Chapter 32: Home

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It had been a few hours since Lily told him she was in love with him for the first time and Chris still couldn't wipe the huge smile from his face. Sure they'd expressed their love for each other as friends before, but this was different, he could see it in her eyes as she looked up at him. He honestly thought it would take her a little longer to say it, he was worried he was rushing her into this after the break up with Jack, but for Lily it was the opposite.

Lily had finally realised that these feelings she was having for Chris weren't new at all and in fact they had been there the entire time, she just hadn't realised. She knew now that Chris had been the one for her all along, her soulmate.

Chris's smile grew even wider as he watched Lily cuddle in to the passenger side door as he drove them home. She had fallen asleep almost immediately after getting in the car and ever since she'd been wrapped up in Chris's coat, soft snores falling from her open mouth. Chris honestly felt like his heart could burst out of his chest just at the sight of her, he had never felt this amount of love for another person before.

He was so wrapped up in Lily he found it hard to think about anything else, even though the thought of having to go away for filming again when the New Year rolled around kept popping in to his head. He tried his best to push it to the back of his mind, his heart aching at the thought of having to be away from her. It was hard enough when they were just friends, but now? He has no idea how the hell he's supposed to not be around her every day, not be able to hear her laugh whenever he wanted or hold her tight as she fell asleep.

Chris shook his head as his fingers clutched the steering wheel, pushing the thought out of his mind. He glanced over at Lily and that was all it took to calm his mind, the sight of her chest rising and falling and her soft lips parted as she took deep breaths.

Finally he pulled onto Lily's drive way, stopping to put in the code to open the gate. As he put the car in park Lily stirred beside him, her arms coming up to stretch above her as she let out an adorable little whine.

"Sleep well gorgeous?"

"Hmmm" Lily replied sleepily as she pulled Chris's coat tightly around her, "can we go in and cuddle now please?"

"Of course Bumble, come on" he smiled as he nodded towards the house.

Lily slumped out of the car heading straight up the porch steps to unlock the door as Chris got the pups out of the back of the car. Both dogs followed happily up the steps and into the house as Chris shut the door behind them.

"Why don't you go upstairs and get ready for bed and I'll make sure everything's locked up and then I'll join you" Chris smiled as he wrapped his arms around Lily's torso, placing a soft kiss to her forehead.

"Okay but don't be long, I'm tired and I don't like falling asleep without you anymore" she pouted as she reached up on her tip toes to place a kiss on his lips.

"Okay baby" he smiled deeply, "you know if Jess had heard you say that she'd be making fake gagging noises right about now"

Lily rolled her eyes as Chris chuckled, "yeah and Jess can kiss my arse."

Chris threw his head back in laughter as he released Lily so she could head up the stairs. He playfully swatted her bum as she climbed the stairs, throwing him a cheeky look over her shoulder as he made his way through to the kitchen.

About fifteen minutes later after he'd let the dogs out to go to the bathroom and then made sure everything was locked up, Chris was rushing up the stairs, desperate to just get into bed with the love of his life.

As he pushed open the bedroom door he was met with the sound of Lily's soft snores. She was tucked into bed with the duvet pulled up to her chin, her head snuggled into Chris's pillow and her arm splayed across his side of the bed. He smiled brightly to himself, taking a moment just to admire her. He even pinched himself just to make sure he wasn't dreaming as he was still finding it hard to believe that she was actually his.

He quietly stripped off his clothes and turned off the lights as he climbed in to bed beside her, trying his best not to wake her. Lily instantly cuddled in to him, her bare skin warming up as Chris held her tight with her head resting on his chest.

"I love you Bumble" he whispered against her hair as he placed a kiss there.

"Luh you" Lily mumbled sleepily as she nuzzled her head into his chest.

Chris fell asleep rather quickly, feeling perfectly at home wrapped up in the woman he loves so dearly.


The next morning Chris rolled over towards Lily's side of the bed, his outstretched arm searching the bed for her, but all he found was emptiness. He immediately shot up as he realised she wasn't where she should be. He took in the room around him and he noticed neither of the dogs were in the room with him. He looked to the alarm clock noticing it was already 9 and it was a Saturday so Lily hadn't gone to work, so where was she?

He stretched loudly as he stood up from the bed, shivering slightly as the coldness of the room hit him. He walked over to the vanity, opening the drawer that contained the clothes he kept there. The collection was constantly growing, at this rate Lily was gonna have to clear out another drawer for him. He pulled out some sweats and a t shirt, quickly putting them on before leaving the room in search of his girl.

As he opened the bedroom door he was greeted by warmth, the smell of cookies and the sound of Christmas music softly flowing through the house. He smiled brightly to himself as he realised just what Lily must be doing.

It was already a week into December and Lily had yet to put up the Christmas decorations which was incredibly out of character. Ever year Chris made sure he was home on the first of December and he and Lily would spend the day decorating both their houses and Lily would bake cookies and they'd decorate those together later on. With everything going on with them and everything with Jack they had both forgotten, but it seems Lily was making it her mission to get it done today.

Chris smiled as he made his way down the stairs and he heard Lily singing along to the music playing through the house. As he reached the living room he saw her sat on the rug, boxes splayed out around her full of decorations. She sat there attempting to untangle some tree lights, both dogs sat beside her watching her intently.

"You know you shouldn't be carrying those boxes down from the attic alone Lil it's dangerous"

Lily turned to see Chris stood behind her, his arms crossed over his chest as he gave her a disapproving look. She quickly jumped from the floor completely ignoring his comment as she made her way over to him.

"Good you're awake" she beamed as she wrapped her arms around his neck reaching up to kiss him and taking Chris by surprise as he stumbled back slightly, "missed you"

"You were just in bed with me all night" he chuckled as he held her tightly against him, brushing their noses together.

"And?" she asked as she tilted her head slightly.

"I missed you too Bumble" he gave her that toothy grin as he gripped her sides gently before leaning down to kiss her again.

"Right well we have a lot to do today!" she pulled away from him and clapped her hands together, "so I thought we could head out grab some breakfast, then we need to go and get a tree for here and one for your place too, then we can come back and get everywhere decorated and end the day with mulled wine and our annual cookie decorating competition"

"That sounds like the perfect day baby" he beamed down at her, "maybe this will be the year I actually beat you"

"Doubtful" she scoffed, "your cookie decorating skills are mediocre at best"

"Hey" he chuckled as he feigned offence and started tickling her sides.

"Come on Bear you know I'm right" she giggled as she kept her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, "I mean you may be shit at cookie decorating but at least you're pretty."

Chris threw his head back in laughter as he felt Lily jump up and wrap her legs around him, nuzzling her head in to his neck and placing soft kisses there.

"Come on then baby, let's go get us some trees"


A/N: Hey guys, so I'm back! Had a lot of stuff going a the moment and I really have not had it in me to do an writing but I finally got another chapter done and I hope to keep going! I wanna say thank you for the continued support on this story, the comments and votes really push me to write more so thank you so much!

A xx

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