Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 ( Unedited, if you can really understand this than no worries, however I will try to place some more touches in this chapter soon, just let to drop down the main ideas here)

Its been a few days since Symphony arrived, she is getting the use of the place here. To her surprise Thomas is living here now, Mark had visited her the next day, Drake had taken her to the hospital visit, he wanted to be sure that their child in her is alright. Drake makes sure Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner is to take on time.

Just like any day, she walks down to have her Breakfast, Thomas was seating at the table, Drake was seating at the head table, they both seem to finish their breakfast. Safina taking their plates away. Thomas wiping his mouth with his linen. Drake stares at her, Symphony already know where she is to seat. It is always beside Drake. He monitors her intake of food, she looks weak and thin for a pregnant woman.

She spread the jam on her bread start to eat it... Safina placing the fruit salad on the table for her, she is to take and finish it. That was Drake's orders, it's good for the baby. He did his homework. Thomas and Drake were having their conversation about shipments and trades. Something Symphony wasn't interested nor to care to know about. She finished her food and started to drink her fruit juice. She always enjoys the fruit juice as sweetness fruity taste splashes at her tongue before she gulps in , it always satisfies her taste buds. Drake had noticed she goes second round when it comes to the fruit juice, he also had taken notes that she tends to avoid food but prefers liquid diet more, this is exactly why he made it in away that the juice will only be passed to her if she had completed her meal, if not water will do just fine, the juice is the reward if she finishes her meal. Her breakfast contains with Strawberry peanut butter toast, a small bowl of chilled blueberry oat porridge and a small plate of mixed fruits. All healthy. She has her protein, vitamins, carbohydrate. He wants her to gain weight.

"for a pregnant woman, you lost allot of weight, it can be seen by your cheek bones." Thomas told looking at Symphony, he chose to communicate with her. In away he felt bad for her. She is after all carrying Drake's child, well everything changed the moment Serina is alive and the fact Symphony's father had nothing to do with it. It was a misunderstanding.

Symphony frowns at Thomas, she understands that Thomas is trying to communicate with her, Drake had explained to her he had searched the whole world for her, Thomas, Mark, Trey, Dwayne and many others had search for her. they never stopped until she was found. Symphony sighs answering him.

"It's the vomiting, a few months ago and my aunt, she had a regiment of work out to be done while I was in Amazon." She answers sighing. Drake curious to know of this work outs but chose to ask her when they were in private.

"sir, there is a parcel..." Roger came passing Drake the parcel.

" thank you,..." Drake grins, Symphony looking at Drake tearing out the parcel, what could it be.

" just what I Wanted..." Drake smiles looking at Symphony, Symphony eyes confused now.

'' Drake.." Thomas glaring at Drake now, knowing exactly what this is.

" Do you know what this is.." Drake asks his cold light blue eyes as the ocean staring at her. she shook her head frowning still. The thing looks mantellic and small. There was a button immediately it reopen to another tool which similarly looks like an orthotics device, something that will hold your calf and leg brace but it's more like a jewelry. Like a calf or a leg jewelry which hangs chains but it looks very light as well, he is holding it like it's a necklace.

He explained to Symphony the device is a type of a bondage gear and it's used to some of the prisoners if it is indeed of a necessary. Though the device is thin as light. But not to get fooled by its structure. Once it had been placed to someone it is very difficult to take it off, and even if you try it would be awfully painful. Each of this device is specifically custom made done for that person. The device will only response to its owner's finger, in this case Drakes and it can be only be used for Symphony. During the hospital check, Drake had ordered for a blood check, he took a little out of the tube , placing it in his own tube that he brought along and pass it to the maker who does this awful device. It also has a gps tracking system. The device is designed for Symphony using Symphony's blood for that very purpose. Once it had been worn, the device will control the movement of her leg just as how Drake wants it to be, if he touches a button from the leg jewelry like device, the device will halt making that the movement of her leg to halt as well and no matter how she tries she stays there until he touches the button again for allowing her leg to move, the gps that is already installed will detect him where she is, all times. Teach her a lesson to run away from him.

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