Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

" All right, mam.. it's time "one of the arrangers told looking at Althea.

" It's finally going to happen" Althea said , her father kissing her head now.

"just one moment with my daughter Ariel, just one moment with our daughter.." Aric told looking at his wife , his eyes already wet. Ariel looked at Olivia gesturing to them kindly to give them a moment of privacy.

"come on dear... we will wait for you at the Hall" Olivia told nodding smiling at them signaling Symphony to follow them out. Closing the door.

" Is Drake here..." Olivia asks looking at Symphony, Symphony was shock of her sudden question, she shook her head slowly. Olivia nodded like she understood than guided Symphony to the living area. When they reached the stairs, they were both surprise to see Drake there waiting wearing his armor. He didn't look Happy instead he stood aside away from Mark and the rest of them who to follow the Bride and Groom. When his head turned he noticed Symphony immediately glaring at her, the bitch is all pretied up for the event, ran away with Ice practically to attend this wedding.

"stop glaring at your wife like that, I placed a sword on her neck, honest, she had no choice..." Ice mildly walks her way beside Drake, dusting his chest armor as if it's dusty and whisper to him at the same time. Ice noticed how his glare was towards Symphony, when Symphony was walking down the stairs along with Olivia.

Tray noticing Ice, decided it is time for Ice to be by his side now, if anyone to ask he wants to address Ice as his, he didn't want anyone ogling at her in anyway. He wants to show to everyone she is already taken, she is his. Ice turn to look at Tray just when Tray stood at the back of her. He showed her his arm, she retrieves it. Rubbing from her arm to the base of her wrist now, he checks on it getting angry at her.

"where is your ring..." Tray asks anger in him rising pulling her wrist looking at her eyes for answer. In the world of Lavendram once they are arranged for each other they will wear their rings there itself while on the wedding day the ceremony of drinking the night cherry flower will take place.

The function of the night cherry flower is bonding them together as one, and only than they are married and even can be able to have an offspring of their own together, until than no matter how many times they have intercourse, the female can't get pregnant.

The journey to get the night cherry flower is not that simple, after signing the contract of their marriage which would had during the time they exchange their rings, the council will show the contract signed prove to one of the Goddesses whom are the current care takers and creators of this special flower. There are sixteen goddesses all together whom are in charge of this special plant. And once the council shown their agreement of legalization of marriage, one of the goddesses will take an interest of the couple and creates the flower then and there by using the contract paper, a fair amount of magic and power is involved, the once known as a contract paper will turn into a flower that is called the night cherry flower.

Of course, the Council will also have a copy of their certificate that they are legally married, the council than will pass the flower to the representative person for the wedding ceremony.

The flower is to be placed in a jug added two cups of water making it to dissolve creating it into a special wine and this wine can only be drank by the bride and the groom. Let's say if someone else either than the proposed couple had taken the drink accidently or not, the wine will turn into acid, of course the marriage will not be sealed, the person who intentionally or unintentionally drank the wine will face horrible blood vomiting there and then that will confirm to be led to death.

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