Chapter 31

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Spencer's POV
I crawled into bed after getting my laptop from my drawer. I opened it and went on Skype to see all of my friends were online and video chatting. I joined the call ready to spill.

"Hey guys" I greeted as I got comfy in my bed. " oh my god, you'll never guess what... Toby is moving in my house for a while. How weird will that be. My boyfriend moving in my house when we're trying to keep this relationship a secret. Jason doesn't even know about us" I explained.

"You can come stay at mine if you want. We can have a girly night and eat loads of candy." Hanna offered.

"I wish I could but I've just got home so I'm gonna to sleep in my own bed in ages... anyways, I've gotta go. I'm so tired, I only came on here to tell you this. Night guys love ya!"

"Love you too" the girls said in unison.

Toby's POV
Jason and I sat downstairs playing on his Xbox. I really wanted to hang out with spencer instead now that we're dating.

"Jason. I need to pee. I'll be right back" I went upstairs to the toilet and before going back downstairs, I debated whether to go check on Spencer. I saw a dim light coming from under her bedroom door so I crept in.

"Hey" i whispered, I walked in and sat on the edge of her bed.

"So how comes your moving in" she asked closing her laptop.

"Me and Jason went back to my house earlier and of course my parents were drunk. My dad flipped out saying that it was my fault I went missing and that i should've stayed there.. Then he threw his beer bottle at me" I answered feeling ashamed of what is my so called family.

She opened her arms and I leaned down into her embrace. I felt tears coming to the surface of my eye lids and it almost seemed impossible to hold them back. I closed my eyes allowing the tears to trickle down my cheeks.

"It's okay Tobes, let it all out" she whispered rubbing my back. I began to sob burying my head in her neck.

"I don't usually cry. I keep it in" I mumbled. I didn't want her to see me as being weak. I wanted her to know I was strong. So that she knew that I can handle tough situations.

"Then you've been holding it in for too long. It's okay to not be okay"

She wrapped her arms around me and for a couple minutes, I continued to cry while spilling all my problems. I began to calm down and I pulled away. She placed a hand on my cheek rubbing away a tear.

"Do you wanna stay in with me tonight" she asked.

"I'll be okay, Jason is probably wondering what I'm doing. Good night Spence. Thank you for being there for me. I'm glad I having someone as amazing as you to call my girlfriend, even if I can't in public"

"We can tell people after all the drama about me and you going missing dies down otherwise all people will be talking about is us. Now get back to Jason. And remember, if you ever need a place to call home, you've got one right here." She smiled. I kissed her cheek and left with a smile. I closed her door and went back to Jason.

-:- 2 weeks later -:-

Spencer's POV
It was the day I was going back to school. My parents gave me and Toby two weeks of go get back to sleeping properly and to let things calm down a bit.

During the two weeks, Toby and I had been left home alone all the time since my parents were out on business most the time. We spent it secretly laying in bed together and binge watching Netflix series and just chilling. Only the girls knew about our relationship. I told my parents nothing was going on between me and Toby otherwise he wouldn't of been able to stay.

"You ready to do this" I asked Toby as we sat down for breakfast. He nodded his head taking the last bite into his slice of toast.

"Let's go" he said. We got into my car and I drove to school. We braced ourselves when I pulled into the parking lot. I felt nervous about what people would say. Jason told us that there were rumours that we jumped off the boat for attention.

We walked to the entrance and instantly people turned around to look at us then started whispering. It was like the type of thing that would happen in a movie.

"Just ignore it. I'll walk you to lesson then come find me at lunch and we can eat together outside" Toby told me.

I was about to walk into my first period when a bunch of girls began to talk to me.

"Is it true you jumped off the boat so that you'd get noticed more. That's what people are saying. Oh and did you seriously do it to see who would save you because is so, that's just low" some girl said. I rolled my eyes and turned away when they pulled me back.

"Someone said you staged the whole thing. You just slept in a different room and didn't come out. That's so pathetic" her friend chuckled before giving me a dirty look.

"Now, why don't you shut the hell up and back away before I show you what how hard my hand can smack you round the face" I yelled.

"Come on then, show us what you've got." This irrelevant girl challenged. I stepped forward ready to start the fight until I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me back, it was Toby.

"She's not worth it. Let's go" he said taking my hand and leading me to the principals office.

When we got there, we knocked on the door before entering.

"Sorry to disturb you sir but is there anyway you could get people to stop talking about us" Toby asked him. I stood next to him as the principal thought for a minute.

"I'm afraid not but you tow can work separate to your other classes. I'll allow you to work in the detention room for a while if you want" he offered.

"Okay, thank you sir" I answered.

The rest of the day went really quickly for Toby and I. When we arrived back home, Jason was still out so me and toby decided to hang out in the garden. When we got there, I saw someone totally unexpected....

Who do you think it is!

Soccer and cheerleading: spoby styleWhere stories live. Discover now