chapter 28 Stranger with the Hood

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Chapter 28

So, it settled, The God and Goddess do have a plan. Symphony still does not know who is the stranger wearing a hood in front talking to Rose and Demeter is.

At the back of the stranger, Symphony and Pixel lights has no idea who he is.

"Who is he..." Pixel Light beside her asked curious wanting to find out. From the back he looks tall and fit shaped size. Symphony shrugged looking at the back of the stranger, until he lowers down his hood turning behind to look at her.

"Oh, my... he looks gorgeous for a human" Pixel light said laughing excited. Symphony felt sick in her stomach.

"let's go Symphony..." he told looking at her a bit disappointed at the same time worried at her.

"Yes uncle..." Pixel light awfully confused now. Symphony followed at the back of what now days everyone calls as Fire lord, her uncle whom once known as Christoff. She looks at her friends thanking and send her farewells to them for the last time. It is sad she couldn't hug Pixel Light or Dahlia, to thank for their kindness.

" Do send us letters.." Dahlia says still in the water waving her hands at her.

" Take care, we're going to miss you and send us the pictures please.... The pictures of the baby... remember what I suggest about the names... Dusty... or gold dust..." Pixel light tells waving her hand at her, wiping her own tears with her hanker chive. Pixel Light suggested fairy names to her, Symphony grins at her, smiling.

"I'll keep that in mind..." she says and waves at them bye.

Rose gently placing her head at Demeter chest while both of them stare at her walking away from the garden slowly. She is going to miss them all knowing it will be a very rare chance of meeting each other again. She is definitely going to miss her stay here, but to her she made the right decision for her son. She feels her son deserves the freedom out there instead of being trapped in here. She wants to show him the world, teach him how to ride, tell him every knowledge she knows. It won't be fair for her son if she chose to be here. Her son needs people around him, people he can talk, play with and definitely touch too.

Her uncle gently places his hand at the back of her waste for her to move.

There were six-white colored swanswills... which are swan like animals but are in giant size and can fly and swim were outside with a carriage a driver and four soldiers were waiting for them at the Dollhouse, Fire Lord helped her to get inside the carriage while he sat in as well opposite her. The rest sat outside, two at the front ridding while another two at the back. The carriage was in white pumpkin shape, always the stylish Fire lord. And they were soon all were on their way to Amazon queendom.

"I deserve an explanation Symphony, your father is sick and worried... everyone is searching for you " Fire lord told glaring at her, holding both of her wrist sighing, he needed answers.

"I want you to tell me the truth, and the truth only..." he gently places the lie detecting fruit on her hand. Her tears coming out now.

"I assume you know what this is..." he looks at the fruit, she closed her eyes sobbing knowing very well. How can she forget about this awful fruit.

"It's a long ride back home to Amazon Queendom Symphony, we have all day... I demand to know, what happen ... " her uncle glares at her now . Yes, Symphony is definitely under interrogation by her uncle... and so Symphony told what happened.

She didn't let know about the abuse, all she told was she was in love with Drake but He seemed to be in love with someone else and the story about the fall when she last met her uncle and aunt there and when Demeter granted her a gift she wished, only to get punished by it.... She felt that Demeter did some sort of abducted her but yet, she understands it's his way to protect her yet, even Symphony knows if she did stay with Drake she's going to lose her mind there, eventually to kill herself. But she is not that selfish, she knows the moment her parents see her lively body, they will blame themselves and will end their lives there too, ending up her sisters to be orphans hating the whole world, blaming Symphony the most. So, she explained how and what caused her to ended up here.

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