Decorating 48 Ainsworth Rise

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December 8

Sherlock got out of the cab first, reaching in for Rosie as John paid the cabbie. Susanna had invited them to help put up Christmas decor that evening and since she'd helped John and Missus Hudson decorate 221B to surprise Rosie, they'd accepted. Sherlock was going to use the opportunity to ascertain a few bits of information he required, as well as keep Susanna from straining herself while hanging things up; "She is vertically challenged, John! I can't have her injuring herself because she couldn't safely reach the perfect spot on the wall". John had found this amusing.

They walked into the lobby and found it to be done up for the holiday season; Christmas, Hanukkah and even Kwanzaa decorations were spread about. Susanna had said that they had a diverse population in residence and it especially showed now. Zella waved at them from the desk, "Hello, boys! You here to help Susie decorate?"

"Yes we are." John answered.

"Oh, good! She's been running around decorating everywhere she can and needs the help! Oh, take these up for her?" She held up a stack of envelopes and a couple small packages. Sherlock took them and nodded.

"Of course, Zella."

"Ta!" She said brightly and they walked to the elevator. Rosie toddled between them while holding John's hand, amazed at the decor.

"Pwetty, Daddy!"

"Yes, Rosie. Very festive and pretty." John replied. Rosie giggled and tugged on Sherlock's coattail.

"Yes, Rosie?" He asked.

"Cold?" He shook his head.

"No, Rosie. Not cold." John chuckled to himself as Rosie then asked Sherlock a series of questions about his coat. She did it often and Sherlock never minded, but it was amusing to watch the detective so gentle and caring with Rosie. With any human being, actually.

"We see Zuzu?" She asked as the doors opened.

"Yes, Rosie. We're going to help her decorate." John prodded her off the lift and Sherlock followed.

They reached 48 and knocked a couple times. Susanna answered quite quickly, beaming at them, "Hey! Come on in!" They entered and found five hefty boxes in the living room.

"I hope you didn't push yourself retrieving those, Susanna." Sherlock remarked.

"I'm fine, they're not that heavy, darling." She reached up and they shared a chaste kiss.

"So, where shall we start?" John asked.

"Well, the tree needs to go up first. It's an artificial one so we just have to put the segments together." She explained, gesturing to the longest of the five boxes as Ziva came tumbling down the hallway. She'd grown quite well and while still a kitten, she easily matched others of her age group despite being the runt.

"Cat!!" Rosie squealed. Ziva averted and ran under the chaise as the little girl reached. John gently pulled her back.

"Please don't run after Ziva, Rosie. She doesn't like being chased or grabbed at." Susanna explained, dropping to Rosie's level. The girl nodded.

"Okay..." She mourned. Susanna smiled and took her by the hand.

"I made some cookies. Come on."

"Oi! Susanna!" John protested weakly.

"Oh let her have a couple, John. They're small and the sugar content isn't going to make her too hyper."

Sherlock chuckled deeply at his best friend's expression. John relented, "Alright, but only two!"

"Great!" Susanna swooped Rosie up and into the kitchenette they went. Sherlock looked after his girlfriend and then bent down to open the tree box.

"Should be easy enough to put together. It's no taller than you." Sherlock murmured to John as he opened the box. John almost commented on Sherlock's note about height, but let it drop.

"Okay then." They lifted out the three segments as Susanna returned with Rosie, who had a cookie in each hand and a crumb-topped grin on her face.

"You gave her three cookies." John playfully bemoaned.

"She couldn't decide on whether she wanted a Santa hat, Snowman or a Reindeer," Susanna explained and set the young girl back down, "You didn't have to start without me-"

"Nonsense, Zella told on you downstairs, Love," Sherlock replied, "I deduce that this fiberoptic tree is twelve years old and that despite being artificial, it sheds like a live one." He shook off some of the green vinyl needles from his coat.

"Yeah, I'm surprised it's lasted so long. Now, please go take off your coats and shoes." She reminded. John and Sherlock nodded, quickly complying. Susanna took off little Rosie's coat and hat.

Together they put up the tree and while Susanna and Rosie arranged the flexible wire limbs, John rummaged through the boxes and Sherlock snuck a few sweeties from the kitchenette before joining his best friend. John snickered, "Moron. I thought you didn't like sweet things, or food in general."

"Shut up, John." The doctor's grin only widened.

Brooklyn arrived a half an hour later as the tree was arranged and plugged in, emitting rainbows of light from thin plastic wires, and set to be decorated. Then Sherlock and John watched the three girls enter a zone of complete concentration. Once the most sentimental ornaments had been placed, Susanna flitted between the tree and the rest of the flat. Brooklyn and Rosie stayed near the tree and the London duo tailed Susanna, helping her put up lights and other decor. Ziva came out and padded behind her Fur-Mom, mewling in curiosity and getting into everything she could.

Before long the flat was done and Susannna let Rosie put the Angel on top of the tree, finishing it off. Then she brought out the refreshments, including hot cocoa with peppermint and several cookies, and blasted Holiday music while chatting and laughing. Brooklyn took the love seat, Susanna cuddled up with Sherlock on the chaise and Ziva climbed up into her lap. Rosie was drowsy, so John kept her on his lap in "Sherlock's Chair".

Sherlock tapped on Susanna's elbow, "Love?"


"You are perhaps the most festive person I know." She giggled.

"I'll take that as a compliment," She kissed his cheek and leaned into him. Ziva clambered onto his lap and he obliged the kitten, " Thanks for helping."

"Of course."

Thank you for reading!!

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