Chapter 22

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Chapter 22
A/N. As you know unedited be warned.

It has been two weeks since that day Drake had Left Symphony under Dwayne's care, Dwayne's house is more like a huge wooden double floored chalet material, very beautiful with bunch of colorful roses and jasmines planted around it outside. Especially the view outside is very tropical and beautiful. The Valkarian city island is something like the queendom of Amazon. But in Amazon the place is more of forestry type with huge waterfalls and mountains while the Valkarian city island is more of a combination of city and island and green huge hill tops all together with the sea side. Modern huge skyscrapers are built everywhere at the city side but at the same time warmly wooden huge chalet likes are also built near the beach areas. Dwayne chooses to buy a huge chalet on sea view just like his parents while Jacklyn and Cole however bought a place at one of the skyscrapers which is closer to Cole's infirmary at the city side that he is currently working in.

Just as Drake had asked her, Symphony behaved well. She helped Seetha as much as she could. She was hardly a trouble to Dwayne. she always did what Dwayne ask of her to do. Dwayne find the girl quite helpful to Seetha. He knows she is brought up from a noble family. Took him by surprise how she's always obedient always helpful , respectful and always kind with the few words she chooses to speak. Dwayne can't help but to notice what a good girl she is and can't help but starting to grow attach to her although he doesn't show's it much.

"I find you make a perfect nurse for me..." Cole said, they are at the dining table.

"and I will kill myself being a nurse.... " which made everyone at the table to laugh.

"It's just one-time thing I helped you with your patients, can't believe you want me to work with you forever"

" why not, that way you can be closer by myside " Cole says drinking his wine

"no thank you..." Jacklyn roles her eyes laughing sarcasticly, shaking her head. Jacklyn works as a trainer at the troop. She likes handling children. Teaching them how to fight. she likes being a teacher. She is Raksha's teacher.

" Honey, Cole just wanted you to be close with him and Cole are you sure , you're already handling her at home, at work place too, don't you want to relax.." that was Jacklyn's father who said it, her mother hitting on his arm. Everyone started to laugh at this even Jacklyn. She glares at her father first but couldn't help but to laugh at that. Her father always making jokes.
" oh But... you must listen to your husband, he knows what is best for you ..." That was Seetha's father who shared his opinion.

" see.." Cole smirked at Jacklyn's glare. Plastering a smile she looks at Seetha's father.

"In time Mr. Dasharatha" Jacklyn replied politely smiling although hated that statement. He is from Sunscript valley, they are very traditional there, she respects Seetha so she respects her father. She knows he meant no bad intentions. Whenever Seetha's parents come over to visit them, he'll brings along varieties of tropical fruits and sweets done by them for all of them. Not only for Seetha and Dwayne, but for Jacklyn and Cole and her parents too. She always sees them as good and humble people. They are kind a unique on their own way, they believe in Karma they believe in Yoga , calm and peace.

" oh dessert time, let me get all of your plates.. " Seetha got up holding her stomach only to be stopped by Symphony.

" oh no please... let me do it..." Symphony politely said quickly started by getting all of their plates.

" I'll help.." Raksha offers getting up too. Raksha isn't really the type to accept with just anyone in his life, but something about Symphony he likes. Of course, at the very first he was rude and didn't care of her but when he saw how helpful she was with his sister and she never lets Seetha to practically do anything herself, sweeping to moping to breakfast to dinner, Symphony seems to be always there helping Seetha up. and he respects that from her. He did hear something about she's Dwayne's friend's wife and she is currently under Dwayne's care. But the truth Symphony is more here to be a help to Seetha, especially she's almost due any time soon.

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