Chapter 9

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It has been a few days since the invite of Sir Edwards wedding. Sir Edwards wedding is not a joke. His older brother who is in the ministry had put allot of afford organizing the wedding. The wedding itself is held at the Uranus Palace, another word the palace of the sky.

The Uranus palace is so unique because it's the one of the four palaces which is built at the sky using gravity forces. It's also the home for the decedents of gods. The world of Lavendram is a very different world. The God and Goddess have a fair-minded relationship with the people of Lavendram, making the people of Lavendram loyal servants to the gods.

The decedents of gods are sent to Lavendram from the dimension God world known as Mount Serenity Paradise . Their job is to take responsibility to rule the world of Lavendram and to protect its people from evil until the next batch of offspring to take over the same responsibility. The decedents of gods' features as much as humans are but with added wings at their back and they are much larger in frame and of course with great source of powers.

They are also called as the guardians in Lavendram. That's why in the world of Lavendram although they have so many kings but the main rulers are the Guardians. Each City and Village has a bunch of knights who reports to the king, the King who reports to the ministry, the ministry reports to the Guardians but sometimes two or more cities or village can be over taken by a king, Fire Lord is one of them. There are two ways to become a king, one is by noble birth, and another is by a challenge or a fight to take over the kingdom.

It has been over a week since the invitation, Drake has called Symphony to his office and asked her to get ready to attend for the wedding.

"Is... is Ruby accompanying us to the wedding..." she ask hoping dreadfully he would say no,

"Of course" right, when was the lords ever on her side?

"But... but, you are invited, and as your wife I am too, Ruby do not have an official greeting for this event" Try to put on the math Drake, come on.

"It's been taken care off, she will be attending as my guest..." stupid Drake, why can't he see, this will ruin everything what Symphony has worked for.

"In that case... I prefer to stay here..." Symphony was gentle with her words, however her facial expression showed a different story. Drake leaned back from his chair, rubbing his chin.

"You will be attending this wedding...that's an order" Drake replies looking at her. The wedding is held on the day after tomorrow, they have to leave tomorrow, the Uranus Palace is not a near journey, and it will take a day and a half to reach there.

"I would not be attending this wedding..." she told shaking her head looking at him, he sees that as cute and He really wanted to hear her explanations for that.

"And may I ask why..." Symphony gulp, biting her bottom lips,

"I.... I am having my period, I am bleeding... the Uranus Palace is a sacred place.. I, I sadly could not attend it's premises with my condition, I am currently not clean..." she says blinking and gulping couple of times knowing really well of what she is saying biting her bottom lips.

"Really, than prove it to me" Drake is not a foolish men, he can sense that she is lying, is not often that she lies, if Drake was not mistaken this is her first attempt of directly lying to him, but she is failing miserably though.

"prove... what prove..." she asks petrified clearly seen in her eyes, she is cute when she got caught doing something wrong and Drake guessed she is even going to be more cuter when he is going to further punish her for lying to him, Thinking about that just makes Drakes cock aches, he can't help it but somehow seeing her helpless under his mercy makes him want to fuck her even more, it does things to him which he can't really explain.

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