DON'T NO 1: Mary Sues

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Of course this had to be the Don't no 1, the ultimate character which can destroy your whole fanfic regardless of the plot or concept in just a matter of seconds.

What exactly is a Mary Sue?

A Mary Sue (if female) or Marty Stu (if male) is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character. Often this character is recognized as an author insert or wish fulfillment. Sometimes the name is reserved only for women; but more often the name is used for both sexes.

[Definition credits go to Wikipedia].

Now let me tell you my own definition for a Mary Sue or Marty Stu.

In my opinion, a character whose nature is not identified clearly, has infinite powers (control on elements, telepathy, pathokinesis, thunder control etc etc), is highly emotional (cries on everything, sensitive to the point of 1000/10, whiny wimpy wailing brat), and still saves the day all the time.

Also, I'm not referring to the characters found in troll stories out of which you may have heard of My Immortal. No Ebony Darkness Dementia Ways are going to be the topic of discussion today. Even though the qualities of Troll characters and Mary Sues are quite similar, still I think troll characters are included for people to make fun of them while Mary Sues are those characters which are a bit cringeworthy but can be improved if only the authors are given correct guidance.

Character Infrastructure:

1. Is usually a love interest of any important canon character or a protegee of some sort (sibling, cousin, best friend) or both.

2. Is portrayed as the sweetest person to ever exist or rather the most innocent person to walk the earth.

3. Is described ravishingly. And by description, I meant physical description.

[Consider a few examples for instance,

Her eyes were like shining blue whirlpools of the ocean, glistening with the tears that had not yet spilled.


Her beautiful tresses were the flaming hue of the sunset, rippling down her back like a cascading fire fall.

And a lot other stuff like that].

4. Replaces either Hermione or Lily depending on the era the story focuses on.

5. Is unbelievably clingy and sensitive.

6. Will use a Summoning charm but it is going to be so damn powerful that the closest person dies from the force of it. 

7. Has undecided nature. Can be a witch, a werewolf, a Vampire, a fantastic beast, a siren, a fairy, a demigod, a Veela or literally all of them rolled into one.

8. In simple words, this character is the best of all people and everyone is extremely head over heels for her.


If you have the slightest suspicion that your character is a Mary Sue, then don't be anxious. It's something which happens to all of us authors and even though it is best if the suspicions are removed, still if you are able to regard your characters with criticism that only means that you are a justified writer in the making.

And trust me, justified writers make great best selling authors.

By that, I do not intend to say that your book will start getting massive reads, votes and comments in just a week. No. It requires time. But keep it in mind that what you are providing to the readers is quality material.

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