Chapter 12 : Love Hurts

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Author Note :

Unedited be warned

future this book will be reedited by a professional editor as the times comes

stay tune, keep up with the spelling mistakes and grammar errors

would appreciate some comments of this chapter.

chapter 12 : Love Hurts

Symphony woke up alone on her bed feeling a little groggy. Still tired, getting up she found that the time was 12 pm and mentally slept herself on finding that she had slept in nude and for this long too. Sighing annoyed that she had slept this long she made her way to her closet tying her rob she started to unpack her beg and placed her necklace that Demeter had gifted to her safely in her jewelry box along with the other jewelry's that she had worn smiling that how lucky she was that God had given her a gift. She strolls to her bath room taking a nice warm shower she chose to wore a simple pastel pink knee length teacup dress.

Making her way to the dining area Ruby was there drinking coffee that she apparently had made for herself. The moment she notices Symphony, She glares at Symphony as if Symphony had killed her pet cat.

Symphony gets really annoyed of her presence at her face, all this glaring and stuff it makes her feel sick. Drake glares at her, Ruby glares a her, Mark sometimes does glares at her but it's more of don't make Drake upset or I don't want you to get in trouble sort of glare and there is always concern in his eyes which Symphony sorts of accepts, but when it comes to Ruby it's more of a bitchy glare and speaking about Drake his glare is more of you are going to get punished sort,

yes, this glaring game is just simply annoying.

She role her eyes at her and walked to the kitchen to put herself some ginger tea.

"it's all your fault, we had to return early. Why didn't you just stay put and learn your place. Noting would had happened if you just knew your place." speak of the devil, Ruby came rushing to the kitchen firing on Symphony.

"My could it be my "Symphony frowns in shock of Ruby's outburst,

"Yes, it is all your fault, we had to return early, if you had just seat on your place Nothing would had happen and then you have to pull out the falling down from the sky stunt "

"Stunt. Well pardon me..." she tries to retort back, but Ruby was on the roll, she didn't even let Symphony finish what she wanted to say.

"You know what leave it, I hope you are happy for ruining everything for us" Ruby shook her head turning her back towards her and walks off. This is a first for Symphony for a woman to scream at her like that. Ruby and symphony never really talked with each other, Symphony always avoids her presence and stays far away from her and the mere times they had been together it was always being the presence of Drake and even than she will avoid any conversation, she will only reply if Drake asked her any questions and normally its to check her chores are done.

Drake's house has eighteen rooms and twelve bathrooms all together, it's a gift from his parents, Mark house is as almost similar as Drakes house but it is in the valley also presented by their parents on their 25th birthday.

Every day Symphony has to clean three rooms and two bathrooms, making her fully occupy six days a week on cleaning the house duty and when it came on the seventh day her job is to clean the stairways, Hall way, Drakes office, dining area and the kitchen. Fully occupying her with chores every single day and this also includes of her basic other chores such as making Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and as well as cleaning up Drake's room and her own room including their laundry is to be done every day. One of the reasons why Symphony is always busy and tired is because of the chores. Her garden has always been her safe house, her evacuee she calls it.

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