Chapter 44: It was supposed to be you

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"What the fuck are you doing here?" Chris raised his voice as he stepped forward and he felt Ash push back on his chest.

"What the hell happened?" Jack asked as he frantically searched the faces of everyone in the room.

He looked dreadful, his eyes were blood shot and he looked as if he hadn't slept in days. His hair was grown out and his clothes were scruffy and he couldn't stand still as he nervously fidgeted with his hands.

"How the hell did you even know anything had happened?" Ash asked as he struggled to hold back a raging Chris.

"I have a buddy on the force he called me and told me Lily was in an accident, where is she? Is she okay?"

"You've got some fucking nerve Jack" Chris fumed as he struggled against Ash, he was strong but with Ash he was pretty evenly matched.

"I've got some nerve? You're the fucking reason she's hear in the first place" Jack raised his voice as he took a step forward, "why the fuck did you let her go out alone at night in your car"

Everyone watched as Jack became erratic and he couldn't keep himself still as he paced, his hands desperately clutching his head. He began murmuring to himself, no one really being able to make out what he was saying.

"You did this to her Chris, it wasn't supposed to be her" Jack exclaimed as he clenched his hands tightly in to fists.

Jess stood at his words as her mind thought back to what she'd overheard the officer say, that the car that hit Lily was a black Audi. That's when things started to click in her head, they thought because Jack had been silent since before Christmas that he had gotten scared and was leaving Lily alone, but clearly they were wrong.

"You drive a black Audi" Jess's voice was quiet as she approached where Jack was stood, everyone looked at her confused.

"What are you talking about?" Jack spat.

"Since Christmas Eve me and Lily thought you'd finally given up but you never did, did you? You were still following her, watching her and Chris"

"Jess what are you talking about?" Chris asked as Ash stopped blocking him as everyone took in what Jess was saying.

"I'm sorry Chris she begged me not to say anything, she thought she could handle it" sadness was etched in to her features as she looked to Chris, "Ever since they broke up Jack's been stalking Lily, calling her on unknown numbers, following her, he even showed up at the clinic to try and corner her, that's how I found out, she promised me she would tell you after the holidays were over and I made her swear she would tell you straight away if he bothered her again, but he hadn't, we thought he'd stopped, but clearly we were wrong"

Chris felt the anger build inside him as he listened to Jess, how could Lily have kept that from him, how could Jess not have told him anything. The betrayal he felt made his heart sink, all the emotions inside him just building up and he was ready to burst.

"I heard the officers say before that the car that hit Lily was a black Audi, Jack drives a black Audi"

"You shut your mouth Jess, I'm warning you" Jack spat as he took steps towards Jess, who was immediately protected by Chris and Ash's large frames.

"You did this didn't you, you fucking coward" Jess shouted as she tried and failed to push past Chris and Ash.

"Answer her" Chris growled through gritted teeth as he stared Jack down, the rage oozing out of him.

"It was supposed to be you" Jack shouted as he pointed his finger accusatorily at Chris, "It was your car Chris and I saw it as the perfect opportunity to get you out of the way but you screwed it all up, I may have done it but it's your fault for being such a shitty boyfriend that she's on a fucking operating table"

That's when Chris lost it, he lunged forward at Jack grabbing the collar of his shirt and thrusting him up against the wall. This time though Ash didn't even attempt to stop as he watched Chris's fist connect with Jacks jaw, once, twice, three times.

At the sound of the commotion the two officers from earlier came running in to the room and that's when Ash decided to move and helped them to pull Chris off Jack.

"What the hell is going on?" one of the officers yelled as the other examined Jack's face.

"This is the scumbag that tried to kill my girlfriend" Chris growled as his chest heaved, still being restrained by Ash and the officer.

"It was supposed to be you, I would never intentionally hurt Lily, she's better off without you Chris it should be you in there not her" Jack shouted as he tried to lunge back towards Chris but was quickly restrained by the two officers.

One of the officers began to read Jack his rights as the other cuffed him and they dragged him out of the room, all the while he was shouting about how it should have been Chris and not Lily.

Once the door shut behind them Chris stormed to the opposite side of the room where he picked up a chair and launched it at the wall, before he began to scream at the top of his lungs. Then he broke again for the second time that night and he collapsed in to a ball on the floor, sobbing violently.

He began to think about what Jack said, what if he was right? What if this was all his fault? If he had been a better boyfriend this wouldn't have happened. Why did Lily feel like she couldn't tell him about Jack stalking her, if she had he might have been able to do something and he never would have sent her out alone at night. Why the fuck did he do that?

"This is all my fault"


About an hour had passed since Jack had been dragged out of the room and neither officer was yet to return. There had also still been no visit from a doctor with an update on Lily.

Chris sat in the corner of the room as he stared down at his bloody knuckles, he thought hurting Jack would make him feel better but it just made it worse. The pain and guilt inside of him was becoming unbearable and he was praying over and over again in his head that when someone came with news about Lily, it would be good news.

Just then the door opened again and this time a man wearing navy scrubs walked in, he shut the door behind him before addressing the room.

"I'm Dr Johnson, you're all Lily Winters family is that correct?"

"Yes I'm her boyfriend" Chris immediately jumped up and walked over to the doctor.

"We're her parents" Cora spoke as her and Mark stood hand in hand beside Chris.

"Is she okay? Please tell me she's okay?" Chris begged.

"Well it was touch and go for a minute there, she suffered a lot of internal bleeding and severe head trauma, but I was able to get in there and stop the bleeding and she's in stable condition now"

Chris let out a breath he didn't even realise he was holding as he took in the doctors words, "so she's going to be okay?" he asked.

"She's also suffered a few broken bones and bruising but yes with a good amount of recovery time, she'll be just fine"

Joy spread across everyone's features at the news that Lily was going to be okay. Lisa hugged Chris tightly as he felt himself start to cry again.

"Shhhhh honey it's gonna be okay" Lisa whispered in his ear as she placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"She's actually awake and she's asking for a Chris? I'm guessing that's you?" the Doctor asked as he nodded in Chris's direction.

"Yeah that's me, can we see her?"

"Yes but let's not do everyone at once, why don't we do yourself and immediate family to start so we don't overwhelm her, so mum, dad and any siblings?"

"I'm her brother" Ash spoke as he held Amber tightly against him.

"Great, why don't you four come with me, I will warn you she may be a little out of it, she's undergone serious surgery so it's going to be a lot for her"

They all nodded in understanding as they said their goodbyes to the others and followed the doctor out of the room. Chris was so thankful that she was going to be okay, because he really didn't know what he would have done if she wasn't.


A/N: So Lily is gonna be okay, yay! Please continue to vote and comment! Also the first two chapters of my new Andy story are out, please give them a read and let me know what you think, it would mean a lot! Love you all!

A xx

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