* Voldemort's Daughter

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Now this one cliche has already been adopted by J.K Rowling and applied in the Cursed Child. But even before, Voldemort's daughter plot had been quite famous among readers with about 13.3 K fanfics on Wattpad.

Also, how many of you agree that Cursed Child destroyed all our expectations from it in one severe blow by revealing Delphi's character and Harry's confused parent version? 

My cousin bought it as soon as it was available in the book stores in our city and read it in one night hoping it would be exactly what she had expected. And by the time I asked her how her experience went with it, I'll use this gif to explain her reaction below:

 And by the time I asked her how her experience went with it, I'll use this gif to explain her reaction below:

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But enough of the chatter, let's get down to the discussion.

There are usually two types of Voldemort's daughter stories:

a) The daughter is an OC.

b) Or Hermione is secretly Voldemort's daughter.

So first we will discuss the OC stories, then the Plot facts of Hermione Riddle stories and then finally the effects on characters of both stories will be merged together

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So first we will discuss the OC stories, then the Plot facts of Hermione Riddle stories and then finally the effects on characters of both stories will be merged together.

OC's Personality and Plot Facts:

1. Since the OC is Voldemort's daughter, it is to be expected that she will be as evil, vile, genius, mastermind and cunning person as he was. Or in some cases she is the most beautiful soul ever to grace the Earth.

[Okay, the first part of this point is understandable but I seriously can't get the concept behind the latter. How can Voldymouldy's daughter be an innocent little creature who runs carelessly through the meadows with a swarm of butterflies following her? I do believe that this daughter could be a decent fellow if she was kept away from her father and his influence on her, but in most stories the OC is living with her Dad and witnessing his cruel ways. But instead of adopting his traits she turns out to be the complete opposite].

2. Also she takes after Tom Riddle in the case of good looks and intellect.

[I don't have a clear idea on how Horcruxes work exactly but it is stated in the books that they affect a person on many levels. Tearing someone's soul apart from the body can result in physical disfigurement and dehumanisation. I don't know if it's possible but maybe it could also affect whatever off-spring the Horcrux maker was going to have. P.S it could make an interesting plot].

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