June 1980

Stalking threw the halls of Malfoy Manor I smirk seeing Lucius, grabbing his robes I slam him to the wall pressing my wand to his throat "if you treat him like your sorry excuse of a father treated you I will throw you to werewolves on a full moon" I hiss.

He nods turning paler "yes Lady Black" smiling I roughly pat his cheek "good boy" I coo before dragging him with me to the room Narcissa's in with a new born Draco.

Shoving him toward her I pace twirling my wand "let's get somethings clear, do not spoil him into a self entitled prat who thinks he's better then everyone just because his family is wealthy, and if I so much as hear of him saying my father will hear about or any family member as a threat he will be serving detention his entire time at Hogwarts, and I will personal drag you both back to Hogwarts and force you both to serve detention with me without your wands".

Hearing Bella cackle I look at her raising my brow "do you have something to say?" I demand.

She laughs harder shaking her head "no ma'am it's just at every birth or wedding you threaten

"It's not a treat Bella it's a promise just like when you started yelling and threatening the elves, I forced you to do their jobs without magic and treated you just like you were acting"

She flinches no longer laughing "Sorry Aunt Aquila".

Nodding I look back to Cissa holding Draco moving forward I lift him up looking at him "hello Draco welcome to your life, someday I'll tell you the story of the muggle turned pure".

Smiling I walk out with him finding my friends waiting "want to meet Draco?"

Seeing them nod I hand him to Hagrid "tiny little guy" he says softly, nodding I watch as he hands him to Minnie "when are we going to have one?" She says sighing.

"When our kids finds someone they like" I answer shrugging.

1947 2 weeks later

Smiling I lead Hagrid out of class "you did great, they are all talking about how much your trying, they can see your making improvements, and you haven't tried to call truly dangerous
creatures misunderstood as much".

He nods frowning "some creatures are misunderstood but some are very dangerous and should not ever be a pet" he says slowly making sure to speak properly.

"Yer sur bout 'hat?" He asks.

"Yes Hagrid but if you ever need someone to help you figure out if it's really misunderstood ask me okay"

"He nods looking around nervously "wha's this mean?" He asks handing me a letter.

Opening it I read it over then smile "it means Dumbledore has found something for you to do
this summer, your working with Newt Scamander helping him and his wife to care for the creatures in their care".

"Wha' if I need yer 'elp bout if they are misunderstood or not?" he asks nervously.

Reaching out I touch his arm getting him to stop "Hagrid you will be fine I promise you have
remembered the list of creatures that are dangerous, but if you need reminded Mr. and Mrs. Scamander will help remind you, and if your reading is good enough by the end of the semester I'll give you a book with all the reminders you could need".

He nods smiling at me "I got care of magical creatures now".

Seeing him take off I smile feeling an arm around my shoulders "hello Pomona where'd you leave my Scottish hothead?" I ask smirking.

"Watch who you call a hothead Black" Minnie orders pushing me slightly before I feel Myrtle clinging to my back "Your hair smells like coconut and honey" she whispers near my ear.

"Thank you for confirming that the smells are correct Myrtle" I say laughing.

"Aquila" I hear Cygnus bark from behind me.

"Yes Cygnus?"

"Father is taking Riddle to the Wizengamot and we are expected to be there" he orders before
walking away.

"Wow great message delivering Cygnus what if I had more questions" I call after him seeing
he plans to ignore me, I frown glaring at him before throwing a stinging jinxes at his lower back.

"Rude git" I call out after him.

"Come on we have flying practice" Minerva say laughing.

Sighing I let them lead me out and cross my arms refusing to interact with the broom.

"Oh come on Black, what self respecting Witch can't fly on a broom" I twitch glaring at Minerva.

'Do not do it' my inner voice screams, holding my hand out I world less summon than mount
the broom before taking off ignoring my voice screaming at me to stop.

Carefully standing I hear Minerva yelling at me to stop standing as I keep my hands out for balance, while flying back to the ground reaching a safe distance I turn into my Animagus form pouncing on Minerva's face.

She pulls me off and I chitter happily rubbing my paws on my face "Ms. Black" turning I chirp at professor Dumbledore.

"We need to send in the form for your finally gaining your Animagus form" he says smiling.

Chirping happily I nod hopping off Minerva and turn back smirking at her "self respecting
Witch" I say in a playful mocking voice.

"You're arse is out the window" she yells in her normal accent while slapping my arm making
me laugh.

A few hours later 5pm

Standing in the shadows I huff looking around for Myrtle and Minerva.

"Kreacher" I whisper.

He pops in looking uncomfortable "yes Miss?"

"I need you to go get the muggle money I have hidden in my room and come back here" I whisper.

He nods leaving just as my friends join with Pomona following them glaring "what are you up to?" She demands.

Holding up a finger I smile as Kreacher pops back in gently grabbing his hand I make
everyone touch him "take us to muggle London" I whisper.

He leaves taking us before Pomona can react landing in an alley I smirk glancing around "go grab Walburga and bring her here even if you have to force her".

He nods leaving again "Aquila we will get in so much trouble if we are caught leaving the school" Pomona hisses looking around nervously.

Hearing Walburga's voice picking up I jump forward covering her mouth "shush, he did what I told him we are in muggle London do not expose magic" I say quickly.

"Mother and father will be very disappointed in you doing this" she hisses.

"I'm doing something important and we need an adult with us" I answer while she transfigures our clothes to look more muggle.

"He took me from a meeting with mother and father about possible husbands and made it clear his young Miss demanded I was brought to her even if he had to force me"

Sighing I nod "not the first time I've done it they are use to it by now" I say before shrugging and walking out.

Looking around I frown "Myrtle where do we find personal hygiene?"

She cackles before leading us to a store "we need to hurry they are closing soon".

Nodding I motion her forward "I'll let you handle this you know how it works".

She smiles skipping threw "so what are we needing?"

"Hair and body care, teeth care, and something to help with body oder".

"How many?"

"Grab 15 of each for now" I say shrugging.

She nods grabbing them before going to the man in front who looks shocked before telling us
the price, nodding I dig out my muggle money handing it to Myrtle shrugging when she
glares at me.

Once she gets what she needs I smile taking the money back and grabbing my stuff walking out.

"Is that all?" Walburga demands.

"Yes for now" I say as we head back to the alley.

"Kreacher come take us to Black Manor please"

He pops in allowing us to grab him and quickly takes us.

Arriving at home I smile seeing my parents glaring at me "hello mother and father, I have a big request but it will help our families standing in the community in the long run".

Father sighs motioning me to the sitting room "another idea?"

Nodding I sit down putting the bag beside my leg "Yes we can bridge the gap between us, squibs, and muggle borns if we start an outreach program to teach muggles about our culture
and in return they can teach us about theirs, and a magical child safety program to make sure
muggle borns are not being abused at home".

They nod listening to me calmly like always "Oh and include squibs in that we could teach
them how to survive in the muggle world and help them with learning and this" I add lifting
the bag they frown looking at it.

"It's muggle hygiene products we can give these out allowing them a chance to be clean and not look like they are dirty, please we are one of the most important and respected families here, if we do this it could make others take notice. We lead by example and show we can still respect our traditions and heritage while helping others"

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