Chapter 8 : why is she Hiding

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Symphony wakes up seeing that Drake is still asleep beside her, slowly trying to make her way out of bed she gasp in surprise when he pulled her arms making her fall flat on top of him, she whimpered annoyed glaring at him while he respond to her with his all to famous one sided lip smirk. Asshole.

" you act like an animal" she said angrily to him

"Glad your enjoying my suffering" Drake winked at her touching her breast rolling her nipple which is slowly hardening and Drake smirked at it loving to tease her breast, again with the attitude. Drake is an asshole for sure to make Symphony this uncomfortable.

"How can you be this cruel.." she asks of him slapping his hand away from her breast trying to get away from him , again he used the same method pulling her elbow towards him, making her fall on top of his naked chest again. he likes teasing her. he couldn't help but to laugh at her attempt to get away from him.

He smirked holding both of her wrist tight on his one hand, while on his other hand he trail his fingers down at her pussy inserting two fingers in her.

"aghh " she gasp crying out on the sharp pain shooting at her core, she was very dry. He winked at her. He was such an asshole, degrading her this way.

" I need to go to the washroom, " she says trying to get away from him again , but this time Drake let her hands go, and didn't bother to stop her. quickly wrapping herself in her robe , Symphony made her way to her closet, she grabbed a blue dress and undergarments , not even wanting to look at Drake, Symphony walks to her washroom to have her shower. once she had finished she dressed up walking out to find Drake was not there. Good.

After finishing coming her hair looking presentable, Symphony walks down to the kitchen to seek for breakfast, thinking about Sky, poor Sky.. she can't help but to feel sad for her pegacy . placing breakfast at the table, she noticed Drake walking down with Ruby on his side, both of them holding hands , Ruby has that smirk on her skinny face.

Symphony knows that smirk, and lately she feels irritated of her.

" hmmm, everything smells so wonderful Symphony.. you do well in the kitchen.." Ruby just not just say that. Symphony was angry at her. She responded with a bitchy smile taking her seat.

lifting her dress down a bit for show, Ruby display her collar bone, it is obvious Drake has given her a hicky and she wanted to show her skinny bones to Symphony.

" Drake next time, try not to mark me will you, this doesn't even comes out even after my bath.." oh the same old trick that she pulled that day, That does it Symphony couldn't help it anymore. Getting up from her seat.

" Maybe you should rub yourself more harder and bath more often.. seems like a solution.." Symphony couldn't control herself,

" Symphony... " Drake snaps at her.. but before he could say anything

" I am sorry your highness and to you too " she told grabbing a blueberry muffin , she walked her way outside before Drake can even call her to come back, is jealously what Drake seeing, he can't help but to feel like he won something. he let her go for now, its kind of cute looking at her emotions and how jealous she gets.

walking out from the house, Symphony noticed Sky is not waiting for her at the Barn, Poor Sky. She hears huge wings flopping on the sky placing her hand on her forehead blocking the ray of the sun to see who is that only to find out it was Mark landing down with his black pegacorn with sir Edward with a black pegacorn of his own .

" Symphony..." Mark calls for her reaching to her,

" Sir Edward, Brother Mark" She curtsy to them both, the respect of Lilithbeth knight, Mark walks to her giving her a kiss on her cheek, she winced again which made Mark disapprove knowing that Drake must have had something to do with this. plastering a smile quickly she changes the subject

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