Chapter 5 : His Friends

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Symphony woke up on time realising she is still very nude , Never in all her life had Symphony felt so sore. She couldn't recall the last time her body ached to this extent. Symphony was in agony. She opened her eyes and looked around, She flinch of the bitter pain she is feeling on her back and as well as in the middle of her thighs and it actually took her a while before she recalled the dire situation she was in and what had came across the last night. Needing to use the bathroom, Symphony seek to her needs .

She finished off her toiletries, tying a towel around her, she proceed on brushing her long black hair. Looking at her reflection in the mirror Symphony cringed. Yes she looked awful, her eyes are still red and swollen from all the crying

She opted on wearing a simple grey tea-lenght dress which has three quarter sleeves and wore her black flats. Her heart hurt every time she remembered what happened yesterday, what Drake did to her, first he cheats on her with a princess, then he beats her up and finally he raped her and told cruel things that she never in life knew what Drake is capable of. Drake is a mean arrogant asshole, and she is stuck with him. Walking to the door she leads her way to the kitchen, and head to make breakfast for Drake.

cutting fruits and making a fruit platter, along with a basket of baked croissant , a few types of jams and butters, she placed them on the table. and return to the kitchen to collect the juice she squeezed , she walks back to the dinning room gasping in surprise seeing Drake seating on the head chair. He eyed her while she lowered her gaze slowly placing the jug on the table.

Drake was here already, Oh My God he is here already. Symphony tried her best to ignore him.just see to your Task Symphony, just see to your tasks. Drake was there looking smashing. His Golden Blonde hair seemed a little wet, he might had just came out from shower, He wore a black Jerkin and matching black Breeches , for most girls he would had known to be very hot. But Only Symphony sees the monster that he is. His eyes darkened the moment he noticed Symphony eyes downcast. she always greets her good mornings with a small smile on her face. not today, Symphony choose to not greet him this morning . he hurt her so bad.

pooring the Haibiskos juice that she has made this morning it to his Tankard . she ignored her best to look at him. She plated him with two croissant, some fruits on the side and placed the butters and jams in front of him. He asks her to join her, which she did and ate quietly not encouraging him at all.

Symphony continued to eat her breakfast. She wanted to keep herself busy. If she was busy eating then she didn't need to focus her attention on Drake. Drake doesn't seems to like this, Drake waited patiently for Symphony to finish off her meal .

before she had a chance to get up and to walk to the kitchen still not daring on speaking.

" I didn't dismiss you yet.." He said, She frown at him seating down slowly at her seat and looked at him.she really did not want Drake's attention focused on her at all. a few minutes has passed, he was eating his meal quietly, the nerve of him.

" what do you want.." Symphony asked still holding her plate, if he doesn't want anything she can just go and start washing up. she had finished her meal.

Drake leaned back in his chair his sea as the blue eyes boring into hers.

" Are you going to give me attitude, do I need to remind you of yesterday night's encounter ." He was conversing.

" No sir" she purposely used the word Sir, looking down, Smart girl, Smart Symphony, only if he knows how smart she actually is, maybe he will not treat her as such.

" I aspect a feast to be prepared when my mens and I arrive this evening" He answered , the nerve of him to ordering her around, yes she is his wife, yes she has seen how her father had asked her mother to do a banquet for his friends , but never ordered more of a kind request, her father never had made her mother cry, always had respected her as a women.

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