Chapter 21: Love

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"Do you have feelings for me?"

Lily's words rang in Chris's ears as he stood frozen, staring at her wide eyed. He had imagined telling her how he felt thousands of times and not one of those scenarios started like this. Everything he had wanted to say to her when this moment came had disappeared from his mind and he couldn't even form a single sentence.

How did she know?


He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, he just stared at her unable to function like a normal human being. Lily just continued to look up at him with those big brown eyes, her expression unreadable.

"What do you erm, err what do you erm mean?" he manged to stutter out as he avoided eye contact with her.

"C'mon Chris, please don't play dumb, just be honest with me?" she pleaded with a sad look in her eyes. Chris hated that he couldn't tell what she was thinking, that had never happened before, maybe it was because his brain was on overdrive just trying to string a sentence together.

"Lily I..." he started as his gaze fell to his hands that were playing with the hem of his T shirt in front of him.

"Look Chris I really just need you to be honest with me here, I need to know if I'm being crazy, if I'm just imagining it. I was confused after what you said last night but then I just assumed you were trying to cheer me up but then after what Jack said..."

"What did Jack say?" Chris interrupted, his brain finally finding the strength to form words.

Lily took a deep breath before she spoke, "he said you're in love with me and I'm the only one that's oblivious to it."

"He said that?" Chris asked as his hand came up to nervously rub the back of his neck. Lily just nodded in response as she began anxiously chewing her nails. Her gaze fell to the floor, the further the conversation went the more she felt the confidence she had when she walked in here fade away.


All Lily could do was hum in response, her gaze still fixed on the floor. She felt Chris take a step closer to her causing a shiver to travel down her spine, but she still couldn't bring herself to look up at him.

"Lily look at me?" he asked as he took another step forward. Lily just remained silent, her gaze fixed on her shoes. Her breath caught in her throat when she felt Chris place his finger under her chin.

"Lily I need you to look at me when I say this"

His finger gently lifted her chin so she had no choice but to face him. Lily could feel the last of her confidence crumbling as she looked into those familiar baby blues. Maybe this wasn't the best idea.

"Remember when you were sixteen and you were going out on your first date and you were freaking out because you hadn't had your first kiss yet?"

Lily nodded as she stared up at him, her ability to form words had gone straight out of the window the moment he touched her. His finger stayed in place under her chin as his thumb came up to gently caress her jaw, causing a bright blush to form on Lily's cheeks.

"Well that was the moment I realised my true feelings for you. That kiss was one of the best moments of my life Lily. I never knew that I could feel that much, especially at a young age and I have searched for that feeling every day of my life since but I haven't been able to find it because the only person who could make me feel like that is you"

"You wanted to know if I have feelings for you?" Chris asked as his other hand came up to brush a strand of hair behind her ear, "you wanted to know if Jack was right?"

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