Chapter 47: A new chapter

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"Come on  baby not so fast" Chris chuckled as Lily raced ahead of him, she'd become quite the pro on her crutches the past couple of months, only losing her balance a hand full of times.

"Chris it's been two and a half awful fucking months on these things, I am not waiting a second longer to get this cast of my leg" Lily sassed back as she made her way to the hospital elevator.

Chris chuckled and shook his head at his girlfriend as they both climbed in to the elevator and he hit the button for their floor. It had been three months since Lily's accident and she'd recovered fantastically, Doctor Johnson was thrilled with her progress.

Her family and friends had been worried about how it would all affect her, not just physically but mentally too. Having your ex-boyfriend almost kill you isn't something you just get over, but Lily had handled it brilliantly. She had decided back then when she was laying in that hospital bed that she wouldn't let Jack win, she wasn't going to let him beat her and she hadn't. She's been going to therapy once a week and slowly easing herself back in to work with the help of Jess and Amber who had both been there constantly to help their friend. She'd also been visiting Daisy a lot at the bridge in the park, she found it helpful to talk to her.

But obviously a huge part of her recovering so well was having the love of her life by her side. Chris had been nothing but supportive during the past few months and Lily couldn't help but thank the universe that the two of them were brought together. She had no idea how she would have gotten through any of this if it weren't for Chris.

Jack was charged with attempted murder and was sentenced to ten years in prison. Chris and Ash had been present at the time of his hearing, both wanting to see with their own eyes as that piece of shit got everything he deserved. As well as the prison time, he was banned from being able to return to live in Boston upon his release and wasn't allowed anywhere near Lily ever again.

"I can't wait to get this stupid thing off my leg so I can finally get back to normal" Lily sighed as she rested her head against Chris's shoulder as they rode the elevator up.

Chris hummed in response, turning his head slightly to place a kiss on Lily's forehead. Lily had noticed he'd been lost in his thoughts all day and despite her asking several times, he insisted everything was okay, but she could tell something was bothering him.

Little did she know Chris had been planning something for the past two weeks, ever since they found out Lily could have her cast removed today. He knew that Lily saw today as getting back to normal and getting her life back, so he wanted to make today even more special by hopefully starting a new chapter of their lives together, he just had to keep himself together until they got to the park to visit Daisy, like they had planned to.

The elevator dinged as the doors opened, Chris stepped out first so he could hold the door open while Lily hopped out on her crutches. They made their way to the nurse's station where they were led down the hall to an exam room to wait for Doctor Johnson.

Chris helped Lily up on to the exam bed before he placed her crutches off to the side. Lily watched as Chris stood beside the bed, he didn't seem to be able to stand still as he hopped back on forth on his feet, his hands fidgeting with each other and she even noticed he'd started to sweat a little on his forehead.

"Bear are you sure you're okay? Because you're kind of freaking me out right now?"

"Huh?" Chris asked as he snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at Lily laid beside him, "What? Yeah I'm fine Bumble don't worry about me"

"Really because your forehead is dripping Chris" Lily raised her eyebrow as he just nervously shrugged at her before wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. Luckily for Chris before she could say anything else, Doctor Johnson walked in to the room.


Lily eyed up Chris suspiciously from the passenger seat as they drove in the direction of the park. He had been quiet and jittery throughout her entire appointment and although he had smiled widely and held her close when her cast had been removed she could tell something wasn't right with him and she was confused as to why he wasn't as ecstatic as her for this to all finally be over.

Chris's fingers tapped nervously against the steering wheel as they got closer to the park. His heart was beating a hundred miles per hour, he could feel his forehead dripping with sweat again and his mouth was so dry he could barely swallow. He just wanted everything to go perfectly, the last time he tried to do this his entire life almost came crashing down around him and he'd be damned if he was going to let anything spoil this moment again.

The car was silent as they pulled in to the parking lot and as soon as Chris had the car in park he was straight out of the car and round at Lily's door opening it for her before she even had a chance to remove her seat belt. She eyed him curiously as she stepped out of the car and he moved to the back seats to let Dodger and Wolf out.

Lily began to get even more worried as she felt how sweaty Chris's hand was as he took hers and led them across the park towards the bridge. He walked with haste but not too fast considering Lily was still a little uneasy on her feet.

As they got further in to the park the sun began to set around them and Lily pulled her coat tighter around her with her free hand, even though it was almost April the weather was still very cold out.

When they reached the bridge, Lily realised she hadn't seen another soul since they first stepped in to the park and now she thought about it, there hadn't been any other cars in the parking lot either.

She let go of Chris's hand as she stepped on to the bridge looking around the park in front of her, confused as to why there wasn't even at least one more person around taking an evening stroll or walking their dog. She started to turn back towards her boyfriend as she spoke.

"Chris what is..."


Hey guys, so it's been a very long time since I've posted and I am so sorry, I hate that it's been this long since I got anything out, I really hope that you guys still want to read this story, we're actually almost at the end of worth it and there's only a few chapters left, I really hope that you like the ending! Also I'll be getting more chapters of forgive me out this week also!

Thank you for being patient with me, I've had a lot going on in my personal life, but I'm back now and I hope you guys want to continue to read my work! Love you all!

A xx

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