* Character Development

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Now this is a technique used for character development.

Interviewing your characters is not exactly the interview you would do with a normal living person but still it is a great way of getting your character's personalities clear so that you won't have any problem writing about them.

Personally, I create a sort of Wiki format for my OCs Which looks pretty much like this:

Full Name:

Also Known As:






Hair color:

Eye color:

Skin color:

Face Claim:

Current Status (alive/dead):

Family Information:




Early Life:

Later Life:

Physical Appearance:

Personality And Traits:

Abilities And Skills:


And then I fill all these categories like you fill a form and when I am done, I have this clear outlook on who my character is, what is his/her personality and how he/she should be best portrayed.

It not only helps in character development but also gives an outline for the story and that helps a lot while writing. Whenever stuck in any chapter or whenever I'm unsure of how said character should respond/react, I simply go through this form and trust me, it helps.


The most difficult thing which hinders your writing process, is perfectly portraying your character's personality.

The personality of a character should be unique just as it is with people in real life. There are about 16 types of personalities according to Carl Jung and Meyer Brigg's researches listed as follows:

INTJ [Architect]: They are imaginative and strategic thinkers with a plan for everything.

INTP [Logician]: Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.

ENTJ [Commander]: Bold, imaginative and strong willed leader, always finding a way or making one.

ENTP [Debator]: Smart and curious thinkers who can not resist an intellectual challenge.

INFJ [Advocate]: Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.

INFP [Mediator]: Poetic, kind and altruistic people,always eager to help a good cause.

ENFJ [Protagonist]: Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners.

ENFP [Campaigner]: Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile.

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