Chapter 46: Home

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Chris huffed as he pushed open the hospital room door and saw Lily yet again trying to get out of bed and into a wheelchair on her own. He rushed in placing the bag full of food he'd brought down on her bed before reaching her side.

"Lil it's only been like two weeks you need to take it easy" he scolded as he wrapped an arm around her waist, the other hooking under her legs being careful of the cast on her right one as he lifted her in to the wheelchair.

"Baby I'm sick of being stuck in that bed, Dr Johnson said I was I was healing a lot better than he expected and that I was doing great on the crutches, I think I can get myself in to a wheelchair" Lily rolled her eyes as Chris chuckled at her and bent down to give her a kiss on her lips.

"Well hopefully they'll be discharging you today and we can take you home" he smiled as he pushed her chair to sit beside the small table in the room.

"Yeah I can't fucking wait" Lily smiled up at him as she caught a whiff of the food he'd brought in, "did you bring me breakfast?"

"As a matter of fact I did" Chris smirked as he grabbed the bag from her bed and placed it on the table in front of her before taking his seat beside her.

"I ever tell you you're the best?" Lily beamed as she opened the bag and inhaled the smell before pulling everything out and immediately digging in.

A few minutes passed as they both ate in a comfortable silence before Chris eventually broke it, "so I have some news on Jack" he spoke awkwardly, slightly worried about Lily's reaction.

After Jack was taken from the hospital by the officers and Lily had given her statement, Jack had given a fully signed confession and even admitted to premeditation and stalking. They knew he had been charged but they had yet to hear anything else until Chris got the call this morning.

Lily looked up from her breakfast and Chris could see the sadness in her eyes, as much as he knew she hated Jack for what he did, he knows it must hurt knowing that someone you once loved tried to hurt you in that way. She just nodded in response and he took that as his signal to continue.

"So the case is going straight to sentencing, the hearing will be next month" Chris gave her a solemn smile as his hand reached over to squeeze hers.

"That's quick" Lily replied as she averted her gaze across the room, letting it sink in.

"I guess because he confessed there's no need to hang around"

"Do I have to go?" She asked as she turned her attention back to him.

"Not if you don't want to baby, you don't have to give another statement or anything" Chris reassured her as his hand squeezed hers and his other came up to stroke her cheek and Lily lent in to the gentle touch, "do you want to?"

"No not at all, I never want to see him again" she replied as she turned her head slightly so she could kiss his palm.

"Then let's not waste any more time on him" Chris smiled as he brought his other hand up to cup her face and lent forward capturing her lips in a kiss.

"Sorry to interrupt" Dr Johnson's voice broke the two apart as they turned their attention to him standing in the doorway.

"Hi Dr Johnson, no problem please come in" Lily smiled as Chris stood from his chair to stand beside Lily, his hand found hers again with his other arm leaning on the back of her chair.

"Well Lily I have some good news" Dr Johnson smiled as he entered further into the room, standing in front of the two, "your test results all came back clear, internally you've healed fantastically and that broken leg is healing great too, you'll need to come back regularly for a while for follow up appointments until it's healed completely but I see no reason why we can't get you discharged and on your way home today"

Lily felt her eyes begin to tear up at the fact that she could finally go home and be out of this hospital room. She let the tears fall as she felt Chris wrap his arms around her and she clung to him as she nuzzled her face in to his neck.

"I'll give you two a moment, but the papers are all ready to go, just let us know when you're ready" Dr Johnson smiled as he turned back to the door.

"Thank you Doctor" Chris spoke as he knew it was going to be hard for Lily to find the words right now.


Lily smiled brightly as she was enveloped by the warmth of their home that she had missed deeply while being trapped in that hospital bed. Chris pushed the wheelchair through the door before shutting it behind them. Lily was surprised by how much Chris had been doing to make sure she was comfortable when she got home. He'd had a ramp installed on the porch so it was more accessible for Lily and when she'd gotten worried about getting up and down the stairs, he assured her everything would be fine as he'd temporarily had their bedroom set up downstairs.

Once Chris had locked the door they heard the pitter patter of paws on the hardwood as Wolf and Dodger came running around the corner, both of them immediately jumping up to Lily.

"Oh my boys, I've missed you both so much" she cried happily as the two of them attacked her with affection, licking her face repeatedly.

"Come on you two let her breathe" Chris chuckled as he pushed the excited pups away from Lily and pushed her through the house to the kitchen.

"So your Mom dropped dinner off, everyone wanted to be here but I thought you might like to just settle back in for tonight and see everyone tomorrow"

"Yeah I think that's a good idea, Mom has barely left my side since the accident, that woman needs to get outside again" Lily laughed as they reached the kitchen, but before Chris could push her to the table she stopped him, "I need to start doing things myself again baby, can you get me my crutches?"

"Of course Bumble" Chris replied before he walked back to the entry way to retrieve the crutches, when he returned he handed them to Lily and helped her to stand.

"Take it steady baby" Lily playfully rolled her eyes as she lent her weight on the crutches.

"Chris I'm fine, I think I'm getting the hang of this" she smiled as she took a few steps gathering her bearings before she made her way to the table where it was set for dinner.

Chris pulled a chair out for her and when she took a seat he pushed it back in before turning to the oven where the casserole was that Cora had made. He dished it up for the two of them before he took a seat next to Lily and the two began to share their meal in comfortable silence.

As Lily looked over at Chris and the meal in front of them and also the two dogs sat at their feet waiting for any scraps they could get, she couldn't help the huge smile on her face. For the past two weeks she'd desperately wanted to get back to some sort of normality and this was exactly what she'd dreamt of, this was perfect, this was home.


A/N: So the next few chapters are gonna be quite fluffy and there isn't a lot of this story left, so I hope you've all enjoyed it as much as I have! Thank you for continuing to read, please vote and comment!

A xx

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