Chapter 51

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Its been almost an hour now, Dante has been crying, and crying, and crying

Over and over again.

Seeing Dante crying, Symphony started crying too.

"Don't cry, baby... Don't cry, please... mama has you..." there was a time Dante called Symphony mama, it was only six months ago, he stopped, it's like he chooses whom to Call mama and whom to call papa since he sees all Symphony, Melody, and Lyric calling Alora and Damien that. he assumed they are his parents too.

"You're not  mama... my mama's bye, she bye," the child wept.

Drake was looking at this, hearing this 

glared at Symphony.

Even Phoebe started wagging its tail, licking Dante

As if she understands something is off.

Symphony tried everything

Gave him all the toys she bought for him

Carried him and kept tugging him in her arms,

"please, darling, please for Symphony..." She sobs now, feeling sad.

Drake looking at her pains his heart

He sorts of understanding why she didn't want to take care of Dante

In a way he does

She had a valid point yesterday

If Dante stayed with her, He would see her sadness

The sadness he very well as know that he the one who caused.

He would not have been a happy child.

But he couldn't just stand there watching this, 

and one is Symphony his wife another is his son,

 his flesh, his blood crying while he walks away, he just couldn't

"could you just leave." the nerve of her. Symphony asks, glaring at him all of a sudden.

Drake walks to her carrying Dante from her; Symphony panics now.

"Dante. Drake, please stop..." the child went historical now, crying louder.

Drake didn't have it. His son is stubborn as his wife, he can tell.

Walking out Dante still in his arms, Symphony followed at the back of Drake.

"Drake stop please, ok you can stay, please stop, just give me Dante back..." Symphony sobs following tugging at his arms. Drake kept walking, stubborn as his father, Symphony thought.

Bringing Dante straight to his terrace on top of the stable. Dante started to look at Midnight, wiping his tear, fascinated by the beast,

" here you want to ride... him; his name is Midnight..." Drake told, Dante looked at Drake as if he's from another planet and looks back at Midnight.

" why its, its, black.." Dante asked, wiping his tear, looking at the creature. He is not used to seeing black horse flying creatures, its new to him. Drake figured this would interest him.

" just like mama..." he said, making Symphony look at her son questioningly well yes, she is the dark skin one in her family, of course.

" do you want to go on a ride..." Drake asks Dante looks at his Drake-like. Suddenly he is confused.

" if you promise not to cry, I promise ill take you for a ride..." Drake said Dante looks like he's thinking of something. But when Midnight starts licking Dante's face. He couldn't help but laugh at it. Suddenly very exited

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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