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Lily smiled widely as she twisted her engagement ring around her finger, it sparkled beautifully in the lights of the Christmas tree, it sat next to her gorgeous rose gold wedding band on her dainty finger.

Her face lit up at the memories of her and Chris's wedding day. It had been a dream day, everything she'd ever wanted in her wedding. They had gotten married in a small ceremony at the park in July, under the rustic little gazebo that sat to the left of the bridge where Daisy's ashes had been scattered. Both of their Mothers cried, Scott gave a terribly cheesy speech and of course Jess got entirely too drunk.

Amber had decorated beautifully, she had taken on the job of wedding planner and Lily was not surprised in the slightest at how organised Amber was. She had everything down to a T, she really did pull off the most amazing day in such a short amount of time. They had decided not to waste any time after getting engaged, getting married just five months later, but Amber had done perfectly. Not that it physically couldn't be the best day of her life considering she was marrying her soulmate.

She and Chris had fallen in to married life perfectly and it's as if none of the trauma she went through with Jack ever happened. It's like Chris made it all disappear with a combination of constant reassurance, compliments and the most mind blowing sex.

Lily smiled brightly as she watched Chris play a game with his niece and nephews that they had gotten that morning as a Christmas present. She instinctively placed a hand on her growing stomach, thinking about when their little miracle would finally be here. She had just hit twenty weeks and she was really starting to show so she was thrilled Christmas had finally come around because she knew she wouldn't be able to keep it from her mother or mother in law for much longer, they were both getting incredibly suspicious about all the baggy sweaters Lily was constantly wearing. They would've told them earlier than this, but as soon as she found out she was pregnant she knew just how she wanted to announce it to the family so she made Chris promise he wouldn't say a word, he wasn't so keen on keeping it a secret this long but whatever made you happy made him happy.

Lily felt her whole body heat up as Chris's eyes fell on her, smiling widely as he sent a wink her way before she watched him excuse himself from the game (much to Stella's dismay, who immediately began sulking) and make his way over to her. He bent down to place a soft kiss on her lips before she moved to the side on the large chair in Cora's living room so he could gently slip in next to her, his arms wrapping around her as he placed a kiss to her temple.

"Ready?" he whispered in her ear and his voice still sent shivers down her spine.

"Definitely, Mum's starting to get pushy with the wine, I don't know many times I can turn her down before she figures it out" Lily chuckled before she turned her attention to Ash and Amber sat on the couch beside them.

"Ash we still have one present left for you" Lily smiled as Chris grabbed the present from the floor beside the chair.

"No fair, why does Uncle Ash get another present" Ethan sulked from his place on the floor.

"Don't you think you've gotten enough today" Carly raised her eyebrows at her son as he just pulled a face back and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well open it then" Cora pushed as she leant on the couch behind Ash and Amber, just as Chris passed the present to Ash.

"Jesus mum give me a minute" Ash huffed as he placed the wrapped box in his lap before he bent down and pulled a similar looking box from a bag beside the sofa, "we actually have one more for you sis"

Lily eyed the present as she took it from her brother, shooting Chris a look as he just shrugged at her.

"You first" Lily smiled.

Ash pulled the wrapping paper away from the cardboard before opening and pulling out the present that was wrapped in bubble wrap. He let out a laugh of disbelief as he held it in his hands and realised what it was. He pulled back the bubble wrap and there sat a white mug with an inscription in blue writing.

"World's best Uncle" Ash smiled knowingly as he stared across at Lily and Chris, all eyes in the room on them as Chris gently pushed up Lily's oversized Christmas jumper revealing her small growing bump.

"I'm 20 weeks" Lily smiled.

Lisa audibly gasped as she held her hands to her mouth, Cora who stood beside her looked as though she was going to cry and pass out at the same time, but Ash just laughed from his place beside Amber who was smiling knowingly at Lily and Chris.

"This is crazy" Ash chuckled.

"What?" Lily asked confused as she looked at Chris who also had no clue what was going on.

"Open yours" Ash smiled tilting his head towards the present sat in Lily's lap as his fingers intertwined with Ambers.

That's when it clicked in Lily's head as she muttered a quiet 'oh my god' under her breath as she ripped away the wrapping paper and opened the box, pulling out an identical white mug to the one they'd gotten Ash, except this one had an inscription in pink writing.

'World's greatest Auntie'

"No fucking way" Lily gasped as she showed Chris the mug who was equally as surprised.

"I'm 16 weeks" Amber smiled widely as Ash wrapped his arm tightly around her waist.

"TWO GRANDBABIES" they all turned as Cora shrieked from behind the sofa, she quickly began hyperventilating, seriously looking like she was going to pass out this time, luckily Mark came beside her and steadied her.

The whole family began congratulating the two couples as Lily made her way to Amber, the two hugging tightly.

"I can't believe we're having babies together" Lily shrieked.

"And they're going to be cousins" Amber beamed as she placed her hands on Lily's bump, her own not being as visible yet being four weeks behind Lily, "obviously we're postponing the wedding until after the baby is born, as I will not be fitting in to my dress in 4 months' time"

Lily chuckled as she remembered Amber had always said she never ever wanted to get married pregnant, so clearly this had been a surprise for these two after their engagement a few months back, the two also deciding on a pretty quick wedding.

"Do you know what you're having?" Amber asked excited as Chris stood beside Lily, his arm wrapped around her waist.

"A boy" he beamed as he placed a kiss to Lily's cheek.

"No shit, we're having a girl" Ash chuckled as he patted Chris on the back after detaching himself from his mother who he's still sure is at risk of a heart attack after that news.

"MOM UNCLE ASH SAID SHIT" Miles shouted from the floor as Ash rolled his eyes before he bent down to throw him over his shoulder as he tickled him.

Lily smiled brightly as she nuzzled her face in to Chris's chest as she watched her family and friends congratulating them just like she had almost a year ago when they'd gotten engaged, it was funny how much things could change in such a short space of time, but also crazy how things just fall perfectly in to place.



So that's the end of Chris and Lily's story, I really hope you all enjoyed reading it! Please vote and comment it would mean the world to me! Love you all!

A xx

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