Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

"  Cole send me a note, he told that There might be a possibility Symphony is at Amazon..." Jacklyn said looking at Drake and Thomas, Lucinda also there looking at her nails, the past seven or so months, Symphony, Symphony, Symphony is all she hears. Sure she helps she was on the north for a fucking month finding for Symphony, but's its getting tiring of her subject.

" you sure. I already researched there two months ago, she wasn't there" Dwayne now confused. They were all at Drake's house, except for Serena.

" Her relatives stopped searching for her just recently about three weeks now" Thomas enlightening his point now

" Cole told something about a Hospital in Amazon, He was there for a short trip on a meeting and he saw a Symphony look alike there but isn't sure for sure... but Cornelia and Firelord was beside her " Jacklyn states.

"Maybe she was found by her relatives first before us, Maybe she was just recently found but they choose to keep her away from us, " Lucinda now curious more of her case. They were all involved on finding her to safety. They are doing this for Drake.

" They chose to hide her from me,..." Drake sighs anger in him building up more

"We are not sure it's Symphony or not... we can't simply come with a conclusion " Dwayne voice of all reasons stated his point.

"Look, I'm heading to Amazon today to help Serina up with the packing, coincidence Lara is also going to meet Cornelia at the same time to discuss for the winter festival arrangements arranged by the Valkyrie and the Amazon , I will follow her, If I did find Symphony, I'll send the note..." Lucinda said, Drake nods of Lucinda's plan and Lucinda was on her way.

Lara had no idea of this, Lucinda life is very private so as Lara's . Both are sisters and Lara do look after Lucinda but yet both have their own life. Lara is not part of the clan, Lara only knows Dwayne, Serina and Jacklyn, the others she does not know or doesn't care to know either. Lara is assigned as the current leader of Valkyrie island and is noticed as their queen in away.

" I'll follow you to the assembly with Cornelia..." told Lucinda looking at Lara who is frowning at her. They were both ridding their own pegacy. Lara pegacy is in blue in color while Lucinda's is in pink.

" Why.." Lara asks confused. Lucinda is not the type to socialize.

" Serina asked me to come and help her little later at the evening, I don't know what to do for that long, I thought of joining you and the rest..." Lucinda says, some of Valkyrian warrior also following them. The winter festival is to take place in two months, and they have discussions  and decision to be made. Budget to performance to games were all to be brought up at the meeting including their target goal of what there are to get.

" Shopping, maybe " Lara asks shrugging.

" Lucretia told me, Amazon has great place to shop..." Lucretia is their sister. The middle sister of the family. younger to Lara older to Lucinda. She is the only one who is married in their family. She works as an advisor of the Valkyrian board and as well a Doctor. Cole was actually her student once. The Amazon valley queendom grooms Valkyrian city island up as much as they could, they are known as sister countries, meaning they will always be there for each other, support each other. Lucretia comes here for seminars sometimes.

" I'm bored with Shopping, I chose to come with you..." Lucinda states her point.

" very well than.." Lara answered and soon they were at the Amazon queendom castle. Cornelia was there to greet them.

As they were at the meeting room, Cornelia and Lara set in the head seats of opposite sides while the others seat around them discussing and brining up points after points of their ideas and accounts that they needed to be clarify with.

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