DON'T NO 20: Romanticizing

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Like I have already mentioned in Don't no 15, romanticizing is a big problem whether it is for any disorder or for other cases like self harm, abuse etc.

But I had to make a separate chapter for it because the number of such fanfics (or books in general) has been increasing day by day.

Well, first let me tell you what romanticize means. The literal definition of the word is as follows:

"To think about or describe something as being better or more attractive or interesting than it really is: to show, describe, or think about something in a romantic way."

See, even in the definition it is clearly stated being better or attractive than it really is. Which means that it isn't that ideal as it is being portrayed.

Now obviously, the first question that rises in our minds is that why did romanticizing become so popular in the first place given that it is unrealistic?

The answer to that is very simple.

These days people have access to everything, the society is more open about stuff than it used to be and everyone gets their right to express whatever they want to. Basically, people take part more openly today as compared to their involvement in the past.

And ever since these interactive people found out about how other people suffer from depression/anxiety etc and other disorders or painful factors, they took it upon themselves to give their own opinions regarding such matters and also be positive about it. But what happened was them taking positive too far such that the actual reason for which they rose their voice was abandoned and thus the monster of Romanticizing was born.

 But what happened was them taking positive too far such that the actual reason for which they rose their voice was abandoned and thus the monster of Romanticizing was born

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Yeah, it was born with good intentions. But it all took a rather negative spin on the society.

How, you will ask?

For example, let's consider depression. A lot of people suffer from depression and it is that disorder which is mentioned a lot in literature. People started to write about depression in order to give representation to people who were suffering from depression. Then the writers began to portray depression like it wasn't a very doleful thing and it was okay to depressed. I know they had good intentions but they all ended up romanticizing it which made people who weren't having depression become attracted to it.

And that is as worse as it can get. People began to think that they were depressed and that it was cool. A lot many teenagers would cut themselves claiming they were emo/depressed. Despite the fact that being emo isn't quite literally being depressed, but whatever, people became attracted to depression.


Similarly there are many aspects in literature which are romanticized by author, the foremost being mental/health disorders for example anorexia, depression etc. Then comes self harm and abusive relationships and then is the case of other factors such as war, addiction, drugs etc.

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