Chapter 11

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Symphony laughs shyly... "My lord, I'm bad in dancing, I am not even good at it..." she says shyly looking at Demeter who seemed to take the lead smirking at her.

"You seemed fine dancing with the great all to famous fire lord than" He said winking at her

"he is my uncle.." she replied, again the touch of her skin, Demeter get to see a part of her life in his visions of how close she is with Christof, He saw her as a baby when Christof had hold her feeding the milk bottle in his arm and then he again saw a glimpse of her at Christof's coronation, yes they were close. Demeter smiles at her and waltzes with her.

Drake on the other hand wasn't at all happy of this, he stopped dancing with Ruby the moment his eyes landed on her dancing with Demeter. He didn't like this one bit. He walked straight towards them. Where Symphony seems to be enjoying dancing laughing, Ruby staring at the back of Drake like a lost puppy. She was even more confused witnessing Symphony with Lord Demeter's arms. This upsets Ruby, everyone seems to be very interested of Symphony the cow, no one seems to be interested on her.

"Mind I" he tapped Demeter glaring at him, Symphony was shocked of his behaviour little did Symphony knows nothing fears Drake, not even God, But then again he is a god for crying out sake Demeter is a God, for the love of god, show him some respect.

It only amuses Demeter more looking at Drake, in a cruel way Drake reactions had entertained him.

Drake Pulls Symphony's arm towards him which causes her to wince.

He pulls away Symphony from Demeter placing his hand around her waist he started to sway with her as the music flows.

"Having fun I see..." Drake said tightening his grip over her hips which cause her to wince in pain. She glared at him biting her bottom lip looking up at him.

''I did had fun, Lord Demeter was keeping me company ...." Symphony tries to pull away from him, but with Drake that is a useless attempt.

"Really, How sad it is that I cut your little dance ..." he asks griping her tightly again, she hates it, his grip, it pains her. She winces feeling trapped.

" yes indeed, it was very sad.." she answers wincing trying her best to get away from him.

"We're going back home" he said griping her wrist harshly pulling her with him.

"Drake allow me to say farewell to my Uncle.. Drake Please... it's a sign of respect "She pleaded telling her reasons following his speed. Trying to pry his grip over her hand. He stops and glares at her and that made her to shut up looking down following his steps.

" it's time to go.." He tells reaching to Ruby.

"Go! Where? What..? This soon..." Ruby glares at Symphony her acquisition look towards her, Symphony's glare towards Ruby was mutual.

Drake walks in front pulling Symphony with him, Ruby following at their speed. The moment they reach the gateways a leave was waiting for them there followed by a coordinator who is checking them out.

Morpheous, God of mountains and his wife Maia goddess of the ocean was there. Morphous is fair skinned with blue eyes and black haired with Red Robin type wings at the back of him while Maia has light blue skin and light green hair, she is very glitter stars all over her and has light green eyes, stars and pearls decorates on her hair, Maia's wings are in blue color kind of like a sparrow's wings. They kneels as the respect of gods and once the gods nods they arise.

"Please sir and madam, the leave can only carry two in one trip "the coordinator told.

"Drake please, I'm terrified of this..." Ruby immediately tells.

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