Chapter 10: Childish

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Chris let out a loud laugh as he re watched the video of him and Amber scaring Scott. They were already at Cora and Mark's house helping set up for the party and they had decided to take advantage of the fake blood Cora had bought. They had pretended Amber had cut off her finger cutting fruit for the punch bowl and it had elicited the most high pitched scream from Scott.

"You two suck" Scott sulked as he finished chopping the fruit, placing it in to the punch bowl. Chris and Amber were still both hunched over laughing hysterically as they continued to re watch the video.

"That's the best scare video I've ever done" Chris managed to get out in between laughs.

"What's going on in here?" Cora asked as she entered the kitchen, noticing Amber and Chris unable to breathe. Amber then turned the phone around and showed Cora the video. Cora burst out laughing as Scott rolled his eyes and sulked out of the room, muttering something about being targeted.

"So what costume are you wearing Amber?" Cora asked once she finally calmed down.

"Oh it's a surprise" she smiled as she winked at Chris who let out a laugh. All week Amber had refused to tell him her costume, saying it was a surprise.

"I look forward to seeing it" she replied as she began cleaning up the mess on the kitchen counter, "I'm guessing you're doing your usual?" she asked Chris.

"Yep" he nodded. Every year since he was 18 Chris has gone as a bear and Lily a bumble bee. It was her favourite tradition of theirs and they did it every year without fail. Even with Jack's influence, he hated Halloween and never wanted to dress up. Chris never understood that, Lily loved Halloween it was her favourite holiday so how could she be with someone who had no interest in it at all.

Chris had barely spoken to Lily, he hadn't seen her since his party. He knew it was Jack's doing, he was out to destroy Chris and Lily's friendship and Chris knew he had to do whatever he could to stop that from happening.

"Have you seen much of Lily?" Chris asked Cora.

"Not much" Cora sighed as she thought of her daughter, "Whenever I have seen her Jack's been there. He's been glued to her side, more than usual which I didn't think was possible"

"I think he's trying to push me out of her life" Chris whispered as he turned to grab a beer from the fridge.

"Chris, Lily would never ever let him do that, you're far too important to her" Cora replied, shocked Chris could think Lily would ever let that happen.

"Come on Cora, it's already started, I haven't seen her, she's avoiding my texts and calls, it's happening he's finally pushing me out" Chris sighed as he leant his hands against the counter and hung his head low.

"Oh honey" Cora whispered as she moved to embrace the man who was like a son to her, "I'm telling you she will realise, you two are soulmates I just know it"

"She's right Chris" Amber smiled as she rubbed Chris's shoulder, "She'll come around eventually."


A few hours later Chris was stood in the living room of Cora and Mark's house sipping from his drink as he watched people start to arrive. He was already in his bear costume, well it was more like a onesie with a hood as the head and he was waiting for Amber to come down from getting changed, he still had no idea what her costume was.

"Make way superhero coming through"

He turned as he heard Amber's voice behind him, seeing her posed in front of him he burst out laughing. She was wearing a captain America costume complete with a mini shield.

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