The (Stressful) Mall Visit [II]

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Rosie moved from the display and reached for her nanny, who fell to her knees, dropped her shopping bags and pulled the little girl tightly to her body, pressing a kiss to her forehead and then checking her over, "Rosie, are you okay? Your Daddy and Uncle are worried sick!"

"'A man said he'd get the toy for me!" Susanna felt her blood run cold. She stood up and planted Rosie on her hip, grabbing her phone.

"Where is he, Rosie?" She asked while texting the boys.

I've got Rosie! Found her in the first toy store near the train display. She's alright if not frightened. She says a man took her. He can't be far. -SM

"Over thewe?" Rosie pointed towards the register, "With the others. I got here."

Susanna looked and braced to confront Rosie's abductors. Three men were circled around near the register and the door to the stockroom. Another little girl and a little boy were being entertained with toys and mostly guarded from view.

They've got two other children. They're operating from this store. Rosie, it seems, was able to stay near the display once brought here. -SM

Her phone lit up.

Thank goodness she's okay! We're en route! -JW

There have been multiple reports of children being abducted or lost in the mall near that toy store in the past week. Do NOT confront the Traffickers! Scotland Yard is enclosing and the mall is locked down. - SH

"Is Daddy coming?"

"Yes, Rosie. They're on their way," The three men then turned and noticed that Susanna was holding Rosie, "Which one took you?" She whispered.

"Tall one."

Susanna locked gazes with the "tall one"- a spindly guy perhaps only eighteen with a mop of black hair and crow-like eyes.

They see me. -SM

Sherlock and John ran down the mall corridor with a sense of dire urgency, that had not been felt in months, giving them extra speed. John was steeling himself for a confrontation- radiating with kindled anger and fear. His whole frame exuded the readiness of a soldier to fight for his daughter's safety. Sherlock wasn't nearly as obvious but he was more than ready to teach the traffickers a lesson- Holmes style.

They skidded into the toy shop as Police walked out with three men in cuffs. John and Sherlock ignored them and sought out Susanna and Rosie. The former had gathered the children into a tight circle. John breathed in relief, "Rosie!"

"Daddy!" The doctor dropped and swept his daughter up into his embrace, "Daddy!"

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" He asked.

"Zuzu found me!"

"That she did," He kissed Rosie's temple and held onto her tightly, "Thank you, Susanna."

"Are you alright, Love?" Sherlock questioned once he'd assessed Rosie and the other victims. Susanna nodded.

"Yes. I'm fine. I had to confront the traffickers but the police arrived shortly after," Susanna exhaled, "Not what I had expected for a mall visit but at least we caught the men."


John, needless to say, refused to let go of Rosie and Susanna made sure that the two other children were safely reunited with their families. Sherlock took care of the police business and afterwards, the four opted to promptly return to Baker Street.

John immediately carried Rosie, who'd fallen asleep in the taxi, and their goodies upstairs. Susanna collected her things and left Sherlock with a few kisses before going home. The detective fell into his chair and gripped the arms as John walked in. The doctor sighed, "So... did you get what you wanted, Sherlock?"

"Enough, I suppose. She went running when we got your text about Rosie." John nodded and sat down across from his friend.

"So you're really going to ask her, Sherlock? After all these years of saying that sentiment is a disadvantage and a weakness?"

"I thought you wanted me to become a completed human being, John?"

"Yes, but I didn't think you'd be so quick to want to marry anyone. Ever."

"I've lived long enough and have been entangled with enough women to know what I do and do not like. Susanna is the only woman whom I've ever considered marrying and I severely doubt I would find another."

"... Janine?"

"That was for Magnussen, John." Sherlock grunted.

"Well, mate, all I can say is that I think you and Susanna are perfect for each other."

"But do you know?"

"I'm pretty sure that Susanna is the one for you if there ever was one."

Sherlock half-smiled, "Quite."

Thank you for reading!

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