Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The next day Drake went for his run early in the woods, he felt a harsh push he stopped his phase frowning smirking looking at the little daredevil herself running at the front of him, he laughed catching up with Lucinda's speed.

"you're fast, but not fast enough" beating Lucinda in the race. At least he thought he did, when he reached the campsite, Lucinda is already there taking a breath laying on the field laughing laying down, she tilted her head and smirked at him.

"took you long enough..." she told

" you cheated.." Drake is sure she took the nearer exit to get here fast. She used the short cut no doubt.

" I did not..." she protested than smirked at him

" If you choose the long run , it's not me..." she stated, Drake laughs shaking his head at her laying down beside her looking at the sky above. It was so blue, with beautiful bird type creatures flying around.

" so when is your little lady be finish with breakfast..." Lucinda mocks looking at the sky. Drake doesn't like Symphony to be treated this way by his friends. For some reason this few days changed him, He didn't liked it, she is his wife, it's not fair for him. Than again Serina, He understands their reason to be this way. He decided not to reply her.

" Oii, Breakfast is ready.. Come on.." Shouted a voice, both stare at the heavy pregnant women holding her hip who yelled 'oii' to them. Lucinda and Drake stare at each other before laughing at each other of the scene, Drake got up first showing his hand to Lucinda, she took it and he pulled her up.

At the wooden table, there were berries, fruits, bread, oat porridge, nuts, maple syrup, smootiesy and fresh orange juice. Yes breakfast was indeed ready. Symphony has done a great job as always.

"you have a sister or something "Stephan asks Symphony, who laughs shaking her head at him, placing food on her plate. Drake glares at Stephan for talking to her.

" I have two ..." She answers, taking her plate filled with toast and jam and some berries

"what! somethings? "

" nooooo, sisters..." Symphony answers and laughs smiling back at the smirking Stephan. , He helped her to arrange the table and can't stop complimenting her of her food that she had made. she walked away from the table to seat on the huge bench like log near the campfire, she's starving.

Drake never really seen her laugh before looks at her frowning. Stephan smirks at the girl. He really does likes her, she's a good girl, very disciplined and hardworking.

"you sure...because I really want to marry one of your sisters than, just look at this, these smells amazing, ." Stephan complimented with his heavy accent again she laughs at Stephan reaching the huge log alike . Which makes Drake to notice her laugh, this were the very few times he had ever seen her laughing.  He can't help but to find Stephan is the cause of it irritating. It should have been him. Her husband not Stephan. At least Mark he doesn't cares Stephan it bugs him.

After filling his own plate, Stephan immediately following at the back of her to join her.

" Stephan,.." Drake yelled which caused him to stop on his track, the others all shocked looking at the scene at the table.

" what.." he answers looking at Drake shocked himself .

" why don't you join here at the table with the clan " Drake doesn't like Stephan being close with Symphony at all. Lucinda nods with Drake's sensible words.

" awe so sweet of you Drake, but some other time perhaps, I wish to ask of her sisters more, she has two, besides I chose to seat beside her , she cooked and its not fair she seats aside there like a dog would while we seat at the table ...." Burnnn, that burned Drake allot, he couldn't even face it. Stephan words burned him. Did he really treat her as a dog? Most of them couldn't even digest that word, nobody thought her as a dog, why would Stephan bring up such words. Seetha looking down at the plate now, feeling upset.

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