Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

It has been a month since the baby arrived, the war has ended, the whole world is celebrating of its victory. Many had died and gotten hurt because of the war.

Drake stopped replying her which made her to wonder on her thoughts, the last message she received from him was that he will retrieve her in two weeks and he can't reply her after this but the war is over. She was very happy of the news. It had been more than two month she last saw Drake.

Last night the mansion celebrated the joy of Dwayne and Seetha and the arrival of their son. It's a naming ceremony. It was Symphony's first time to see both mother and child. The child looks exactly like the father. Blonde hair and green eyes and rather a tannish skin. So adorable so cute. They named their son Troy.

When one of the relatives asked why Troy, Dwayne explained that it was his late maternal grandfathers name. His Mother was very happy of choosing the name. she kept thanking Dwayne and Seetha.

There were bunch of food, candles and lanterns were lightened everywhere and a dance in the end. It was fun , Seetha's family is amazing. But yet she misses Drake very much.

The next morning Symphony was again with the kids. She likes hanging around with the little ones. The children parents were all happy of Symphony. Symphony is always there to help on their readings or just anything of what the children's need.

"Symphony are you going to leave us" Sophie asks tilting her cute little head squinting her eyes in confusion. Symphony smiles at the little girl.

"well I ..." Symphony starts

"see I told you, she has to return to her husband, that's what everyone is talking about...." Mariah tells rolling her eyes flipping her long light brown locks at her back. The little shit has style, though youngest from the rest but she's the leader of the children of the mansion.

Sophie very sad now. Symphony bit her bottom lip looking at the child feeling guilty.

"who's going to teach me how to read after you are gone..." Sophie mummers sadly.

Most of the members from the mansion are all either working for the circus or working in the mansion.

Symphony being at home she got more attached with the children. The children were all home schooled and only will be enrolled to a public school once they reach twelve. They had arranged four tutors and has a huge class room beside the library just for them. The other activities that the children are involved includes performance training. Whether its ballet, gymnastic, belly dancing, martial arts, musician to animal trainer, up to just anything, it's up to the children's and their parents to locate them where they wish their children to master their  talent in.

Seetha was located in belly dancing when she was young. Most of the chubby girls are always sent to belly dancing. It's the only art they can pull through and get back to their ideal size naturally and its fun too. It also makes them feel confidence of their size , later when they perform the dance.

Their way in the mansion is very different, too family orientated. Everything they do is together. The elders are the leaders of the mansion. It is set that no one gets a share, if the family decides to break every single penny will go to the Sunscript Valley Temple. It is fixed five generations early. As long they stay together they get to live in the mansion as a huge family, they get their job at the circus,  the children are all funded,  Food is always there for them and monthly allowance are given to them . The people in the mansion are allowed to go for vacations or just do anything as long they stick in the family and have given them further notice .

"there you are..." Symphony turned to the laugh smiling. Seetha.

" I finally can come out now, instead of being trapped there and only allowed in the balcony garden..." every room in the mansion has a balcony that has its own private garden like set up. Very beautiful.this castle patterned mansion is huge. Dwayne travels everyday from work and back to the mansion. It's a five-hour ride but he didn't mind. Seetha however did. She worries for him allot.

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