air.

"Oh for fuck sake Cora I thought there was a robber or something" Mark huffed as he walked to the island and placed the lamp down.

"And you came armed with a lamp?" Jess snorted as Mark rolled his eyes at her.

"Oh this is so fantastic" Cora chimed as she and Lisa pulled Chris and Lily in for hugs.

"We're so happy for you both" Lisa smiled brightly as she embraced her son.

"Thanks Ma" Chris smiled as he pulled away and Cora pulled him straight in for a hug, Lisa grabbing Lily.

"Oh I'm so happy" Cora cooed as she cupped Chris's face in her hands, "and oh my god am I finally going to get some grandbabies?"

"Mum shut up" Lily huffed as Lisa chuckled and squeezed her shoulders.

"What? You're not getting any younger Lily"

"Oh my god" Lily stressed as she hid her face in her hands.

Chris chuckled as he wrapped his arm around Lily's waist bringing her in to his side, "at the minute I'm just incredibly happy that this finally happened for us" he smiled as he leaned down to softly capture Lily's lips causing the mums to erupt in to choruses of 'aww' while Jess poured yet another drink and quickly downed it.

"What's going on here then?" Ash asked as he walked in the door behind Lily and Chris, his hand tightly holding on to Ambers and everyone turned to face them.

"I could ask you guys the same thing" Lily replied with a smirk.

"Fine you got us" Ash smiled as he pulled Amber to him and kissed her temple, "guess this means there's gonna be some double dates huh"

Lily laughed as she walked over and embraced Amber while Chris and Ash shared a 'bro hug'. They all congratulated each other as Lisa and Cora continued to get even more excited.

"Oh there better be more champagne" Jess asked Mark as she shook the empty bottle in her hand.

"Don't worry I have a whole crate in the cellar" Mark replied as they shared a fist bump.


A/N: Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't been active the past few days, I promise I'll try get more chapters out this week, just lost my motivation a little over the weekend! But it seems to be back! Please vote and comment!! Thank you so much for continuing to read!

A xx

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