Chapter 36: Love of my life

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"Bear I really want us to live together"

Chris froze at Lily's words and just stared wide eyed down at her, he couldn't quite believe what she'd just said. He was trying his best not to push Lily and not to take this too fast, but was she actually in the same place he was this entire time?

It had now been almost a full minute since Chris had said anything and Lily was starting to worry. He was just staring at her with those big blue eyes and she had no idea what was going on inside his head. Quickly she figured out he wasn't on the same page as her and this is all way too fast and she definitely should have not brought this up.

"Oh no I freaked you out didn't I?" she began to panic, her hands coming up to cup her face as she paced the kitchen, "please just forget I said anything, it was so stupid I bet you think I'm insane now we haven't even been together a month, how could I be so stupid" she continued to ramble on until she felt large hands wrapping around her wrists bringing her pacing to a stop.

"Bumble calm down" Chris chuckled softly as he flashed that toothy grin.

"Why are you laughing at me?" she exclaimed.

"Oh no baby I'm not laughing at you" Chris sighed, "it's just I was shocked because I had no idea that's how you felt, if it was up to me we would have moved in together after the first night"

"Really?" Lily asked as a huge grin spread across her face.

"Really baby" Chris replied, "Sorry I froze I was just so happy you were in the same place I was I just choked a little"

"It's okay Bear" she smiled as she reached up to wrap her arms around his neck, placing a soft kiss on his lips, "so this means you want to live together?"

"Are you kidding? Of course I think it's a fantastic idea" Chris smiled brightly before he bent slightly to capture Lily's lips with his own.

As they kissed he couldn't help the feeling of warmth that spread throughout him. This was exactly the step in the right direction he needed, he now knew Lily was ready for this relationship to progress, which means that ring wouldn't have to stay locked away in a box in his closet for much longer.


"Alright well that's the last of the kitchen all packed up" Chris sighed as he placed another box by the front door ready to be taken out to the moving truck they'd rented.

It was the week before Christmas and they were packing up the last bits of Chris's house. After deciding to move in together they thought the best idea was to move in to Lily's house, Chris had only bought that house temporarily anyway and had planned to move at some point. Plus Cora kindly reminded them that Lily's house had more bedrooms for all the grandchildren they were going to provide her with.

People may think they were a little crazy to be rushing to get moved in together, but they both agreed they wanted their first Christmas as a couple to also be their first Christmas living together. They had moved most of Chris's stuff over to Lily's already they just had the last few bits to sort out including Chris's room.

"I'll start taking these out to the van, why don't you go help Lily out in your closet" Ash suggested as he picked up a box, Scott grabbing one to help him.

Upstairs Lily was in Chris's closet folding the last of his shirts and packing them in to his suitcase. After she was finished she looked around the almost bare closet seeing what else she could pack, she saw some empty shoe boxes on the top shelf so she decided to pull them down. She stood on some of the lower shelves to boost herself up and she reached up to pull them down.

"Lil? You still up here?" she heard Chris call from the stairs.

"In here" she replied before she grabbed for the boxes, she squealed as they all came toppling down on her.

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