An Icy Lover's Walk

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December 21

Susanna stared at her lover, "What?"

"I thought it might be nice if we took a walk around London."

"But you said thirty minutes ago that you weren't going back outside because it's too cold."

"No I didn't-"

"Yes you did." She finished and looked back at her laptop. John stifled a chuckle, seeing Sherlock's desperate expression. The detective had been trying all day to get his lady love to either view a selection of rings online or to extract her preferences with carefully worded questions. He hadn't gotten much because she was focused on the Rosie Log and setting up her calendar for the Holidays.

Sherlock had an impulse to forcibly remove the laptop but knew it'd make her upset and tip her off about his intentions, "So you don't want to go for a walk, Love?"

She sighed and closed her laptop, "I do, Sherlock. I was just yanking your chain."

"Excellent," Sherlock brightened and pulled her to her feet, "Come along then." Susanna smiled and packed away her laptop. Sherlock retrieved her coat and helped her put it on. She pulled her scarf and gloves out and as she put them on, Sherlock donned his own.

"Be careful, the sidewalks are slick with ice." John said as Sherlock nudged his lover out of the flat.

"Of course, John."

The couple got outside and started at a brisk walk. Sherlock reached for her hand once he'd mapped out the best route to a Jewellers where she wouldn't catch on. Hopefully. He had to walk on metaphorical eggshells around her, knowing that if she got the slightest inkling then she would figure it out.

Susanna threaded her fingers through his and hummed, "Fall and Winter are my favorite seasons."

"But you're a native Floridian."

"True. But Fall and Winter are still my favorites."

Sherlock pulled her closer as they approached a crowd of tourists, then pushed her behind him as they wove through them. He kept his head down to avoid any possible recognition, as he had gained international fame as the Hat Detective and didn't want to deal with fans. Especially when he was out with Susanna.

They got through the group and Susanna skipped to catch up with Sherlock's long strides. He chuckled, "Careful, Love, or you might slip."

"I'm fine, Sherlock," He still kept a tight grip and she smiled, "Did you just need some fresh air or are we going somewhere?" Luckily she didn't have a clear view of his face.

"We rarely take walks together, Love. I thought one might be nice."

"Ah." She fell into step with him and leaned her head on his forearm. Sherlock slowed down and they walked at a more leisurely pace.

At about the halfway mark to the Jewellers, Sherlock's phone buzzed. He sighed and took it out.

We've got a triple homicide. -GL

He inwardly grunted. If I ever get to figure out Susanna's ring preference, "Lestrade needs me. Triple homicide."

"Where? I'll be more than happy to wait while you take a look."

Lestrade texted the location, "Just a few blocks away. Come on, then."


That ruins my plans. Again.

They got to the crime scene and Sherlock lifted the tape for Susanna. She passed through and found a spot to stand near the Forensics Van, out of the way. Sherlock gave her a brisk smile before he approached the DI and the three bodies.

He channeled his agitation by deducing the case to death, somewhat surprising Lestrade and Donovan with his cut and dry handling of the case that was reminiscent of when he'd first started working with Lestrade.

Sherlock finished up and gave Lestrade his verbal report. The latter decided not to say anything about his behavior and gave Donovan and Andersen a look that warned them against teasing the detective, "Thanks, Sherlock... I hope I didn't disrupt a date between the two of you."

"Not at all, Lestrade. We were just out on a walk when you texted." Lestrade sighed and stepped close to the detective.

"It's alright to not come when you're with Susanna, Sherlock." He said lowly.

"England might fall if I don't keep Andersen and Donovan from screwing up cases."

Lestrade laughed, "Perhaps, but its unlikely, Sherlock."

The brunette gave a sparse smile and exhaled, "Well then, I'd best be off before Susanna catches cold."

"Yeah, alright. Stay safe on the sidewalks-"

"They're slick with ice, yes I know." Sherlock turned to leave.

"And next time, if you're out with Susanna you can just tell me that you're busy." Lestrade reminded. Sherlock nodded.

"Very well, Gary." The DI rolled his eyes and the detective met Susanna at the yellow tape.

She sighed, "I never tire of watching you solve cases, Sherlock."

He smirked and lifted the tape for her, following once she had passed under, "I hope you didn't get too terribly cold waiting." He took the lead, head swiveling and mind racing to assess his options.

"I'm fine, Sherlock." Not a second later her heeled boot planted and slid on a patch of black ice. She couldn't right herself, and ended up wiping out on the icy asphalt, flat on her back. Her head hit the ground last.

Sherlock heard the thunk and whipped around, "Susanna?" She was staring up at the gray sky, limbs splayed out. He knelt down next to her, "Susanna, are you okay?!"

"Yeah. Just got the wind knocked out of me," He slipped his hand under her head and felt for any bumps or gashes. Luckily there were none, so he cradled her head enough to lift it off the pavement, "I'm fine. Just let me catch my breath."

Sherlock breathed out and allowed his heart to slow down, relieved that the fall was only minor. As she slowly sat up he tsked, "John will have a look at you back at the flat."


"Don't." She relented and he helped her up to her feet. This time he slipped his arm protectively around her waist and guided her to the curb for a Taxi, ready to hold her steady if she faltered again. Lestrade and Andersen, who'd seen the whole thing, chuckled to themselves.

Thank you for reading!

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