Open For Reviews

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Hi everyone, hope all of you are doing great. It's been a while since I last updated and I had closed this book for reviews. But since I have time these days and I really really need to find some awesome fanfictions, that's why I'm finally opening the review section again.

Any of you who are interested in submitting your fanfics for review are welcome to send the title and description of your story in my inbox.

I'll be taking all submissions for a limited time, that is until my University classes start. I'll notify here when the submissions close and will make sure to publish all the reviews as soon as I can.

To those who are new to this book, you will find the review section and the whole format right after this chapter. In that chapter I have explained how I review fanfictions. Rest assured, I try my best to offer constructive criticism and take into consideration both the positive and negative aspects of the story.

And last but not least, thanks to all of you lovely people who have read and supported this book. I'm really grateful to you all and wish you lots of success in life.

Have a wonderful day or night.

Love from,


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