Chapter 37: Promise me?

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Lily sighed down at her phone screen as she deleted yet another missed call notification from an unknown number. She had blocked Jack's number when they first broke up but it seems that hasn't stopped him.

Since the day they moved Chris out of his house last week when she had received the first call, Jack had been calling her several times a day. She hadn't picked up since the first time when she hung up straight away.

It was now Christmas Eve and she was in her office at the clinic finishing up some paper work after a morning of clients. She just had a few more things to tie up before she had a little bit of time off for the holidays and then she was looking forward to getting back home to her boyfriend, but unfortunately Jack had killed her mood yet again.

Not only had he started calling but several times she'd left the office or gone to the shops she'd seen his car parked on a street corner. Luckily she didn't stick around long enough for him to show his face, but she was certainly starting to get the idea he wasn't going to back off.

She was yet to tell Chris about any of it because she knew what his reaction would be. She didn't want him to get in to any trouble because of her, but she also knew she shouldn't be keeping this from him. She let out another loud sigh as she locked her phone and rested her head against her desk with a bang.

"Well you seem chipper"

Lily looked up from her desk to see Jess smirking in the doorway and she just hummed in response before she stood from her desk and started throwing her stuff in her bag, the work she had left to do long forgotten.

"Lil seriously though are you okay?" Jess asked as a serious expression took over her face and she began to worry for her friend. She always knew when something was seriously wrong with Lily and this appeared to be one of those times.

"I'm fine Jess, I just wanna go home" Lily insisted as she slung her bag over her shoulder before going to pass her friend but Jess stopped her with a hand on her wrist.,

"Lil if somethings going on you know you can tell me" Jess smiled.

"I know Jess" Lily sighed as she reached out to hug her friend, "I promise I'm okay just tired, but I'll see you tomorrow yeah?"

"Of course" Jess smiled although she wasn't entirely convinced as she watched Lily walk out.

Lily headed straight past Ambers desk to the front door, the clinic had closed early so it was only her and Jess left in the building. She pushed her way through the doors before heading down the path to the parking lot, just desperate to get home.

As she was walking she was attempting to find her keys in the bottom of her bag and had to stop to look for them properly. Once she found them she looked back up to walk towards her car, but when she did she felt her heart stop.

Across the parking lot just a few feet from her she saw him stood there leaning against her car like it was the most normal thing in the world and he was just staring at her. She froze as she watched him smile and it was almost evil, before he pushed off from the car and started walking in her direction. Lily didn't waste any time and immediately took off running back in the direction of the clinic.

As she was running she could hear her heart pounding in her ears and her vision started to turn blurry. It felt like she was running for hours before she finally reached the door of the clinic. She pushed it open quickly before locking it behind her and running straight in to Jess's office and slamming that door behind her before she leant back against it, her chest pounding heavily.

"Oh my god Lily are you okay?!" Jess jumped from her seat behind her desk, running straight over to her friend. Lily quickly threw herself in to Jess's arms before loud sobs began to leave her body.

"Oh sweetie what happened?" Just then Lily's phone began to ring, she still held it tightly in her hand and began to cry more. She looked down at her screen seeing it was an unknown number.

"Who is that?" Jess asked confused.

"It's him, Jack he won't leave me alone Jess, he's out there now he was just waiting for me" Lily managed to croak out as she continued to violently sob.

Jess wasted no time in taking the phone and answering it despite the objections of her friend.

"Lily you can't run away from me" Jack's voice came through the speaker.

"Now you listen here you piece of shit you have exactly 10 seconds to get off my property before I call the police and if you ever call Lily again I will fucking kill you" Jess shouted down the phone before she immediately hung up.

"Come sit down sweetie I'll make you some tea"


Half an hour later Lily's sobs had calmed down and she was sat on the couch in Jess's office sipping tea after telling Jess about the incident at the mall and the phone calls from Jack.

"Well Lily we need to call the police and file a report for stalking" Jess spoke before she went to make a move for her phone.

"No Jess please" Lily stopped her by grabbing her arm and pulling her back to the sofa.

"Lily you have to report this, do you realise how serious this is?" Jess stressed as she tried to get through to her friend.

"Yes Jess I know that okay, but I haven't told Chris and I don't want to get him involved in this and tomorrows Christmas I don't want to ruin that, please Jess I'm begging you to keep this to yourself just for now please?"

"Lily I don't..."

"Please Jess, I just got Chris I can't risk any of it because of Jack please" Lily begged as she grabbed Jess's hands in hers and squeezed them gently.

"Okay" Jess sighed

"Thank you" Lily let out a breath of relief that she didn't realise she was holding.

"But as soon as Christmas is over you need to tell Chris everything, I know you want to protect him but you cannot keep this from him Lily, promise me?"

"Yes I know, I'll tell him as soon as the holidays are over I promise"

"Okay and if Jack contacts you or shows up again then you have to tell me and we will be calling the police do you understand?" Jess asked seriously as she grabbed Lily by her shoulders.

"I understand" Lily nodded before she threw her arms around Jess, hugging her tightly.

"I mean it Lily" Jess stressed as she felt Lily nod and hum against her shoulder, "right let's check the cameras and make sure he's gone"

"I'm sure he will be" Lily sniffled as Jess walked to her computer, "he was always terrified of you"

"Yeah as he should be" Jess deadpanned as she checked her screen, "right he's not there, we'll walk out together and I'll follow you home okay? Make sure you get back safely"

"Thank you Jess, you really are the best friend I could ask for"

"Yeah I know I am" Jess rolled her eyes as she collected her belongings, "but I mean it Lily you do need to tell Chris and you better fucking call me if anything else happens"

"I will Jess I swear, I know this is serious and I really appreciate you doing this"

"Lil you know I'd do anything for you" Jess smiled sadly as she placed a hand on Lily's shoulder and they shared a look, "now let's get you home"

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