Chapter 43: For Lily

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The drive to the hospital felt like an eternity, Chris just stared aimlessly out the window as the world passed them by. His leg bounced uncontrollably as he desperately tried to keep himself together. Ash's words were stuck in his head and repeating themselves over and over again.

For Lily.

He knew that Ash was right and that Lily needed him and he would be no good to her if he couldn't keep himself together. But he was finding it incredibly hard knowing that the love of his life was somewhere in that hospital and he had no idea if she was okay. He couldn't help but think that this shouldn't have been how this night went, they were supposed to be at home together celebrating their engagement with their families, not Lily alone on some operating table.

When the officer pulled up outside the hospital Chris didn't waste a second as he quickly jumped out of the car heading straight for the doors. He honestly had no idea how he was still standing, inside he felt like he was about to explode, but it was like his body couldn't stop until he got to Lily.

The officer followed quickly behind him and when they got inside he guided Chris to the front desk. He flashed his badge to the nurse behind the desk who immediately knew why they were there. She mentioned something about getting the doctor before she ran off down the hall.

Chris couldn't comprehend anything as he was joined by Cora, Mark and Ash. He felt like the walls were closing in on him as his chest began to tighten again, he didn't know if he could handle waiting any longer, he had to get to her.

"This way Mr Evans" The officer spoke as he attempted to lead them down a different hallway to the one the nurse had just disappeared down.

"But she went that way, Lily must be that way" Chris stressed as he attempted to move around the officer who put his hand up to stop him.

"Mr Evans, Lily is still in surgery, I can't allow you to go running in on that, the doctor will come and speak to you when he can, please Mr Evans you need to calm down"

"CALM DOWN" Chris screamed as he felt the pure white hot rage take over him, "DON'T TELL ME TOCALM DOWN WHEN NO ONE CAN TELL ME IF THE LOVE OF MY LIFE IS DEAD OR ALIVE" he squared up to the officer as his hands clenched tightly into fists.

"Chris sweetie" Chris could barely hear Cora's soft voice over the loud pounding in his head, but when he felt her hand take his he instantly felt himself start to calm. There were only three people in his life that could provide him with that instant comfort, Lily, his mother and Cora.

"Honey come on, it's okay" he turned to look down at her and she stared up at him with tears flowing freely down her cheeks and Chris felt his heart sink even lower at the state of her.

Cora tugged on his hand again, pulling him with her as the officer proceeded to lead them down the hall to private waiting room. It wasn't a big room, it had chairs lined up along each wall and two couches in the middle sitting back to back. The walls were all beige and there were discarded leaflets about the symptoms of prostate cancer spread across a coffee table, it was probably the most depressing room Chris had ever been in.

He followed Cora to one of the couches, his hand still tightly gripping hers. She led him to sit down beside her before she pulled him to her, his head on her chest as she rubbed his back soothingly and hummed softly. Immediately he felt all of the emotions he had been feeling catch up to him and he let the flood gates open. He sobbed heavily in to her chest as he clutched her coat in to his fists. Cora rocked him gently as he broke down.

A few moments later the four were joined by Scott, Amber, Lisa and Jess. Amber made a beeline for Ash who quickly held her tightly to him, like he was afraid to let her go. Chris was still sobbing in to Cora's chest as Lisa sat on his other side and gently pulled him over so that he was resting on her instead so that Cora could have a break. Mark immediately pulling his wife into his arms.

Jess looked around the room at the people she loved the most in the world and she felt like everything was crashing around her. She felt her head start to pound and she suddenly felt extremely nauseas, the champagne she'd drank coming back to haunt her.

She let Scott know she was gonna use the bathroom before she headed down the hall, rushing straight in to a stall and emptying the contents of her stomach. After she was done she just sat there for a few minutes and let herself break, she sobbed as she thought about Lily and how she didn't know what she would do without her best friend who had become like a sister to her.

After she cleaned herself up she headed out of the toilets and walked back towards the waiting room, as she did she passed the two officers from earlier stood by a nurses station talking and she couldn't help but try to overhear what they were saying.

"Well according to an eye witness the car we're looking for is a black Audi, apparently it came charging out of the junction straight for Miss Winters car"

Jess didn't think much of it as she continued on to the waiting room, at least they had a lead on the bastard that did this to Lily. When she got back she took a seat next to Scott cuddling in to his side as he wrapped his arms around her.


About an hour later and they still hadn't heard anything about Lily and Chris had grown incredibly impatient. He'd had to be restrained several times by Ash, Scott and even Lisa, to stop him from running off through the hospital in search of Lily.

Now he was stood by the small window in the room pacing back and forth, with his fists clenched tightly. He was trying his best to keep his emotions under control but how could he when knew nothing about whether Lily was okay or not.

"Seriously how can no one know anything" he spat as he rubbed his hands down his face, "I can't wait any longer I've got to speak to someone"

"Chris just wait" Ash spoke as he stood to block Chris's path.

Just then the door to the waiting room opened, everyone looked over expectantly hoping to see a doctor who had some news, but instead the last person that anyone wanted there walked in.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"


A/N: Sorry this is a short chapter, but there's a lot to come in the next one! So it looks like everyone wants Andy too and I've been doing a lot of work on that story, I was going to wait till I got Worth it finished, but I really want share it with you guys, should I post the first chapter today?

Also thank you so much for 10k reads on Worth it and 20k on I know you were made for me, it really means so much to me!

Love you all!

A xx

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