Chapter 39: Cliché

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Chris smiled brightly as he watched Lily from across the room as she helped Stella assemble a new toy she had gotten for Christmas. He stood in the exact same spot he had last year when he had watched her sulk over Jack and he couldn't believe how much everything had changed.

"Well this is giving me some serious Déjà vu" Chris turned to his side to see Cora smirking beside him.

"Yeah, but I definitely like the view much better this year, I've always hated seeing her cry, this is much better"

"You've definitely got that right sweetie" Cora smiled as she stroked Chris's shoulder, "so is today the day you're finally gonna put that ring to good use?"

Chris rolled his eyes and shook his head, "come on Cora, don't you think Christmas day is a little cliché?"

"Not at all, in fact I think you should just do it right now" Chris threw his head back in laughter at the older woman.

"Look Cora, promise not to freak out?" Chris asked as he raised his eyebrows at her.

"I promise" Cora spoke giddily.

"I have a plan to ask her, I'm gonna do it on New Year's Eve..."

"NEW YEARS EVE?!" Cora shouted excitedly while clapping her hands together, Chris immediately shushed her as he saw a few people look their way.

"Cora you promised you wouldn't freak out" Chris spoke in a hushed tone.

"Okay I'm sorry honey, I'm just so happy for you two" Cora smiled brightly as she reached up to hug him tightly, "I told you it would all be worth it" she whispered in his ear.

"You were right" he smiled as they pulled away.

"What are you two whispering about?" Lily enquired as she approached her boyfriend and her Mother.

"Oh Chris was just telling me he brought some of his expensive Whiskey but I have to keep it quiet because Jess has had her eye on it for months" Cora lied with a slight smirk on her face.

"Oh yeah Jess would finish that thing in like three gulps" Lily laughed, "mum do you need any help in the kitchen?"

"No don't worry sweetie, Lisa and I have got it" she smiled as she waved her off, "plus your brother just got here and you guys need to exchange presents" she nodded her head in the direction of the living room door where Ash and Amber had just walked in.

Lily and Chris headed over to greet them with everyone else before they all sat down to finish the present exchange. Amber and Ash gave their presents to Lily and Chris first and Lily was incredibly grateful for the lovely sweaters they had gotten her but she was just excited to give Ash his present.

"This is the last one for you Ash" Lily smiled as she hand over a small wrapped box to her brother.

"Aw thanks Lil" he smiled as her ripped open the wrapping paper and opened the box. Lily watched as his face lit up and he chuckled before he pulled the mug from the box. It was a plain black mug apart for the inscription on the side that said 'World's best big brother'.

"You remembered" Ash smiled at his sister.

"Well we both agreed it was about time you got one" Lily smirked before her brother stood to embrace her in a hug.

"Thanks lil sis" he whispered in her ear.

"You're welcome" Lily beamed as she pulled back from the hug.

"DINNERS READY" they all heard Cora shout from the kitchen.

"Right we all best move in to the dining room" Mark spoke as he placed his hands down on the arm rests of the chair he was sitting in to push himself up, "we definitely don't want to keep Cora waiting"

Everyone stood up to make their way in to the dining room and Carly began trying to usher her kids away from all of the new toys they had gotten from Santa. Stella especially wasn't ready to stop playing with new dolls she'd gotten, so against her protests Chris bent down to tickle her which caused the little girl to erupt in hysterical laughter as her uncle picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her in the direction of the dining room.

Lily waited behind as everyone left, just watching as Chris played with Stella. She loved watching him with his niece and nephews, every time she did her heart swelled in her chest. She knew that all Chris had ever wanted was a big Boston family and when she was younger that was something she always wanted too.

Before Daisy died, she and Lily would talk constantly about how when they grew up they would get married and have a bunch of kids and live next door to each other and their kids would all be best friends. It was a dream they'd had since they were young and they used to make their Barbie's have weddings. Since Daisy's passing though that dream hasn't really felt like it could ever be a reality for Lily anymore, not without her sister by her side.

Through her adult life she had never been able to picture herself starting a family with any of her past boyfriends, even Jack. Now she realises that should've been a clear red flag for her but she was too hypnotised by Jack's charm. But since being with Chris that's all changed and every time she sees him playing with the kids like this she can't help but picture what their life would be like with their own children.

"You okay babe?" Jess asked as she appeared beside Lily, throwing her arm around her shoulder and giving her a squeeze.

"Yeah I'm really good actually" Lily smiled brightly as she kept her gaze locked on Chris and Stella.

"You're totally getting broody aren't you?" Jess smirked as she playfully poked Lily's side.

"Oh fuck off" Lily giggled as she rolled her eyes, her attention still very much on Chris, "would that really be such a bad thing?"

"No sweetie I don't think it would be" Jess smiled brightly as she tilted her head and leant it against Lily's.

"So I'm guessing by your good mood that means it's been all quiet on the Jack front?" Jess asked in a hushed tone to avoid anyone hearing.

"Yeah I haven't heard anything from him since, I'm hoping you scared him off" Lily laughed half-heartedly.

"Yeah and if I didn't I know where your dad keeps his cricket bat collection so"

"I think that would definitely prove a point" Lily smiled as she turned to hug her friend, "I love you Jess"

"I love you too sweetie" Jess spoke in her ear before placing a kiss to her cheek.

"What are you two whispering about?" Chris asked with a smirk as he approached the two who were the only ones left in the living room now.

"You obviously" Jess winked as she gave Lily one last squeeze then she walked past Chris giving him a playful punch on the arm.

"Talking about me huh?" Chris asked as he wiggled his eyebrows at Lily.

"As always" Lily winked as she leant up to wrap her arms around Chris's neck and give him a chaste kiss on the lips, "I just love how you are with them"

"With who?" Chris asked as he cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"The kids" Lily smiled as she cupped his cheek and ran her thumb over his bottom lip, "you're great with them, it just makes me think that's all"

"Oh yeah" Chris smiled as he wrapped his arms tightly around her waist pulling her flush against him, "makes you think about what?"

"Oh don't make me say it" she laughed as she playfully slapped his chest before nuzzling her face in it.

"Well for the record baby, I think about that a lot too" Chris beamed as he softly stroked Lily's hair before placing a light kiss to her head.

"Will you two hurry up before your mother turns red" Mark exclaimed as he popped his head through the doorway that led to the kitchen.

"Coming Dad" Lily smiled as she pulled away from Chris after giving him one last kiss, then she took his hand and led them both through to the dining room.


A/N: Sorry a bit of a filler chapter, but the next one is gonna be full of fluff and lots of smut! Please vote and comment! Love you guys!

A xx

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