Chapter 6 : Unexpected or expected

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Rubbing her still very sleepy eyes, Symphony awakes still feeling very tired, For Symphony, Why does the sun had to come up so soon. All the cooking  and the cleaning yesterday had exhausted her, she just needs a few more hours of sleep, but remembering Drake, Drake wouldn't like it. he had told her during the first week when she was here. He aspects her as his wife to be awake and prepare breakfast on time before he sets to work. Symphony showered quickly , wearing a plain white and blue rose printed tea-lenght dress with trumpet sleeves, tying her hair into a lace braid. she  hurried out of the room downstairs to the kitchen. 

She prepare breakfast as fast as she could, making some chocolate oats porridge with blue berries, a pot of coffee, some fruit platter,  pita breads  and  Macadamia Nut Brie En Croute , she brings the food to place it on the table but was shocked to see Mark seating there, like he was waiting for her. 

" Good Morning.." He wished to her kindly,

" Good Morning" she returns him sweetly, and start placing all the food on the table. Drake joined a minute later, and the men started conversing having their breakfast. as soon as breakfast was done they left riding their Pegacorns to work. 

The next few weeks  fell into a routine for Symphony. As by Drakes so called house rules Breakfast and dinner were always served on time   and on occasions Mark  would join them. Symphony understand their bond is different, they are twins, they have been together since in the womb. She noticed Drake is always happy when having him around. Mark always have something to talk about and she sort of enjoy the company as well. Bites her for not talking at all, at least Mark will ask her some questions for her to response  . some kind of communication was always there when Mark was around. with Drake nothing. Through out the day Symphony will alway busy herself cleaning, reading , gardening or taking care of her  pegacy Sky. It's been many nights since she rode Sky. The beast keeps on neighing on her, signalling symphony to take her out on a ride . 

" Soon Sky, I'm sorry.. I have to ask Drake now before I can ride you..." she apologies brushing Sky's blue hair. Sky is in blue colour thats why Symphony named her Sky, she reminds her of the sky.  Sky rubs its head on her cheeks which made Symphony to laugh and kisses it on its cheek. such a good Pegacy. if only Pegacy could understand.  

after brushing and feeding Pegacy she will busy herself with some gardening which she had started to busy herself with. She would always work with the gardens, planting flowers  and herbs by immersing herself in nature.

Drake hadn't attempted anything since the night of how he puts it as Symphony's punishment. Symphony was grateful. although Her body has already been fully recovering , but mentally she still feels sick thinking about that day. 

Symphony craved company. Any company, she felt so alone. She missed her mother who always makes her smile , she missed her sisters so much and not forgetting her father, Symphony has always known to be her fathers daughter, they always have a special bond, Symphony is his favourite , can't really blame her being the oldest its a natural. She wanted to visit her family, but Drake seemed to be always busy and lets admit she doesn't really wants to ask him for anything , she knows the answer would be No or even worse he would mock her how childish she is or how is she going to go there to complain about this. One thing that Drake yet to find out is the fact that Symphony has always been the courages one in the family, always had took the bigger load, she is never a coward and never the one who complains and argues ! However she still miss Home, most of all she misses her freedom. Missing her freedom Symphony was slowly drowning in loneliness .

Today She decided to ask Drake when he returns home, she had already cooked dinner all prepared and neatly placed on the dinning table . Symphony decided she wanted to ask Drake if maybe she could go out at the night market . She can ride Sky, Poor Sky, It needed to fly at night.  

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