Chapter 35

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Symphony woke up groggy and in pain the next morning, she had been asleep all day long. She noticed Drake was not beside her.

Her body was just exhausted. She was only on her underwear, Drake didn't strip of her underwear, her back payed the most.

finding her dress, she couldn't wear this , this will definitely hurt her back, so she went in to Drake's closet and picked up something loose. Once she goes back to her room, she wants to have a shower and change into her loose night gowns.

than again, her son. she had to remind herself, her son. she has a son now. who would had fed him, who would had bathed him nor changed him. Her son needs her. she has to get back to her son.

she tried opening the door it was locked until moments after Drake marches in.

" I need to get to the baby..." She rushes out to the baby's room, seeing their son is not in the court, she sees Birdyta.

" wheres, my son..." she asks, Birdyta looks down.

" where is my son.." She yelled, Drake looking at her.

" Drake Where is my son, where.." Symphony sobs not understanding

" I gave him to Serena,... I think it's about time you learn how to share.." Drake pulls her chin smirking.

" No, Bring him back to me.. please.. please bring him back to me, I promise, i promise i behave, she can name him, she can name him.. please... please... I beg of you, bring him back.."


" Bring him Back.. please bring him back..."

" Symphony... Symphony... SYMPHONY." She wakes gasping looking around her she is still on the bed, she was with only her underwear on . she is currently having a panic attack or something, Drake frowns looking at her holding her face examining on her.

" you're having a bad dream,... It was just a dream " Drake says gently rubbing her cheeks. placing her head on his chest rubbing her shoulder to comfort her. It's night it hasn't reached dawn yet.

" wheres my son.. I want to see him, she can name him.. anyone can name him... don't take him away from me please " She sobs on his chest.

" Baby I don't understand what your on about, you just had a bad dream.." Drake told rubbing her shoulder. Reconfirming her it was just a dream. But it seems so real.

Symphony cries on his chest. wincing a bit, she is still in pain.

" I'll go get our son.." Drake gently moved out from the bed, coming back from his closet he gave her her one of his huge shirt, that reminded her she is still half naked only her underwear on, everything felt so real. she wore it without question pulling her hair out of the shirt.

Drake came back with their son minutes after, passing him over to her.

" his already been bath and fed, and his asleep.." Drake said passing their sleeping son to her, she took him in her arms wincing as she did and kisses his forehead. than she wept holding him , his the most precious thing of all for her.

She sobs . Drake bit his bottom lip looking at her.

he felt fucking guilty looking at her,

he shouldn't had belted her, He shouldn't had done anything to her. Lifting her up gently he placed her on his lap, their son still on her arms.

" shh.. sh.... I'm sorry... I shouldn't had belted you, Im so sorry..." He tells gently kissing her forehead, she bits her bottom lips sobbing hiding her face on his chest.

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