Chapter 42: She's gonna be okay

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"Lily do you take Henry to be your husband?"

Lily's cheeks flushed a dark shade of pink as she continued to nervously bite her nails, anxiously swinging back and forth on the heels of her feet.

"Lily you have to say I do" Daisy whispered sternly as she leant in to her sisters ear.

"I do" Lily whispered softly as she looked from Daisy over to the little boy stood next to her.

Henry's parents had bought the house next door at the same time as Cora and Mark bought their family home and Henry's mother had fallen pregnant with him just before Cora had found out she was pregnant with the twins, Henry being born just a few months before the girls.

Now Eight years later and Henry was Lily's first crush but she was far too shy to ever tell him. So that's why Daisy decided to do it for her and that led to her suggesting a practice wedding for when they got older.

"Henry do you take Lily to be your wife?" Daisy continued.

"I do" Henry beamed as he excitedly took Lily's sweaty hand in his own, gripping it tightly making Lily giggle as she blushed again.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride"

Lily gasped as she stared at Daisy wide eyed in shock; she had never said anything about a kiss?! Luckily though she was saved by the sound of Henry's mum's voice coming over the fence that separated the two gardens.

"Henry dinners ready"

"I've gotta go" Henry shrieked before he took off running towards the gate, but he stopped half way before he turned and ran back towards the girls. He smiled at Lily before placing a quick kiss on her crimson cheek, and then he ran off again shouting that he'd see them tomorrow.

Lily stood there frozen as she watched him disappear through the gate, at this point her entire face had turned pink. Daisy giggled beside her before she wrapped her sister up in a hug. Lily immediately reciprocated, melting in to her sister's arms. Daisy had always been taller than Lily, and they weren't identical twins, so everyone that met them always assumed Daisy was the older sister, especially with the way she always protected Lily.

"That was scary" Lily sighed as they pulled away, "is that what my real wedding will be like?"

"Yes Lil, but don't worry about being scared because I'll always be right there beside you" Daisy beamed down at her sister as she took her hand and began to walk them towards the house.

"Promise?" Lily asked.


*Present day*

The memory of that day flashed through Lily's mind as she fought against consciousness. Then memories of Daisy continued to fly around her head, flashes of Daisy's face and the sound of her voice, like they were calling out to her.

She tried her hardest to keep her eyes open as she felt herself being moved down what she could only assume was a corridor as she watched the lights go by above her. She could faintly hear people talking around her but she couldn't quite make out what they were saying and it all seemed like it was happening too far away.

Lily tried to open her mouth to speak but nothing came out and all she felt was pain shooting up the back of her neck as she tried to move. Her head was pounding as she felt herself begin to drift back in to unconsciousness, she could faintly hear people calling out her name around her, but as she began to drift back off all she could hear was Daisy's voice calling out to her, telling her it was all going to be okay.


"Right so the string quartet set up in the living room and they are all good to go" Amber smiled widely as she rushed in to the kitchen towards a nervous and very sweaty Chris who looked like he could either pass out or throw up.

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