Chapter 39

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" So let me get this straight, You tried making her pregnant again, so you can take her baby from her, to give it to Serina " Mark asked shocked. than he laughed, a wicked laughed. shook his head looking at Drake.

" Well do Brother, look where it got Symphony.. WELL DONE , I hope you are very proud of yourself" Mark spat drinking his rum, Drake threw the glass wanting to hit the living hell out of him. The hospital has a fancy looking bar. exactly for this purpose. Thomas holding them both down.

" Fuck.." Thomas told. disappointed on both.

" she's mine and if i want to put a baby in her and give it away, it's my wish, she's my property..." Mark getting up again wanting to punch Drake.

" His riling you up, you rilled him, he rilled you back.. Fuck, Fucking stop the both of you... were in a fucking hospital" Thomas told again blocking them both. Fuck, this is tiring.

" Than ask him to shut up... If you weren't there, she would had been gone, she would had been dead" Mark yelled at him.

" What would you explain to her father Drake, what would explain about his little girl ... To her mother, to her family,  thats why she fucking ran didn't she, she fucking ran thinking you would do stupid things like this..."

" Don't speak things you know nothing of  , she didn't run, she was fucking abducted.." Drake snapped back

" WHAT.." Thomas asks now more confused. Mark as confused as him.

" Well thank god she was, at least she had some piece of her mind from you.. " Mark said.

" She was abducted.." Thomas still wanting to know what happen

" Look at her, look where's she's at, look where did it lead into .." Mark again told shaking his head, he walked out from the Bar, can't stand being in the same room as Drake.

" What do you mean abducted, to whom, how... where.. you know of this and you're just telling me now.." Thomas still just can't let go of this new sort of information. He spend half of the year looking for her day and night with Drake feeling guilty that something bad might have happened to her.

" I just found out, She was abducted by Demeter..."

" Demeter, Demeter, you mean is that the guy she shared at the camp, her first love or something.." Thomas again asked, couldn't let it go.

" No, Demeter the god.."

" The fuck" and it happened, Drake started explaining to Thomas, what the heck happened.

Awhile later Drake went out at the waiting room seeing Mark outside looking at her sleeping. Drake sighs looking at her.

"She was awoke awhile ago, I fed her some soup, and the meds put her back to sleep, the dr told she would still need to be in observation tonight, Tomorrow we can bring her back" Mark told. Drake nods.

" Symphony begs me to let her return to her parents... she no longer wishes to stay with you , she got what she came for, you have Serena... she has an moonlit heir , This can be a truce" Mark told

" she is not going anywhere ..." Drake snapped glaring at her through the glass.

" And I believe you know what is right for her.." Both turned to Demeter's voice as he approach looking at her.

" Stay away from her..." Drake snapped at the God.

Demeter smirks back. his in his normal god size self, more like in disguise his wings behind his cape. who would seem like a commoner. But his eyes is the one which won't fool Just anyone. Mark allert now, not understanding who this man is. He didn't focus on his eyes yet.

" Good luck trying to stop me.." within seconds his inside the glass room beside Symphony.

Drake sighs..

" That's Demeter.." Mark asks shocked. Drake didn't reply.

Again Demeter touches Symphony's cheeks, she moved a little a soft smile on her face, Demeter smirks at her, Drake wanted to rip his hands away from her.

Than Demeter went towards her legs, lifting her blanket and dress he takes her calf chain away from her, just one pull it was off her like magic.

Symphony didn't notice his presence nor what he did at all. Of course only the owner of that device can take it off, unless it was the maker or gods. Demeter is a god.

Within seconds he was back in front of Mark and Drake.

Mark had no idea she was chained and locked. Demeter break the chain into two infront of them both

" I Believe this is yours...  It annoyed the hell out of me, I simply had to do that " Demeter smirks pulling Drake's hand and gave it to Drake.

Mark was still confused, he looked at Drake accusingly, Who would fucking do that to their wife. they were only used for prisoners, who would.

" She will be alright, For Now.. hope you do what is best for her.." Again Demeter told walking away from there.

This will be Demeter last time visiting her in the Hospital.

Rose is going historic wanting to visit herself, Demeter promised that he will visit her again just to please Rose. When he looked at Symphony he channeled his vision to Rose. To make make her see that she's alright. Rose is heavily pregnant, He doesn't want her straining herself, especially because when goddess gets pregnant they cant shapeshift until their offspring is born.

Drake sighs louder when Demeter left, He is right, they are all right

" She will do it again, she will try to kill herself again, she was lucky because Thomas was there, the next time we wouldn't know.." Drake said looking at her.

" What are you saying.."

" It's a truss , I'll sign the papers that It's a truss... She can return to her home, while I live my life with Serina, but, I chose to continue to be a Moonlit knight until Dante reaches 18 , Than I'll hand over the throne to him, I don't wish to retire from the throne now.." Drake stated, and yes they had an agreement.

Mark told Symphony and she was relieved.

" Please don't make me see Drake , until i leave could you help me with that" Symphony asked and again it was arranged.

she wants to get away from there, she wants to be free and she doesn't wants to see Drake, It's just too painful for her.

The next day , Mark took her back to Drake's house , she wept hugging Dante. Her son what was she thinking. Leaving her son without a mother.

She felt so sad and afraid suddenly. she wept and cry, She loves her son.

" I'm sorry Dante... I'm sorry... Please forgive me , I'm sorry..." She cries hugging the confused looking child kissing his cheeks. It took her awhile to recover.

When she wrote her father a letter through Drake's Phoenix, letting him know that her marriage was a journey and it has become to an end, as it was not working no more and she doesn't feel any love towards Drake and she has decided it to be a Trus.

Her father replied her to return right away and a carriage will be there to get her. He also asked her not to bring any of the stuffs from there and to come only with Dante in her arms and the rest he will take it from there.

She missed her father the most, they always have a special bound, she is his oldest. However despite what her father had asked her, she still decided to take some things including her jewelearies that her mother gotten for her, some of Dante's stuffs and some of the memorable stuffs that she gotten, including a picture which was taken a week ago. It was a picture of Dante, Symphony and Drake, a beautiful portrayed, supposed to be framed big and placed it in the baby room, too late to think about it now. she took it.

When the carriage arrived she thanked everyone and took off with her Son in her arms.

When she finally reached her house after  three years, her parents were infront waiting for her tearing up, they hugged her and her father carried Dante for the first time. Her sisters were all there for the support.

She finally feels happy, she finally at home.

to be continued

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